Wednesday, December 24, 2014

My First Christmas in Heaven

16 years ago in 1998 at the passing of my Grandfather Clarence Hobert Mills, a great friend of mine attempted to reach out and minister to me during his passing. He attempted to accomplish this by sending me the poem My First Christmas in Heaven. I had never seen the poem before, or heard it recited prior to this experience. The fact of its impact on my life is as such that this is year 16 for me to share it in my column as we celebrate this Christmas Season. Traditions are a very important of family activities and the loss of a family member is a big interruption to the which was easily predictable because of our loved ones presence. It is my prayer for each person that has lost a loved one in 2014 that this poem will bring the comfort I received when I read it for the very first time. I also pray that My First Christmas in Heaven will be an encouragement to you spiritually. I pray that your Christian Faith will be lifted from the burden of your loss so that you will see the love, mercy and grace that is extended by a loving Savior named Jesus Christ, who happens to also be my Lord. Heaven is a place of many unique characteristics. All pain and suffering is gone. All despair and lost hope is restored as your Christian faith becomes alive meeting the creator face to face. All your questions are immediately answered by simply walking through the gates of that City. The Bible says that we will be known as we are known. I can't imagine the reunions that take place when loved ones are reunited in a chorus of praise to Jesus Christ for his unspeakable gifts. Accept this poem this year, as a gift from Him. A gift of encouragement, a gift of love and a gift of hope and peace. Until then My First Christmas in Heaven, I see the countless Christmas Trees Around the world below, with tiny lights, like Heaven's Stars, reflecting on the snow The sight is so spectacular, please wipe away the tear, For I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year. I hear the many Christmas songs that people hold so dear, But the sounds of music can't compare with the Christmas choir up here I have no words to tell you, the joy their voices bring. For it is beyond description to hear the angels sing. I know how much you miss me, I see the pain inside your heart, but I am not so far away, we really aren't apart. So be happy for me, dear ones, you know I hold you dear and be glad I'm spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Christmas Countdown 2014

It is the final rush to Christmas...or should I say it is the countdown to Christmas! When I think of a holiday I often relate the thoughts of a holiday to a vacation. I might be the only person in America that does this, but I am thinking there are many that have the same mindset. The only negative part of this mind thought processing is that for most folks the Christmas holiday is no vacation. Actually as I am thinking vacation thoughts, most of the time when individuals and families go on vacations those days are filled with activities from sunrise to beyond sunset. This is not exactly my thoughts about a holiday or a vacation. Understanding the urgency of time is easy. Most often the issue with time arrives because when we had the opportunity to be productive we delayed by pushing back that which could be accomplished for another day. Now that the 'other day' has arrived it is easy to find folks trying to figure out if they are 'coming' or 'going'. We've all been there and we have all witnessed others who are caught up in the whirlwind too. It is much more enjoyable to be a witness to the chaos than a participant. I am not sure that I have any suggestions if you find yourself caught up in the wind at this stage in the Christmas countdown. The only advice I can share would be honest about the situation because truth is, the situation is what it is. Running out of time is never any fun unless you love the scramble and that was your plan all along. One of the challenges to the Christmas Holiday and to a perfect vacation is the disconnect. It might be possible from your experiences with medical physicians that you schedule an appointment, you arrive at your appointment and you are seen at your appointment time. I tend to believe that the average medical physician experience is an understanding that they have double and triple booked your appointment time and you will be seen but just not at your scheduled appointment hour. For many, this is a frustrating experience and the situation could be totally out of our control. One of the solutions to the busyness of life is making sure that we handle the things we are in control of and relay on the 'Serenity Prayer' for all things in-between and questioned. Learning to enjoy life has to do with learning to enjoy no plans or schedule at all. One of the ways to succeed at this is to make plans and finish the details as you have opportunity. For example I am a Christian. I realize many are not and many do not believe but I have found faith in Jesus Christ to be the answer for all my unanswered questions. There is an old hymn song that says "the old account was settled long ago". As my life relates to my faults, failures, and struggles, me and Jesus have settled my debt. In the deal He forgave me of all my sins. This truth I have discovered has given me the courage to live life with no plans and no schedule. Anyone that knows me personally would say that I live an organized and planned out life. I would agree, but there are times in life our plans are not the events we experience. Our planned schedule of activities in the future experience a change of plans and even venues that we have absolutely no control over. Early I mentioned in writing the word disconnect. Breaking away, separating from or being out of the loop is a challenge but it can also be a blessing. This Christmas Holiday or your moment of vacation could be just what is needed to give you the proper reconnection to the important things in life. Giving the perfect gift or securing that perfect requested item for a loved one or great friend can be very satisfying and appreciated. Giving what you have, giving yourself, the genuine you could also be the gift of a lifetime too. After all, that is what Jesus did. He gave His all and that gift has made all the difference. Until then

Friday, December 12, 2014

'Naughty' - 'Nice' What about Santa Clause?

I am not sure if Santa Clause is coming to town or not and here is why. If social media is any indication of the thoughts people believe and if the statements expressed about humanity, truth and justice made by those serving in government and leadership positions are an indication of being good, then I think Santa has been re-routing his travel plans a bunch of times this year. If the violent protest on the streets of our cities and towns are an indication of 'naughty' or 'nice' then I am pretty confident that this years scheduled Santa Clause journey on Christmas Eve will require a lot less time to complete. Thousands of air miles have no doubt been removed from his itinerary as large numbers of people have decided to not be friendly, nor lend a helping hand to others by their actions. The words people have been using have been hate filled and I think in Santa Land qualify for the 'naughty list' without a doubt. I know there were times in my life growing up that when I was told that if this or that wasn't done, or if I acted this way or that way Santa would not be stopping by. When the prediction of Santa's actions became true then I became a believer in right and wrong, actions have consequences and responsibility begins with me. The truth about Christmas is that Christmas is not about Santa Clause at all, although many may have made it out to be in their world. Christmas is not about presents even though gifts were given at that first Christmas to the the baby Jesus and his parents Joseph and Mary. These gifts were given from the treasurers owned by those who had journeyed from the other side of Israel. Their navigation came from a star that was shining brightly that identified the place where they would find the new born King of Israel. The gift of gold represented majesty and as you can imagine all things regal and royal. Frankincense was widely used as a medicine and perfume. The gift of myrrh was a symbol in that day and even today of a Holy Anointing, the acknowledgment of Deity and the action of the Divine, in this situation the birth of God's only son as a gift to the world. The purpose of this gift not completely understood at the exact moment of His birth nor even at His death. Ultimately Jesus as the lamb of God and as the sacrifice for our individual sins is fully accepted by those that receive this free gift of forgiveness. If our personal actions dictate our placement on Santa's 'naughty' and 'nice' list then there should be great alarm and no personal surprise that the man in the big red and white suit with the big white beard doesn't come down our homes chimney this Christmas. The GoodNews about Christmas this year and ever year is that the gift of forgiveness of sins is free to all and Jesus Christ gives forgiveness out year round without any requirements as to your 'naughty' or 'nice' actions. Truth is that Jesus already has you and I on the 'naughty' list and we are also on the 'needing' list immediately. This truth is the reason for the season after all! Jesus doesn't travel down a chimney nor in a sleigh. He does however reside inside our hearts if we ask Him too. The greatest gift you could receive this Christmas will not be from Santa Clause after all. The greatest gift the world has ever known is God's love. For He so loved the world He gave you and I His only begotten son, that whosoever believes on Him would be saved. Now that's a Christmas gift for everyone who has been 'naughty' and even for those who think they might have been 'nice' too. Merry Christmas! Until then

Friday, December 5, 2014

Happy Holiday - Merry Christmas

There are lots of folks that will spend a lot of time talking about the political correctness of Christmas. I will not be one of those individuals. Happy Holiday's or Merry Christmas for me as a Christian works just fine either way. Given the fact that Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years are so close together in such a short time frame, Happy Holiday's seems appropriate. Merry Christmas is a phrase meaning merry, happy Jesus season. The expanded interpretation of Merry Christmas would include the broad concept and acknowledgment of the advent of the birth of the baby Jesus Christ. Advent is a just a nice word for saying the arrival of the birth of the reigning King of Kings. When greeting your friends this year how about using the phrase "Happy Arrival of Jesus" that expression would no doubt create some interest and maybe even wonder. Greetings are important but understanding the words we use would go a long way in helping to promote the impression we intend to give. As a Christian I really want to help individuals understand the reason for Christmas, it's historical importance and why all of the events and happenings of Christmas occur each and every year. The fundamental meaning and importance of Christmas is the birth of the baby Jesus that happened in the little town of Bethlehem. His mother Mary and His father Joseph, who were responsible citizens had been traveled together to go and pay their taxes when Mary realized that the hour of her child's birth was now. Joseph desiring the best of conditions for his wife to give birth and for his child whom they believed would be a boy they were suppose to name Jesus. While Joseph wanted to find a place appropriate for this type of situation and hour there was not a vacant room to be found in town. Joseph did however find an Inn keeper who was willing to allow them to use his stable stall as it was all he had to offer. I can only imagine the thoughts and conversation that took place when Joseph approached the Inn Keeper inquiring as to vacancy. Maybe the Inn Keeper was busy and didn't come to the reception area very quickly because he knew he had no rooms. Maybe the Inn Keeper was just an employee or per perhaps he owned the Inn. Could be the Inn Keeper was completing his accounting for the day, calculating, rechecking his figures to make sure everything was in order when Joseph asked if there was a room he could rent. The Inn keeper could have been busy and maybe he didn't even look up from his desk, but just said "no sorry I am full". If that had happened I am sure Joseph would have spoken with a greater urgency and maybe even Joseph said, "hey man, listen look here, my wife is pregnant, look at her". Perhaps this caused the Inn Keeper to stop what he was doing and check out the situation. What exactly happened we do not know except this fact. Joseph and Mary took up residence in the barn, where the animals were and if Mary was going to give birth and she would, these stables were now their temporary home. As history records Mary gave birth and as instructed Mary and Joseph named their new-born son Jesus. The importance of this particular birth was that in Jewish custom, tradition, and prophecy the arrival of the birth of the Messiah, the Savior of the World had long been predicted and Jesus was that long-awaited prophecy. The arrival of the Son of God who would come and take away the sins of not only His people, but the sins of the world had arrived. The Jewish people had long wondered when the one they referred to as Immanuel would come and be with them and that hour was now and thus the meaning of Christmas began. Happy Holiday if you want to include everything or Merry Christmas for the birth of Jesus. If you opt for Merry Christmas you should know that a Happy Christian is for everyday, 365 days a year, every year until our hour comes and we met our creator face to face. Happy come meet Jesus day because He loves you and has a plan for your life. You and me were the reason He was born. Until then

