Sunday, August 10, 2008

Knoxville, Tn - Call to Christian Arms..that's service, not guns!

Having raised the issue of why churches are not more progressive what answers or questions have you pondered? Christians do not have to be folks that run with both arms going in two directions and are feet going in other directions to be busy or affective in reaching folks for Christ. Actually, we need to be much more focused then that four minded unstable condition. The Bible encourages Christians to be focused and purposed in our actions, all the while consider His call on our lives and His will in view of our talents and skills.
Many of our churches today have become resting points in the midst of busy weeks, instead of planning and filling stations that direct us and empower individuals to make a difference where God has planted us. I am certain that honest folks sitting in the pews will agree with that statement while others will be offended and upset that anyone would even challenge their mission, ministries or activities. I guess I should point out that if that be your position you have already missed the point all together. The call to Christians to assemble is not at all about what we would want to do, but rather what Christ would have us to do. The call to our mission is about leading people to Jesus, and if we are honest as Christians and as a church, we are missing the mark daily in reaching lost people groups here within our own communities. Consider the fact that many churches do not even have children or youth ministries. Consider the mark we are missing. It’s not my words, but God’s Word that says we are suppose to train up a child in the admonition of the Lord, so when they grow old they will not stray. Who do we consider this responsibility to fall upon if not the church? Sure, it would be nice if parents were involved in their children’s lives, but can we wait around for someone else to get the message and not act now? Most adults do a great job of pointing out all the issues and problems teenagers are involved in or create, but what commitment have we made to provide a chance or opportunity for them to not just see, but learn of another way?
Our ministries are so filled with just busy time stuff, but why not focus on one family or two in a church that are dealing with the issue of drugs and begin the attempt to mentor, be a listening ear, provide a helping hand to these types of struggles and battles that we know exist within our neighbors? Honestly, I cannot think of a greater involvement for the church then to provide assistance and help in this area. I don’t know of a church that has not been affected by this issue, I only know churches that have taken no actions to address these concerns. It is hard to believe with all the public information about this problem why are churches still are not sponsoring meetings such as AA or some type of drug support system for those who desire to be free of such vices. After all, these vices would be those of the devil and why we would not want to set people free through the introduction of Jesus, His acceptance of them as they are, and introduction of His plan for their lives is really beyond my mind of thinking as a Christian. I wonder what the reaction would be if I placed a call to the drug court in our county and just asked, what churches provide any assistance to those involved in this program through the courts? Certainly there are some church members that are involved and even some churches that participate, but how effective would the program be if a united front for the cause of Christ was present?
Again, I am certain that some would believe this type of involvement would be to progressive and outside of the calling of Christ, but I cannot help but think of who it was He did reach out to in view of who most of us as Christians reach out to. His actions should be so challenging to us, why are we not doing more? What has happened inside our church walls that have caused us to keep most of the doors locked almost all of the time, and our community presence delegated to a sign on the side of the road and maybe a local cable advertisement that promotes the times we conduct our local services and meetings? The church shooting in Knoxville, Tennessee should be a wake up call. Review of the local newspaper of folks arrested and the citations written and the crimes charged with should be a wake up call. The family members and friends that we claim to love and care about should be a wake up call and a call to action, but maybe not.
It could be that our sense of pride would be destroyed if we helped those not like us. It could be our character might be called into question if we were seen offering support or being a friend to someone that we considered to be “in sin”.
Not sure what the reasons are we have not filed into a mighty marching army of Christians but we all know that hasn’t happened yet.

Until then

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