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanks-giving on Thanksgiving 2014

Thanks-giving, my personal public acknowledgement and attitude is actually much more than just an October and November time frame. Expressing 'thanks' in words and sharing in writing my gratitude is an act of 'giving' that I am honored for the opportunity to possess. Being a newspaper columnist and writing this weekly column has been a blessing to me, because of you, the reader. There is seldom a week that goes by that I do not hear from someone who reads the column. The two most used methods of comments are via email and personal words shared when we pass or meet out and about in life. I know the comments are real especially when someone shares a thought from a column written a month ago or more. Normally their expression begins with, "I've been meaning to tell you". The emails come from all over and they are always welcomed and appreciated. This week is the real Thanksgiving and on my list of 'thanks-giving' is much more than food. Although food seems to have rightfully earned a serious spot of 'thanks-giving' because of all the work required to produce a meal for the family masses. I like to joke in yet a serious way, folks gather on Thanksgiving at the home of whoever cooks! Preparing big meals to feed 15, 30 or more are catered events for the generation that expressed no interest in being skilled within the art of cooking. Sometimes are lives are so sheltered in areas that we have given little to none attention to. For example, folks often offer to help but there would be a heart attack to occur if acceptance of your offer was met with a reply, would you fix this. Those who cook for the masses have learned it is easier if folks just stayed away and let you keep your pace in the kitchen preparing everything. I guess the helpers that will never be eliminated would be the taste testers. Every family has at least one of them if not two or more members. The folks that nibble here and nibble a little bit there, eating at every station, but doing so in the manner of protecting the family from an unperfected plate of food. Those members are here to stay and there is always an active list of volunteers when the position for such is available for filling. One of the facts easily missed about Thanksgiving is that this is strictly an American Holiday. This fact will truly set in when you have the experience of being in another country on Thanksgiving. We American's pay little attention to this fact I'm sure on most every Thanksgiving. It is a fact we might should call to the attention of our attendees this year as we gather, attempting to spark some 'thanks-giving' in way that might have been previously missed. Living in America as a visitor from another country folks who are not citizens often appreciate the facts of citizenship and the meaning of Thanksgiving even greater than we might. This condition is a sad fact but all across the world everyday, people in foreign lands line up and knock on the doors of the Embassies of the United States of America wanting to come in and call the USA home. This Thanksgiving Season we should not let the opportunity pass for our personal 'thanks-giving' for the opportunity to be citizens of the United States. Thanksgiving, you are a grand ole tradition! The opportunity to write this column is a blessing that I am 'thanks-giving' all-about, and over and over again honored to do. Thanks for reading my inspirations, thoughts and suggestions. I am excited to give back by sharing, expressing and putting my ideas out there on the table of discussion, motivation and encouragement. Until then

Friday, November 21, 2014

Death - Motivating Factor

In this season of 'thanks-giving' and particularly this year I have a lot of different questions I am asking and thoughts I am considering. My thanks and my gratitude for the people, experiences and things I've written about through this newspaper column have been honest expressions, genuine thoughts and comments. When we have conversations with our friends and family there are many things we talk about. One subject that is most often avoided at all cost is death. This topic is difficult for folks to think about, much less talk about. 32 years in ministry has filled my life with many experiences of family, friends and situations where I didn't know the individuals now facing this moment and hour in life. As a motivational speaker and preacher I have both heard the expression used by others in speaking to groups and I have used the question, "If you knew you only had x number of days to live what would you do?" Now the question may not seem very motivating to some of you reading this column but the design of the question probes our thoughts what would we do different if we knew we truly only had x number of days to live? With this thought what 'thing' needs to be fixed, what needs to be 'said' to whom, what issue should be 'settled', what conflict 'resolved', what answer 'given'? In the early years of my ministry I remember being called by a family to the bedside of a loved one. When I arrived the doctor and nurses were present performing medical procedures. It appeared every thing that could be done was being done but to no avail in prolonging life or defeating earth's last breath. The two daughters and I had stepped out of the hospital room for a moment when the doctor walked to where we were and said, "we've done all we can do". Walking back into that room with those girls I will never forget the earthly feeling of hopelessness felt. Their father was still alive but ability was no longer available, opportunity had vanished in time and there were no words to be spoken and no actions taken that could add anything to life's existence. It was at that very moment that my life changed and remains changed until I take my last breath here on earth. Live while you can, go while you are able, experience while you feel, because there is a time when you will want to do all of these and so much more, but time will have robbed you of opportunity. Life expectancy is again that subject or topic that folks do not want to think about, much less talk about. Me however, it is a motivating factor of life. My favorite life expectancy calculator is the one sponsored by the Social Security Administration on their website. I prefer this resource tool over other sites that provide calculators, charts and graphs for several reasons. One of those reasons is that no life expectancy tool can account for life style, habits, health or other such related facts. Given that truth, the Social Security site does provide options based upon their data complied and I have options with their life expectancy tool. For example: Given my date of birth I have already passed the 50.2 year mark which means I have a life expectancy of 32.1 years remaining. Any day I live past 82 years and 3 month will be a blessing! (My way of thinking) On the flip side of that, I have 32 years and 1 month to get what I am going to get accomplished completed. Honestly, that is not much time at all. I am feeling the pressure to get things done, said, resolved and answered already! The age milestones within the Social Security Administration are: 62; 67; and 70; If I make it to year 70 then on average my blessings will be any day past 86 years and 6 months. A memorial service for me in March of 2050 doesn't sound like a bad time of year and the year 2050 has a solidness I like. No one likes talking or planning for death. Myself, I am using the facts of life as a motivating gift from the Social Security Administration. I am using life as a gift from God and using the opportunity and ability of time today to do all I can, when I can, where I can and while I can. Ultimately God is in-charge. I am on borrowed time. I pray everyday of my life serves as a witness of His mercy and grace in my-life and His love and plan for your life. Until then

Friday, November 14, 2014

'Thanks-giving' for friends

Finding tangible and namable thanks might seems like an easy task until you attempt to write out the list. If an observer were to evaluate our thanks-givings by the way we live our lives or by the smiles we wear on our faces, things might be difficult to detect for some. I have met folks that simply don't smile and I've often wondered why? Why the sad look--always. Why do some individuals work diligently to never raise their eyebrows to communicate a sense of wonder, excitement or anticipation? I don't remember when I first started smiling. I've tried to remember if a photographer ever had difficulties getting me to smile for a family photo. A written list of tangible blessings that should create a list of 'thanks-givings' can be completed if we use single words to describe generalizations of our gratefulness. Friends is a good example. In traditional southern churches we love testimonies. Testimonies are that time in a worship services were different individuals stand-up before the congregation and share what God is doing in their lives or things they are thankful for. Friends is an often testified thanks. It is my attempt in this column to get you to think more than just the generalizations but for you to name tangible thanks. For example: I love my spouse because--and make a list; Follow the same practice your friends. What is it about your friends that meets a need in your life and allows you to practice your spiritual gifts to their benefit? Completing this task will require a little time and thought. Thinking about our blessings is an important practice and naming them one by one helps to keep a heart in an attitude of thanks and gratefulness. When I think about my friends individually and the traits that each of them exhibits I can honestly get teary-eyed. When we recognize the value others bring to the experience of life and more especially our personal benefit the entire practice of naming and list can be challenging and rewarding. Recently I called a friend to wish him a Happy Birthday. I didn't realize he was having a get together, maybe if I had been a better friend to him I would have been planning him an event, nevertheless, he shared what he was doing and said 'come'. An invitation by a friend to continue the journey of friendship is really an awesome moment in life. Traveling from a speaking engagement out of state, I found my eyes getting road weary one night and I called a friend living in that area and simply asked "is my room reservation still in good standing"? Stopping in town to meet up with friends for dinner at a resturant or accepting a home cooked meal invitation is a great blessings and a tangible thanks we should never grow weary of expressing gratitude. A blessing of friends includes having a group to meet, eat and conduct conversation with after church on Sunday's. Even better yet is seeing new folks join the group from time to time with the same welcome invitation you experienced when you were asked if you wanted to join. How about friends that pick up the phone and call you?..or do you always feel like you are the one making the calls. When friends call to just check in or say hello the moment always serves as a moral booster. How about 'thanks-giving' for friends who share their burdens and express their confidence in us to be confidential and to co-labor with them along their journey. Making a list and naming my friends with their individual traits gives me great reasons to thank God for their talents and to look for opportunities when they can expand their impact list because we know others who could use their helping hand. I believe in friendships that say, "I know someone you need to talk to, I think you could really help". If you've been on the receiving end of a gift of a friend to another, then you know that value and and finding the button of thanks in your heart is not difficult to find at all. I am confident that we all have friends that in general way we love and appreciate. If you want to take that relationship of friendship to another level name your appreciations and see if that doesn't help do the trick in building a stronger friendship, all because of thanks. And remember, there is a friend that sticks by closer than a brother. His name is Jesus. Until then

Thursday, November 6, 2014

'Thanks-giving' for health

If the question were asked what are you most thankful for your answer might be like that of many, health. Health is one of those answers many people will give when sharing a bout things they are grateful for, or thankful to have. Health, if you have it, could also be easily overlooked. The old saying 'you never miss it until you don't have it' is true of countless topics and our individual health more especially is enjoyed without question until we find our physical body not able to keep up with demands. The happiest day in life could be the day we had been preparing to hear the word cancer and the doctor shares almost any word other than cancer! You thought you were having a heart attack, but you quickly learned that stress is really nasty and you had no idea it causes the body to malfunction in so many ways. When faced with and prepared for the worse news, any report other than the worst news becomes good news. Failing health is a topic we haver reserved for aged individuals. We don't handle very well the youngest among us having to face serious medical challenges, especially when there are no answers. We like quick medical fixes, we like speedy recoveries and we like for a shot or a prescription to take care of any ills we might have. A difficult lesson to learn in life is that things do not always go the way we've planned. If your age is up in your years you will understand finding a grateful attitude for health and a thankfulness for your personal health without any problems. For the youthful reader I might suggest some volunteering possibly at a nursing home, working with the senior citizens at your church, volunteering during the holiday season to develop a greater appreciation for health. I believe each of us should find a long streak of reasons to be thankful for health. Good health and bad health. There are many great teaching lesions from both and for the grateful and thankful person, I believe we will see their attitude as an inspiration and an encouragement no matter the situation. Until then

Friday, October 31, 2014

Barbara Grace - Grateful to have sat at her piano bench

My time of thanksgiving begins with the falling of the leaves. The color of fall reminds me that change can be a beautiful thing. In the song "The Rose" we are reminded that underneath the winter cold lies a seed that in the spring becomes a rose. The hope of life and even eternal life are sometimes easily seen and at other times they are simply hidden waiting to bloom. Talents and skills are the things that everyone hopes that they have. Some talent is truly gifted while other talents we can see have been developed or in the developmental stages even now. Skills are the tools we use to perfect our talent or they are the fundamental equipment needed if we are ever going to survive the road ahead. Playing the piano is a talent and a skill. It can be that which you just naturally have or develop, and it can be that resource which is necessary to help motivate and move us from one point in life to another. Barbara Grace was my piano teacher. I know I was asked if I wanted to take piano lessons and I know I said yes, but I believe that was a decision my mother made for me and with my father paying for each lesson by journey to the piano bench and keys began. My parents thought I had a talent to sing and while already on the course to develop that gift, learning to play the piano seemed like a natural fit. The two instruments, voice and the keyboard, compliment each other after all. Learning to play the piano was sometimes like a chore. And like most kids, who likes to do chores? The older I have gotten the more I wish I had spent a little more time doing my music chore. Music is a vital part of life and Barbara Grace has been the musical influence in the lives of countless students, although I am figuring that Mrs. Grace has never forgotten a single student she taught from her piano bench. She herself graduated from Georgetown College with a double degree in music and business. Her parents believed in education and that it is the key to opening up doors and opportunities. Her father was Dr. J. M. Brooks, Sr., and Barbara's parents were married in 1953. Her father was a a part of the creation of the Pineville Community Hospital and her dad also served as Mayor of the Gem City of the Cumberlands, Pineville. Maybe a part of her love for music came from the old camping meeting day she attended as a child at what was then known as the Clear Creek Preacher's School, now we know it as Clear Creek Baptist Bible College. Her inspirations came from being a part of what others were doing. She has accompanied on the piano hundreds of singers. She was a gift teacher in leading students but she was also a dedicated follower who allowed soloist to create their own tempo's and expressions and she gladly kept playing doing her part to may the selection as awesome as possible. I led children's choir and the congregational singing at the First Baptist Church of Pineville throughout my youth, high school and some of my college days too. With Barbara at the piano and with first Mary Asher Wilson and then Annette Walden at the organ, it was hard for me not to sound good! Gifted, talented musicians who love listening to music and even better yet, making music. Music speaks to our heart, to our mind and our emotions. There is no doubt some of you who are thinking about someone you are grateful for, even if you didn't turn out to play the piano like they did or still do. Musical influences, are just a few of the folks we should find some time to say thanks to during this time of 'thanksgiving'. It has been said that music is the only gift on earth that we take to heaven. We know there will be harps and all kinds of stringed instruments in heaven and while most of us are in no rush to get there quickly, it is a thought that I often ponder upon. How beautiful heaven must be, and won't it be wonderful there. Until then

Friday, October 24, 2014

America - "thankgivings"

Being a person of 'thanksgiving' may require you to do some work. Thanks seems so easy to give and in many situations it is easy and requires no thought at all. However, life sometimes can present situations that require you and I to go digging for thanks. Sometimes life will require us to do serious reflection as to the self-discovery of genuine reasons we find ourselves thankful. My patriotism and love for the United States is well documented. My personal appreciation for the men and women who have served our armed services begins with my knowledge and understanding of my family members and friends who have served. There have been times in our nations history that our citizens have not been forthcoming in honoring and showing respect toward those who were called to duty through the draft of our country's available resources or those that volunteered to help answer our nations call. I have heard various members of our current armed services speak about their questions of genuineness when folks say thanks today. Some wonder if the words are spoken simply to be politically correct during this time in our nations history, or if the gesture is real and from the heart. I've heard other military members say they accept the words shared and don't debate in their thoughts if their intentions have other motives other than a genuine thanks. Personally I believe you can spot the grateful citizens when our National Anthem is performed, the Colors of our Nation are presented in a flag ceremony, or passing in a parade. The Pledge of Allegiance is important to say and many have it memorized. Understanding the pledge and our responsibilities as citizens I would suggest is most important. Often in patriotic songs and speeches we hear words like 'a grateful nation' and our gratefulness should be a real reflection of our thoughts and a true appreciation for the gift of freedom we experience. Like most whose roots are in Kentucky we can discover our family members who fought from the American Revolution War all the way through to the current military actions which began in 2010 known as the American Intervention in Iraq. When I dig deep into the military experiences of just my life time the list is long: The Vietnam War 1959-1975; *Congo in Zaire; *1973 the Yom Kippur War when America provided weapons and supplies to Israel; *In 1976 the year of our Bi-Centennial Celebration we had two american soldiers killed by North Korean Soldiers for cutting down a tree, less we forget; (today the headline is Benghazi); *Operation Power Pack in the Dominican Republic; *The Laos-Cambodia Campaigns; *1980 Operation Eagle Claw during the American Hostage Crisis in Iraq and the failed rescue attempt by President Carter; and we've been in the Persia Gulf for decades now; *1982 President Reagan ordered troops to Sinai; then Grenada in 1983; followed by Honduras and Libya; *President George H.W. sent troops to Panama; 1990 Operation Desert Shield & Operation Desert Storm; *President Clinton sent troops to Kuwait & Iraq; *President George W. sent troops to Afghanistan and began Operation Enduring Freedom & Somalia-Operation Restore Hope; *President Obama faces old conflicts that continue and new ones each day. During this 'Season of Thanksgivings' we would benefit from personal digging/reflection of our gratitudes for these United States. We have opportunities that other parts of the world have no understanding of, simply because we live in the land of not only the brave, but the also the land of the free. Let each of us demonstrate the attitude of 'thankgivings'. Until then

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Season of ‘thanksgiving’ begins - Harlan Daily Enterprise -

This is the first article in my 'Fall Series' of my 'Thanksgivings'.   Each year I take this time now through Thanksgiving to share thanks, appreciation, respect, and adoration for the people, places and experiences that have helped to shape and change my life.     

Season of ‘thanksgiving’ begins - Harlan Daily Enterprise -

Friday, October 10, 2014

Jesus showed himself to be friendly - Opportunities in the Mountains

The are many scriptures, principles and truths in the Bible that are very clear to understand. A favorite position I often share is that when we clearly know what to do, then the only thing left to do is act upon that truth. The Appalachian Mountains are in a unique geographic area that has had to overcome many challenges and obstacles throughout her existence. The indians where the very first to call our home, home. Out of sight out of mind is an easy practice to adjust into as an individual way of life if we do not safeguard against the practice. Our history is important. It includes many people groups, many isolated areas, and a forgotten fact or tradition does not release our responsibility to remind the current population of a price paid for our current experience. Many in our region have forgotten our kinship with the Commonwealth of Virginia prior to our own statehood. The Appalachian Mountains have long been a land of plenty, great beauty and self sufficient resources. This region has also faced many challenges because of the ability of these mountains and her natural tendency to keep things out and people away. Most folks are not signing up to move to this part of Kentucky, East Tennessee, or Western Virginia without a connection to the region, although I believe folks should and I invite them (you) to do so. This is an awesome place to establish a home and family. This is a great place to open a business, apply your interest and passion. The mountains are a super place to bring along and share your academic successes too. I wrote in the first paragraph we have "had to overcome many challenges and obstacles". Some of the issues we have faced have been the mountains themselves. The challenge of transportation is a great example. To get somewhere, actually to get anywhere, you will be required to drive down a mountain; up a mountain; around a mountain; along side a mountain; and yes, even through a mountain; We must maneuver rivers, streams, creeks, railroad tracks, bridges, and I must write highway potholes. Other obstacles and challenges include a large array of issues, including social, political, educational, and specific regional situations. The last challenge facing the appalachians I would mention includes people. Sometimes we "mountain people' make a decision just to prove we can, even when it is the wrong decision. We like our independence and I do too. I like the courage to not accept whatever comes down the road. Saying no just because you don't like the messenger I believe is wrong and hurts us. Taking the other side of an issue just because you dislike or "have never agreed" with a person, or "that" group of folks before can also be a determent to our region, our area and especially our people. Progress doesn't always have to mean change, but in my definition it does mean to make things better. You don't have to build new things, but we must acknowledge keeping up an old structure requires regular repairs, and the practice of a continuous eye on things that we know might become a problem. Setting our financial resources aside is as important as creating a list of priorities and working toward each listing without surrendering everything for one thing. Many choices, many options, many challenges. The way to secure our future successes is to be committed to honoring those who labored before. The way to build up our communities and region is to be ready today to help our neighbors now in the spirit of cooperation that will land that future progress we want that will benefit all of us. Jesus showed himself to be friendly and while he didn't make friends of everyone, he never stopped looking for the opportunity to help even his enemies. Until then

Friday, September 26, 2014

The Daniel Boone Festival - Knox Co, KY/Barbourville

This week the streets of Barbourville have been filled with all kinds of people, activities and even some strange sights. The Daniel Boone Festival represents or means to the youngsters in our families a time of fun that includes rides, fun foods and hanging out and playing with friends. Teenagers who live here in Knox County might have a little different take on things. For teenagers familiar with the DBF this time will include food and hanging out with friends but there is so much more to this event than their perception of things. I realize sadly for some in Knox County they may not even be taking notice of the Festival, its historical importance, or understand what it is all about. This facts saddens further when it is discovered that some of these are life long residents of Knox County and the have just never seen beyond the activities of the court square or perhaps the frustration of attempting to drive across town. Barbourville-Knox County has a most rich history in the development of our Commonwealth and the United States. This in part due to the geographic location and the discovery of the Cumberland Gap and in part due to what happened because of the travels of Dr. Thomas Walker and that pioneer Daniel Boone. Bell County-Pineville/Middlesboro has a rich history and we have the Kentucky Mountain Laurel Festival as one of the "gems" of the mountains. Harlan-Harlan County has The Polk Sallet Festival which is extremely unique and about as mountain as it gets. Harlan County has the Black Bear Festival too. Whitley County has Old Fashion Days that is a reminder of the time when folks would come and trade their goods. The City of Corbin has NIBROC which is a great community event and Laurel County has the World Chicken Festival If you ask anyone who has traveled away from home for any length of time, they will all nearly say that we have just as much history, unique facts and things to see and do as any other place in the world. Folks here at home will generally call your hand on such and say that this is not true, but I believe it is. The Daniel Boone Festival is one of those facts. Each of our County's and City's has local residents who have volunteered their time to develop museums that highlight this area we call home. When you hear of an opportunity to watch an old film of the area you should jump at the opportunity to go. This is history you need to see, worthy of being seen and events like this we should take our children to, and after viewing sharing with them our personal memories of that time past. I know and understand our children may not want to hear our old stories, but there will come a day and time they wish they could hear them again, so I encourage you to go ahead and share. At least give them the opportunity to have remembered them and the memory of the time you did once shared the stories with them. I believe a visit to Dr Thomas Walker State Park is always in line when talking about history. To think that this is as far as Dr Walker and his explorers got because of the brush and thickets, is amazing as it relates to history. A drive down through Old Flat Lick and a stop at the markers of the Wilderness Trail are worthy of a family visit too. Hundreds of thousands walked, rode a mule, rode a horse are traveled in a wagon from the Carolina's over the Cumberland Gap and continued their travels here, which is plenty worthy of historical documentation so our children can pass on the story of our heritage as a people and the richness of our land in the development of America. The Bible says that He created everything, and that He has a plan and a purpose for everything too. I am so thankful that we can let our minds run on the value of history as we dream about the future we are going to lead from this historic location. Until then

Friday, September 19, 2014

Coal Country Crusade - GoTell Ministries with Rick Gage

When you mention Log Mountain the thought that comes to mind is Bell County Bobcat Football. This named location is synonymous with football because of the success of the high school program there. This past week the location hosted the Bell County Coal Country Crusade with Evangelist Rick Gage. Rich Gage grow up in Texas but now leads GoTell Ministries from just outside of Atlanta, Georgia. The Log Mountain venue was transformed from the normal setting of football games and track meets to a high energy presentation of the good-news of Jesus Christ. The football field served as center stage for the several thousands who attending and filled the stands throughout the four day crusade event. Each night a mass choir of local congregational members sang and served as back up to the musical team who led the worship. Testimonies were shared by individuals about their encounters with meeting Jesus on a personal level. From heart attacks, overcoming drug addictions, to the stories of growing up without guidance or influence from Christians, each night the testimonies and stories provided the perfect introduction as to who Jesus Christ is, what He came to do and how anyone cold experience a life changing moment. The journey with Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and Lord begins with simply accepting the gift Jesus offers to every person on plant earth...forgiveness. There is no doubt, the hardest person in the world to forgive would be ourselves. We have a way of holding oneself accountable for a lifetime for the wrongs or mistakes we have individually made. In reality, the forgiveness Jesus Christ offers is granted immediately and without any reservations on His part. He came to earth as the obedient son of His father, willing to experience humiliation and the painful death on a cross so that you and I could experience abundant life. The manner in which we grow our personal and individual relationship with Jesus varies from person to person and there is not set of steps 1, 2, and 3 that must be followed. There are however many actions we as followers of Jesus can take that will grow, strengthen and provide us a solid foundation for the abundant life He offers to us. The goal of the Coal Country Crusade organizers was to offer hope and encouragement through the various presentations of the gospel. With an emphasis being placed on coal miners, their families and the youth of our region the impact of the crusade was designed to be a life changing opportunity not only for today's current world conditions but for eternity. The crusade organizers planned speaking events during the day through First Priority Clubs, Fellowship of Christian Athlete organizations and school assemblies. Knox, Bell and Harlan Counties middle schools and high schools reaped the benefits of this specific planning. Addressing social issues that students face, Rick Gage and other speakers made a difference by presenting facts and figures that highlight the conditions student already know exist, but this time with answers and solutions. John 3:17 is a scripture that details clearly the reason for Jesus coming as the baby born in Bethlehem to the risen King from the grave. "He came not to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved". Many folks have a negative opinion of organized religion and rightfully so. Many individuals have been hurt by the actions of people in the name of religion. That is why I'm excited to point out that Jesus Christ isn't a religion. Jesus Christ is a personal Savior and Lord. Christianity is a one on one individual relationship with the creator of universe. You should have your guard up not to allow the opportunity for peace that passes all understanding and hope that carries you through any and all situations be robbed from you. The opportunity to find another start in life is available through Jesus Christ. The chance to be forgiven is yours for the taking. The Coal Country Crusade provides the perfect diamond if you will give Jesus the time to press all the things of your life together. Today is a perfect day to begin your journey. Until then

Friday, September 5, 2014

Remembering Doyle Swanner

When Union College created the Athletic Hall of Fame its design was to honor individuals for academic and athletic accomplishments. The honor also distinguishes those inductees for their life accomplishments and success as well. Doyle Swanner was inducted in 2010 for his role in the 1955 Union College Track Team as a team of distinction. He graduated in 1957 from Union College with honors before embarking on a 30 plus years career as an educator and science teacher within the Bell County School District. With a love for science Doyle Swanner touched the lives of thousands who sat in desk within in classroom. He also made a mark on the lives of student athletes as a coach and encourager to students who participated in not only track sports, but basketball, football, baseball and more especially those who had an interest in tennis, a sport he loved. Doyle Swanner as a Hall of Fame member at Union College also represented his family well as a citizen. His parents, Walter and Sarah who lived and worked in the Arjay Community raised their 11 children to be responsible with a work ethic that reflects the determination and character of the mountain people. Doyle Swanner was unique in that he never forgot his college friends and cherished memories of his days at Union as a Bulldog. He loved telling of his experiences. His brother, Earl Dean Swanner, now retired as an Agent of State Farm after 30 years of service to the people of Bell County shared at Doyle's memorial service that he was a student of his brothers in high school. He said, "I was a good student and made all A's except for one class, my brother Doyle gave me a B". The Swanner Children are all distinguished in their careers and professions. Their parents grew-up in hard times in our country but they gave to each of their children a rich history of identity and drive to achieve. The value of any community is the education that takes place in the home and Walter and Sarah Swanner were successful teachers to their children. The impact of a single family can be demonstrated by reviewing the steps of their children, grand-children and great-grandchildren as they each write their verse into history. A part of the legacy Doyle Swanner himself leaves was his quite yet strong confidence and influence he shared with his students about the importance of education and the value of Union as a place to advance yourself through hard work and academics. When the Kentucky Community College system began he was one of the first to begin teaching night classes so the youth of the mountains could get ahead in their under-graduate pursuits. A further demonstration that he knew his role and he followed his pursuits across the generational lines to make a difference. Sometimes in life we know someone because we see them regularly, yet only in passing do we know them. Doyle Swanner served as the clock keeper for athletic events at Bell County High School for over 50 years. One of his pleasure of his life was witnessing the careers of students athletes on the court and those who officiated sporting events as Kentucky High School Athletic Association Basketball Officials. His role was keeping the clock but also welcoming them to the table prior to entering the floor of competition. A help to students throughout the 13th Region and a friend to each player, coach and team. While they all may not have known his name, they knew his face and his judgment and service was never questioned. Here in the mountains of Southeastern Kentucky we can sometimes forget about the rich history and opportunities afforded here. Doyle Swanner was not one of those. His passion was to applaud anyone who was dreaming and going in addition to helping those who seem to have lost their way or purpose. As a Christian, Doyle was a member of the First Presbyterian Church in Pineville. He had served and been ordained as an Elder and Deacon in the Presbytery. He was a willing volunteer for programs and events and like most church members claimed his spot or pew for worship services. The tradition of 'having a spot' is an indication of his regular devotion and commitment to assemble as a believer. Mr. Swanner, as I always referred to him, easily would identify himself as someone that was not perfect but a traveler on life's journey. The value of faith was not something overlooked within his life. The Presbyterian Church practices congregational confession of sins each Sunday. The Presbyterian Faith also practices acceptance of God's love and forgiveness of sins in complete confidence because of the actions of Jesus Christ on our behalf. There are many things that make an individual who they are, but only one connection that provides a foundation for life and that would be faith. In death we discover life. Now through a glass darkly but then face to face. Until then

Friday, August 22, 2014

Fish Net Casting

There is a Parable in the Bible about casting a fishing net. The meaning of Parables can be challenging even for those with ears to hear. As a minister, pastor, speaker, teacher, often the challenge is to get folks to listen and be engaged. If an individual has a hearing difficulty it is easy to understand why they might not always hear everything being said. Whereas, if one has ears the perception is that there are no hinderances. The Bible often encourages those with ears to hear so this makes sense right? I have never been much of one for fishing. I just don't have the patience to sit there and wait for a bite. On the other hand I have been fishing enough to know that just because you are going bass fishing doesn't mean you won't catch some other type of fish. The fact of the matter is when it comes to casting our nets for fishing often times we will pull things in that have nothing at all to do with fishing. Have you ever gone fishing to only reel in a tree branch? There could be a book written about those experiences not to mention all the times our line was just hung up and after pulling, casting, jerking, we just decided to cut the line and cut our losses. As Christians who are suppose to be casting our nets because we are fishers of men. The option for us to accept the attitude of defeat and surrender by cutting our losses is not one of our options. In every protestant denomination that I am aware of, the yearly reports of professions of faith, baptisms, and church membership continues to decline. There are lots of reasons denominational leadership will provides to explain the lowering numbers year after year. My personal observation is that while denominations are declining in memberships and individuals identifying themselves with particular faiths continues to decline there are ministries where their numbers are growing. One of the keys to this growth in particular churches is that for the most part, these churches and ministries are not focused on the numbers. The focus is on people, not numbers. There is nothing wrong with counting those in attendance, or maintaining a membership role. The disconnection for most church is in the practice of the Parable regarding casting our nets. The next disconnection is not liking what we are discovering in our nets! In the Parable of casting a fishing net Jesus was reminding us that when one goes fishing we should be prepared to see all kinds of things in our nets, including things we have no intentions of catching. As a Christian and follower of Jesus we cannot become discouraged by the things of life and give up on our task, duty and responsibility to cast our nets. Even in the harvest activities of life there is much work to do. Christians must become vigilant in all things relating to casting our nets. We must be aware of rips and tears in our nets that require maintenance. We must keep an eye on the weather reports so we don't get caught up in a storm unprepared. We must also listen to what others are sharing about locations and techniques they use to help them become successful in fishing. All the while, the biggest key is to keep on casting our nets. As Christians we have an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others because we are active in the practice of casting our nets. The real opportunity of the harvest is not knowing what we are going to catch but rather that we just keep casting our nets. The final practice of our faith with respect to casting our fishing nets is our faith that Jesus is the perfect person to do the sorting when we pull in our nets. Don't become distracted by difficulties or the catch. Rather be encouraged that if we do our part, Jesus will absolutely do His. Happy Net Casting! Until then

Friday, August 15, 2014

The Controversy over Jesus Christ

What was controversy over Jesus really about? Why did his critics want Him put to death and lead the people to cry out for his crucifixion? If we are totally objective about the situation Jesus found himself facing, we need to create a list for those that were confused but didn't necessarily want to see Him put to death. The list of confused would include the disciples too. Their confusion was about the Kingdom, people and even defining the reason why Jesus came. Yes, they had heard of the coming Messiah but putting all the pieces together was a new discovery and a learning curve against all the tradition they had heard of or been taught by the Scribes and Pharisees. Jesus presented new ideas of salvation to the disciples, followers and those that were just observers of his ministry. Jesus was not actually presenting new ideas. The prediction of the coming Messiah was ancient and as old as the earth herself. The birth of Jesus was the fulfillment of Biblical Prophecy. Jesus was the answer the world had long waited for but Jesus would also be the answer rejected then and that fact continues to remain true today. He was rejected why? For loving people-Yes. For forgiving people-Yes. For teaching truth-Yes. Jesus was a controversy because the answer folks had long waited for had arrived and they were not ready. Today people reject today because they too are not ready. We want answers, but not willing to hear them. We want solutions but not willing to believe them. We want help but don't want to consider other options than the one we like or know. The disciples were fond of telling Jesus what people were saying about Him and how they were describing Him. Jesus wasn't interested in what the masses had to say. Jesus was interested in what you and I as individuals had to say. Jesus asked the disciples one question. Who do you say I am? Jesus Christ came that we would have life and have it more abundantly. The answer is not in an abundance of physical things or material things. The answer was an abundance of grace and mercy. Understanding and faith. Forgiveness and hope. These are the things that matter and these are the things that make the difference that changes life and changes lives. When we are seeking answer it is easy to become confused. Don't be deceived. The answer is often the one we have discarded. Jesus Christ came to end the controversy over sin, and He did it. Until then

Friday, August 8, 2014

Defining a Christian

If you were to ask a Christian what their duties are you might a get a long list of things that Christians are suppose to do, from them. The list might resemble something like this: Go to church; Pray; Give a tithe; support missions and do what the preacher says; Certainly in talking with some Christians everything except "do what the preacher says" will make most everyone's list, and for many in the Bible Belt doing what the preacher says will absolutely make the list. When talking about the duties of a Christian and making a list, you are more than likely going to quickly begin to get a list of don'ts. Such as: Don't drink; Don't smoke; Don't cuss; how is that for a top three? The job description of a Christian is really not very complicated at all. According to the Bible Christians should: 1) Love God with all their heart 2) Love people - Because He created them in His image and He loves them 3) Go and make disciples These three points sum up Christianity really fast, yet for some reason many individuals focus on things that define you as religious and do not define you as a Christian. According to the Bible Christians are suppose to go a second mile with folks who ask them to travel one mile. Christians could easily be defined if we carried one another's burdens, as scripture says, thus fulfilling the law of Christ. Christians are suppose to be a giving and forgiving people because the grace of God has been freely given to us. These few highlights alone would make the world a different place if we just did these things mentioned that Jesus did. The main duty and key to being a Christian is to do what Jesus did. If Christians, me included, acted on the positive of following Jesus Christ I am persuaded the impact on others will be life changing. Who do you know today that needs to see demonstrated what Christians are suppose to do? Find just one person you know, show them by your actions and see the change that occurs. Until then

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Will you pray what Jabez prayed?

In the Bible there was this guy that asked for God to enlarge his territory. The prayer was named after the guy who prayed it. His name was Jabez. Jabez started his prayer because he was no longer comfortable where he was. The situation that Jabez found himself in was one that is totally different from what you and I would normally expect. Most of us work to get in a spot where we are comfortable with things and our situation, but not Jabez. He didn't want to be comfortable where he was, especially when it came with his relationship with God. He was praying asking God to enlarge things in his life and ministry. Jabez was praying for God to give him more. That thought in his prayer is what makes the Prayer of Jabez totally different from most of us when we pray. Asking God to do something new and something different in our lives is really a prayer that most Christian no only pray very seldom, for many, it is a prayer they may never pray. Why Christians are afraid to ask God to move in their lives is really something easy to understand. We are afraid because we know that if we ask Him we are then accountable to be responsible with that which He answers with. Praying and asking God to change things or do things differently in our lives is a prayer that is outside our normal comfort zone. However, if we ever expect Him to really use us then we must get outside of our selves and our way of thinking and doing things. For example, Jesus loved everyone and died for them. Our need is ask Him to help us be like He was. Love people simply because He loved them. This way of thinking takes some real practice. It is not easy to love those that might use us, hurt us, or purposely take from us. Then again that's the difference between Him and us. He freely gave. If you want to be like Jesus I suggest you begin today to ask God to enlarge your territory. Jesus by being obedient to His father enlarged His territory. Jesus by dying on the cross at Calvary enlarged His territory and ours. Salvation became the free gift available to all of us simply because Jesus was willing to follow His father's plan and be our sacrifice. The practice for forgiveness of sin had long been the practice that the priest would each year sacrifice a lamb for our sins. The father was now making a change to what had been the practice of faith by asking Jesus to become the lamb of God slain for the world. Enlarging our territory can be a scary prayer to pray but I believe it is the key to you and I tapping into the person that God's wants us to be and the person that He has uniquely designed us to be. What is the last prayer that you have prayed that was one where you asked God to get you out of your comfort zone and to move you into a new and different field of focus and purpose. I also believe that you and I are capable of dealing with more than we can even imagine too. The reason we are where we are is not because He isn't able to do more with us but because we have yet to ask Him to do what we are afraid to ask Him to do. God is ready to enlarge your territory. God is ready to help you make change in your life, if you are ready. The next step is yours to take. The next step includes the action of prayer and then the action of doing. I hope to see you in the next territory. Until then

Thursday, July 17, 2014

One question: Who is Jesus?

If you are the person that after hearing a presentation you ask a question, that is a good sign. It is a sign that you were listening for sure and a sign that you wanted clarification or better understanding. These are all good questions and actions. Asking questions takes no practice, yet sometimes adults who want to ask questions are so hesitant to ask them. Consider a little children who is speaking their first words or who is beginning to put together parts of a sentence. Often the first words outside of 'mommy' or 'daddy' that come from a child is a question. The question children love to ask is why? This question could be a bit frustrating always having to explain, but personally I believe this is a good thing. I say let children ask away and let us as adults give children more answers to their questions, creating even more questions because we are giving them attention to their concerns or interest. Asking questions for answers is always a proper thing to do. I have discovered asking my friends and those I meet the question who is Jesus has helped me as I've prepare to serve them through ministry, be a better friend, or get to know them more. Who is Jesus, is a question that Jesus himself asked of His disciples. Jesus asked the disciples who do people say that I am? Asking such a personal question can be scary, especially when we are not sure what the answer will be. When we ask someone what they have heard, or hearing from others we should be prepared for their interpretation of what they heard. Most often it is a summary statement of their opinion. Nevertheless, it is an answer to the question. Sometimes when we ask a question, the person we are asking will give us an answer they believe we want to hear. Personally, I don't' want an answer I want to hear, I want an answer I need to hear, or an answer that is the truth. The question I am asking when I ask a person Who is Jesus?, is really a personal question, Who is Jesus to you? The answer I am looking for is one that is first hand. Our answer should be our answer and not one trumped up to get us through to the next question or one that ends this conversation because one is uncomfortable. The answer to the question who is Jesus will always be different depending upon the person. I imagine at this moment some Christians reading this newspaper column are saying well I know the answer to the question who is Jesus?: He is the Son of God; He died for our sins; He arose from the dead; He performed miracles on earth; He is coming back; He died on a cross; He founded the church; All of these statements are true, but these facts are head knowledge answers. These answers could be shared by anyone. You do not have to be a Christian to provide any of these answers. Answers can be given without faith or belief. Answers people give many times are general answers and the answer might not have any personal connection at all to the one providing the answer. I appreciate facts but when I ask an individual Who is Jesus? I am asking them to share with me who Jesus is to them personally. Getting caught up in all the facts can be a real distraction when attempting to share with a family member or friend that God loves them and has a plan for their lives. If you have been attempting to have a conversation with someone about Christian faith, them believing in Jesus, or any of the 'church terms' we are so good at using, make sure to explain the question you are asking. Also, make sure that you ask that question in a loving way and that your tone of voice doesn't sound superior or all knowing. People know immediately when our actions are genuine or contain some other type of motive. Remember, when you ask others who Jesus is to them, the answer is their answer and not the one you would provide. I've heard plenty of honest answers to my inquiring question. The most honest answer shared is, "I don't really know who Jesus is to me". Honestly is a great place to begin a real friendship. Don't be afraid of answers you might, just be ready to tell people who Jesus is to you and your personal story of His love for you will be the perfect place to begin. Until then

Friday, July 11, 2014

Making a Difference - You have the opportunity!

In life the difference others make and the difference we make in the lives of others, all comes about because of communication and contact. If you have ever played the role of "you can't see me but I can hear you", then you will understand what I am about to explain. In life there are many things that can be done anonymously that makes a difference but the biggest differences or impacts in the lives of others often comes with an acknowledgment. Ease dropping into a conversation without others knowing you are listening can reveal more than you want to know, and you are not privileged to hear what you've heard, even after you've heard it. Someone sharing with another person in confidence is normally not intended to be overheard or shared with others. Ease dropping is not the key to developing strong relationships, confidence and trust. Now that this thought is out of the way, lets think upon making a difference in others lives, using communication and contact. Communicating can be a challenging goal. I know plenty of people that would rather do almost anything other than having a conversation or talking with someone, one on one. There are plenty of reasons why they feel uncomfortable when communication this way, but just because you are uncomfortable doesn't mean the activity is not the one to be completed. Having a conversation for many people is a wall breaker. A positive experience from communicating often leaves both parties glad that they both shared what they were thinking, or had thought. The most important part of communicating through conversation is that two parties are in mutual agreement to talk. If you are determined to make a difference in the lives of others then the first task is to understand the other's person's point of view. I am not going to say this is easy but it should be easy to genuinely listen to someone else. This is accomplished by being someone with integrity who honestly cares about others and their lives. It could be said the reason why most people are not making a difference in the lives of others is because they do not want to make a difference and or they simply don't care about the other person. Think about your life and the things that made a difference. I am confident that having contact with someone makes a difference. Just today I received in the mail a note with personal remarks and even a gift card. I was moved because I did not expect to receive a note of thanks in the mail. The personal note of gratitude and appreciation for assistance that had been rendered was personal, moving and because of their efforts to communicate and contact me it has made a difference. There are many acts of kindness that are completed and performed anonymously but we should never under estimate the power of making contact and someone knowing it was us. If you have ever participated in a secret pal type commitment, the anticipation and excitement to learn who your secret pal is, not only creates excitement, but appreciation too. By contacting someone things become personal. When you and I are personal with people growth in friendship occurs. Because of this identifiable contact we are able to see the value that others place in us. This realization can be a real ministry to ones self confidence and self-worth. The opportunity for us to make a difference in the lives of others is ever before us. The opportunity exist at our place of work, from within our circle of friends, and often overlooked within our own families. Our families might be the easiest to overlook for such an opportunity because we wrongfully assume they know we care. Even our family members deserve extra attention, acknowledgment and our thanks. Taking anyone for granite is like ease dropping, rarely does it turn out positive. There are 24 hours in a day and seven days in a week. While I am sure you know this I am not so sure that you will use any of your opportunities to make a difference for others. If you decided to use a part of your hours and days that sole express your thanks or helps another on their journey in life stand by for personal blessings without a doubt. Until then

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Time Alone with God

We as ministers often share that people need to have time alone with God. With the changing of society, technology and all the additions of our personal schedules 'time alone with God' has certainly seen some changes over the years. I was officially licensed into the Gospel Ministry in 1982. During that time period, 'time alone with God' when heard by a minister or speaker generally meant that there was a time that was set aside where you would read your Bible, prayed or had a system that best used the time set aside to communicate with God personally. In the 1980's people had busy schedules but there were some aspect of our current lives that were not present then, as they are today. For example, cellular phones were a new invention for the United States. If you had a phone back then it was either the Motorola Brick or your other options was what everyone simply referred to as a bag phone. As indicated by it's label name, it was simple a telephone, much like what was inside your home and was in a black bag. I am thinking that for the younger generation reading some might not even be aware of what a home phone is, given the fact that many homes today do not even have home landlines. Cellular phones & technology have changed everything around us, even for those that are resisting its ready availability. With this ever advancing means of communication, today's time alone with God has a ever sense of being connected while being alone with Him. Back in the day 'time along with God' had as it's primary tools a copy of your King James Version Bible, a pad or notebook of paper for writing and taking notes, and maybe even the phone placed off the hook so there would be no interruption. For many in Christendom today, if we do not have an internet or cellular connection we might just be out of luck in connection with God. We have Bible applications that we've downloaded on our phones and many of these contain a Bible reading schedule to help folks read through the Bible. Many of us have uploaded mobile applications that include complete Bible studies of individual books and even themes and topics. With all the upgrades in society's communication opportunities through technology there is something I am hearing some folks say that causes me to both smile and finally believe that all things change and then come back around again in practice. Considering this thought we all have seen fashions come and go and for older folks, our favorite statement to say is, "I had a pair of those". Once learning what the young generation has paid for todays new fashion styles all of us are wishing we had only held on to those clothes we thought were outdated and had thrown away. 'Time alone with God' is still in fashion no matter your methods practiced. I have counted my Bibles in my study and I've got every version, I believe, and I've got study Bibles of every kind with multiple translations to compare when thinking during my 'time alone with God'. I am still old fashion in that sense and I have yet to fully graduate to all the applications. Many of my ministry friends have shared with me and demonstrated how they work and would make my time alone more successful, they said. To be honest, I like some of the changes but I've been just a slow about making all the adjustments. For me it was drastic to discard my typewriter and move to a computer. Today, I've gone from a written message and outline typed on paper to using an ipad that I uploaded to a format that is then followed by choosing which application I want to use for my presentation and delivery. 'Time alone with God' still involves setting aside a specific time for in-depth study and sermon presentation but with all the changes in technology I have also learned that with the aid and assistance of these new applications and programs, I can make 'time alone with God' happen just about anywhere with our without technology. The number one desire of God is that we are followers will communicate with Him. One of my growing moments in my personal relationship with Jesus Christ is that I could pray with my eyes open. After all, ministers always said close your eyes and bow your heads when praying. Well things change and have changed, but 'time alone with God' is still a must. Until then

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Opportunity - Sounds - Wonder

Opportunities - Sound - Wonder 06/16/2014 10:56 AM There are two great opportunities for listening to the sounds of nature that I have yet to determine which is my favorite. In the morning hours listening to the birds singing is really a unique moment. This opportunity can be so easily overlooked in life if we don’t purposely plan to seize it by sitting down in a chair and just listening. Failing to plan such a moment into the active schedule of our lives might never be missed by you, but experiencing the moment will cause you to heighten your senses to the beauty of God’s birds singing their individual songs. The other great opportunity happens at the opposite spectrum of the day. Morning is for listening to the birds sing, seeing the sunrise and — if doubly blessed — feeling a gentle breeze. The evening or setting sun naturally creates an opportunity for those other creatures of God’s to come out into the sound of air and do their thing. Watching a sunset is always awesome. For lovers of the setting sun this experience on a beach is a great place and a much desired place to experience such. The significance about a setting sun moment on the beach is the experience has some length as the ocean goes out to see and the sun sets on the body of water. One has hours to enjoy all the changes of the single experience. Personally I love the setting sun in the mountains. Now this moment is not going to be lasting for hours, something that ‘city folk’ might not be prepared for. Life in the mountains teaches you that you better come quick and fast because here in the mountains once the sun sets behind the mountain, it is gone! Listening in the evening to the sounds of nature I have a tendency to lean toward at my favorite time. Listening to the frogs and crickets, my ears have a strong attraction and attentiveness to the moment. I am not sure what it is about the experience that I like the most either. With no lights visible and just the beauty of the night sky hearing frogs I truly enjoy. It could be that this moment is a happy time because I love fried frog legs and I am thinking about a great meal, but I know this thought is not my real motivation. The experience of listening to the frogs at night is a great opportunity for me to relax and take in the wonders of God’s world. It is more than just simply listening to frog croak that I enjoy. I love listening to the chorus of frogs that seem like they are everywhere croaking and croaking and then all of a sudden total silence. Now if you have never stayed around long enough when the chorus or symphony of frogs are in unison until a moment of silence, then I want to invite you to “sit a longer spell, if you will.” The moment of frog silents happens totally unexpected and then without reason or rhyme the begin again all in their own time. I have attempted to motivate the frogs in their effort of night time entertainment with a sound or human noise. Yes, the frogs will at times seem to stop and listen and then no doubt continue their conversation by saying something like, “Can you believe that guy sitting on the porch thinks he can mess with us?” I confess I do not have the ability or even as mountain folks love to say, but cannot spell, the ‘frogiest’ idea of how to, but I like the frog listening opportunity available to us. I can whistle but I know I cannot sing the language of the singing birds but there is something about the practice of whistling that makes you have a merry spirit and at least a smile on your face from the practice of the art. I am sure that there are some of you reading the column that are going to take the time to plan a moment to go to your porch and attempt to take in the experience because you immediately know you have missed the moment and opportunity. Others of you might be tempted to just keep on the current schedule you practice of using your front or back door as an entrance way for coming and going, and continuing to miss the opportunity of a might chorus awaiting your presence and attendance. Don’t miss out on the great things of life, like the little things. It is very well possible that your life is in great need of a little thing that will remind you of all the unique wonders in our Father’s World. Until then... You can reach Tim Mills at

Friday, June 13, 2014

Appalachian ChalleNGe Academy

ChalleNGe Academy is making a differenceBy Tim Mills Contributing Writer 19 days 6 hours ago |440 Views | 0 Comments ||| The Kentucky National Guard's Appalachian ChalleNGe Academy's fourth graduation ceremony was held on June 14 at Harlan County High School.... From Hazard to Harlan, Pineville to Paintsville, Williamsburg to Whitesburg, Barbourville to Betsy Lane, the Kentucky National Guard ChalleNGe Academy is making a difference in the lives of teenagers between the ages of 16-18 and families all across southeastern Kentucky. The Appalachian ChalleNGe Academy is a structured program that is providing answers, hope, and a new foundation to individuals and families. In July of 1999 the ChalleNGe Program begin in Kentucky as a special project of the governor’s Office through the adjutant general and the Kentucky National Guard. On June 14, the Appalachian ChalleNGe Program administrated from the facility and campus in Harlan County graduated 100 Cadets who successfully completed the 22-week course. The program is designed to foster values, life skills, education and self-discipline that will help the cadet succeed in life as a productive citizen. Witnessing the teenage boys and girls marching into the area created and staged for their graduation ceremony was a moving moment of exciting. Realizing that for some of these youths, this was the first major accomplishment of their lives. Indeed 14 cadets completed the course work to receive their General Education Diplomas (GED) and four students earned the remaining credit hours necessary to complete their requirements for the high school diplomas. The “quasi-military” program is built around eight core components. The components include: Responsible citizenship; academic excellence; life-coping skills; service to community; health and hygiene; job skills training; leadership/followship and physical fitness. Cadets who graduate will have improved their talents and skills in attention to detail, respect, self-discipline and the key to military life is understanding the chain of command. At Saturday’s graduation I was personally impressed by the number of cadets that had begun the process of enlisting in a branch of the armed services of the United States and or who had sought out additional education and opportunities that are related to the service. The Bible teaches in scripture that “you have not because you haven’t asked.” In the mountains we are fond of the saying “be careful for what you ask for,” knowing that life can sometimes bring a flood of things all at once that can be completely overwhelming. Yet, asking for help, and seeing positive change leaves one to only question, what more should you ask for? Needing help and receiving improving assistance is a part of the solution when faced with issues of difficulty. Not sure what way to turn and then having someone help you across the street is the guiding hand that was necessary when we find ourselves struck looking up and down the street not sure where to go or what to do. Yes, life’s solutions can be found from simple as asking someone for help. Our resistance to help is that most often we think we know what the answer should be or we have already put into our mind and attitude the only answer we will accept. As you know just from reading my last sentence that isn’t the way life works and we know that mindset works against all things not only positive but good too. Watching the cadets throughout the graduation ceremony I found interesting the two faces they displayed. The first face was the straightforward, serious looking, eyes fixed, feet marching face of no distraction. The second face the cadets displayed was the one that included the big smile of excitement, and sense of pride they had from successfully completing the program and conquering their fears. I know that sense of accomplishment as I too have attempted to overcome my fears and the sense of confidence that fills your life after reaching your goal is a feeling and learning experience that sticks with you throughout life. These cadets who have just now graduated are now connected with mentors who will communicate weekly to follow-up, provide encouragement and lend support for the next year as the cadet adjusts to the real practice of their learning and the value of being productive and the change that comes with that success.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Kentucky Mountain Laurel Festival - History - Beauty - Travels

This weekend Pineville-Bell County, Ky celebrates the season of spring with the 84th Annual Kentucky Mountain Laurel Festival and this years theme of "Springtime Splendor". This region we love to call home has a rich history filled with pioneers that crossed the Cumberland Gap cutting a trail creating the Wilderness Road. The festival idea was presented in 1931 by Ms. Annie Walker Burns who sought the help and support of then Kentucky Governor Flem D. Sampson, from Barbourville, Kentucky. The festival was designed to celebrate the history of this area and the beauty of the region, most especially the mountain laurel flower. Being true to the history of this area, I love to write about the trail first known as the warriors path. I am always mindful that the Indians were here first and we actually invaded their home, before clearing land to claim a new stake in the new frontier. Dr Thomas Walker noted the narrow path and named the Cumberland Gap when he was surveying the land pressing his way through the brush. Dr. Walker and his axe men cut a trail marking his way from the Gap to the Narrows of Pineville. The 'Narrows' are historically noted because of the way the mountains came together beginning at Wasioto continuing along the Cumberland River created by the natural flow of the river. Every early pioneer crossed the Cumberland Ford which was and is, a low spot in the Cumberland River where the creek waters join the Cumberland River. The location is famous because it was the best crossing point for travelers which include not only the pioneers of the day but during the Civil War both Union and Confederate Troops. Today we modern movers use a concrete constructed bridge for our crossing, but remembering how things were once has value. Dr. Thomas Walker ended his exploration in Barbourville-Knox County and his work and efforts are honored with a state park that bears his name. Gathering this weekend in the Gem City of the Cumberland's will be representatives of Kentucky's colleges and universities striving to be crowned Queen of the Kentucky Mountain Laurel Festival on Saturday afternoon at the Laurel Cove Amphitheater. On Friday night a Princess will be selected from the representatives of the area high schools. The events of the weekend include a parade down the streets of Pineville, a concert, food booths surrounding the courthouse, lots of live music events, quilt displays, various exhibits, receptions, dinners, and dancing all play a part of the "Springtime Splendor" being celebrated in Pineville-Bell County. With so many first time visitors experiencing this region and countless 'home folks' making a return visit this is a great opportunity to not only say welcome and thanks for visiting but to share a blessing and best wishes as you continue your travels. I have long shared a simply prayer in cards and letters over the years that I believe provides for a positive attitude that is prepared to guide us in life even when a festival of fun and celebration is not available for attendance and participation. My prayer for each of you is this: "I pray that you will always see the sunshine through the rain and the rainbow behind every cloud". I can only imagine the early pioneers who had many different experience along their travels of exploration and adventure. I can only imagine about the days they had wished for clear skies and a bright shining moon to walk along their paths in life, instead of the cloud filled skies, or moments of falling snow and cold chilling temperatures. We never know what lies ahead nor where our journeys make take us. We can however live our lives in a confident manner, and allow our feet to be guided by the unseen hand of God through the leadership of His Holy Spirit in our lives. Until then

Friday, May 16, 2014

Transitions & Decisions

Transitions can be a strong challenge to manage in our lives. Life's 'rule of thumb' is that you and I should never have more than one major event or challenge per year. For example, buying a house and accepting a new job are two major life events. Marriage, death, medical illness, the birth of a child or a major purchase like a car all qualify for one of 'life's main events'. It would be easy to manage life if we could control these factors or elements. If we could apply the breaks to a fast moving life I can think of several situations where I would have done so. I can also think of moments where I wish that applying the gas pedal was available too. Following the 'rule of thumb' is beyond our control for the most part. As with all things in life there are aspects that we control but for the most part life is an experience where managing the tempo or events is something we basically experience as life decides to hand out the assignments and challenges. Making decisions, picking and choosing our aspects of control in transitions I have discovered is best practice by making the most correct decision at the time. With so many variables and options in even the smallest of decision, these choices can have an impact and consequences that last for years in some circumstances. These challenges can provide positive impacts that effect not only we as individuals, but our family and friends too. One of the mistakes I believe is most often practiced is our attitude. Our attitude, without any effort at all, develops when things change or transitions take place. This attitude is heard in the way we speak about the change or choices and our attitude is also seen in our gestures and mannerism. Appearing to be disinterested is the same thing as saying "I don't care what you say or think". While this could be taken to the extreme the truth is that new ideas, thoughts, or opinions should always be heard. (I would recommend when sharing your thoughts they be thought-out, and don't ramble when sharing your opinion, get to the point) Sharing ideas with each other, or in clubs, groups or organizations will always be a challenge but these moments are necessary. When we are immediately combative to new ideas regarding issues or solutions it is apparent we are reacting to change and not ideas. Doing things the way they have always been conducted is in and of itself not a bad idea, but there are moments in which a better way of doing things are evident. It could also be that changing a pattern or a tradition not only will better serve a situation but possible might allow for greater service or a farther reach, especially when dealing with programs and events. Jesus Christ said that He was the same yesterday, today and forever more in Hebrew chapter 13:8. I have witnessed Christians take the position and interpretation that because He is the same that we too should be never changing. Honestly this interpretation is a misapplication of scripture. Jesus Christ is the same in that He loves us. He is the same in that He has a plan for our lives and He is the same in that He wants for us an abundant life filled with mercy and grace. These truths are not unfilled with challenges and obstacles. There is an opinion among some that if you are a Christian there is an avoidance of problems, hurts or even wrongs. The key to these situations is that Jesus Christ is the same and never changing. His forgiveness is always readily available. The opportunity to begin again and correct errors or bad choices can be accomplished by admitting our short falls, attempting to make things right with others that might have been hurt or confused by our actions. Jesus is never changing in this area and this fact should provide us with mountains of encouragement to keep pressing on and moving forward. Transition can at times leave people behind. This I do not believe is ever the intent in change but rather is can be a driving force for re-evaluation, re-considerations, and a re-focus on things that matter. One of the challenges that we as individuals face when a transition takes place is that we are required to respond, we cannot just sit back without an opinion. This attitude in and of itself is also a signal or attitude that can easily be detected by our actions or a lack there of. Choices and transitions. They are a part of our lives. Until then

Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Baseball Pitching Machine

In the daily course of conversation you can often hear someone say "I am just busy with life". I doubt that few of us cannot identify with what we perceive to be the message behind the statement. Life often lives her own life at a pace that can be difficult to keep up. In making life it's own entity we can quickly put together a list of items she seems to throw at us from every direction. I am also confident that many of us would describe life's ability to "throw out her stuff" as if it is being distributed by a baseball pitching machine set at high speed. The normal defensive move when experiencing such is to hunker down, cover up the best you can and pray that the machine runs out of baseballs quickly. Describing ourselves as "just busy with life" is the quickest way to share with someone that we are dealing with a lot of different issues and that we will not have the time to explain any of them. Our "just busy" condition gives us a quick way out and relieves us for the immediate moment of explaining ourselves, but that might not be best for us. With the celebration of Easter still on my mind from this past weekend, I cannot help but think about Jesus and the quick pace of life he experienced, faced and dealt with during his lifetime. In the last week of His life he was applauded and greeted with cheers as He entered the City of Jerusalem. At the surface of things that seems like a great way to begin any week. Who doesn't like being welcomed and from every appearance loved too! Yet, in His last week of life He would be betrayed by a close friend named Judas. Another close friend named Peter would swear allegiance only to turn out to not be a man of his word at that moment in time. Life started throwing out accusations and Peter quickly tried to hunker down but the pitching machine of life wasn't going to stop until he denied knowing who Jesus was. For me there is no doubt that what I just described would be more than enough to deal with, but for Jesus, that last week was still filled with more. He would experience being lied about by those who held leadership positions in the community and the church of all things. Jesus was arrested unlawfully and he actually experienced being tried and convicted by his enemies and the court of public opinion without even having a single visit to a legal court. Finally getting His day in court, Jesus discovered the legal courts had no intention of dealing with Him fairly at all. Life's players seemed to have everything stacked up against Jesus and no doubt those individuals had a sense of self-pride believing they had accomplished their goal completely. The one thing I can think of that is very upsetting to life is when you think you have everything taken care of and you discover there were some details you missed in your preparations. Jesus had predicted His death. He had predicted the circumstances surrounding the situation and He had even shared that He would rise again after the third day. These facts seemed to be overlooked. It might have been because those working against Him were "just busy with life", planning and plotting and they missed the important details. I appears very clear to me that there is something to be said for the details of life. In advertisements often suggest or say you better read the fine print. We say this because of our experiences and we share this word of caution because we would like to help others avoid a particular snare of life. Getting busy is really easy to do, paying attention to detail is actually a good habit that once practiced becomes an art to living life most effectively. The things that beset us in life are not necessarily being hit by a fastball or a curve ball hurled out by a baseball pitching machine. If you know anything about baseball you understand that players are actually taught how to take a hit. How to step-into a pitch. How not to be afraid of the fast ball that is coming at you. Learning to keep you eye on the ball from the pitchers glove and hand, until you connect your bat with the ball is the key and art to getting a hit. I am not suggesting that this is an easy art to master, but it is practice that makes your success more likely. There is a lot that can be said for being "just busy with life" but nothing can replace your preparation for life and I suggest a look at the life of Jesus for your answers. Until then

Friday, April 18, 2014

Easter's Past - Easter 2014

Growing up as a child I didn't understand the spiritual significance of Easter, nor did I understand the role of Jesus Christ and how the story of Jesus is the story of Easter. As a child properly understanding how Easter Egg Hunting, special musical church cantatas, and sunrise services all were connected was not exactly easy. One element of Easter I did understand was that I would be accompanying my mother for a day of shopping and trying on clothing. My mother's mission was the perfect 'Easter Outfit', as for my mission, I cannot remember ever having one. My mission if anything was to do what my mother said, to put on each outfit she picked out and to "stand up straight". I am confident that there are many reading this column that can remember hearing those say type of words from your mother too. Reflecting on the meaning of Easter has been a life long journey. I suspect it would be nice to point to a specific time and place and write that I understood it clearly at this moment in time, but that is not the case. It has been an ever evolving understanding and even now I am still learning and growing in what Easter means to me. As a teenager I had the unique musical experience of signing the Baritone Solo role with the Orchestra of the Cumberland's and a full SATB chorus for a solemn production of The Seven Last Words of Christ. Preparing for this role was not only challenging musically but emotionally. Attempting to put your mind in that place, the place of the crucifixion and to focus on His words uttered on the cross is a challenge for any Christian at any age. For me, this experience would be an asset in helping me tap into my personal connection with Easter. Another experience that left a lasting impression on my spiritual growth and heightened sense of understanding of Easter was a visit to the Holy Land. This trip included a musical performance at the Garden Tomb owned by Joseph of Arimathea. Joseph gave his personal burial plot to the Disciples and the Family of Jesus at the request of Nicodemus and others. He did this so Jesus could be properly buried in accordance with religious traditions and customs. Little did they understand at that time that Jesus would only be inside the grave for three days, and then He would rise again, just as He had predicted. If you have or had questions about the meaning of Easter and the story of Jesus Christ you join a group of many who have attempted to understand His death, burial and resurrection. I want to write that I am squared away with all my questions now, but that is not the case. I still question His love. After all, saying you 'love me' is one thing, and laying down your life and dying for me is something else. It is hard to figure out so we ask a question like why? The only answer I have is because that was the Father's plan, and Jesus was obedient, obedient to the point of even death. This is difficult to put a mind around because we are use to witnessing selfness. Who gives up everything for someone like me? This is the question I still ask, especially when I know I have failed Him in actions and words. Rusty Goodman pinned the thought perfectly in the song "Who Am I that a King would bled and die for". This Easter my phone hasn't rang (yet) with my mother informing me of a shopping trip to pick out my 2014 'Easter Outfit'. Growing up when my mother and father organized our family Easter Egg Hunt, as the youngest child, I always had the benefit of assistance. One of my parents would stand next to an egg or point out where a prize egg was to help me in my find. As I continue to grow in understanding the meaning of Easter, I realize that my parents and others have been helpful in my personal journey of realizing that Easter is all about Jesus, and still difficult to understand is that Jesus was all about me and you. Jesus is Easter and His focus was totally on us. Jesus is offering us assistance this Easter. He wants to help us find the ultimate prize egg. Forgiveness of our sins and eternal life. Until then