Friday, August 8, 2014

Defining a Christian

If you were to ask a Christian what their duties are you might a get a long list of things that Christians are suppose to do, from them. The list might resemble something like this: Go to church; Pray; Give a tithe; support missions and do what the preacher says; Certainly in talking with some Christians everything except "do what the preacher says" will make most everyone's list, and for many in the Bible Belt doing what the preacher says will absolutely make the list. When talking about the duties of a Christian and making a list, you are more than likely going to quickly begin to get a list of don'ts. Such as: Don't drink; Don't smoke; Don't cuss; how is that for a top three? The job description of a Christian is really not very complicated at all. According to the Bible Christians should: 1) Love God with all their heart 2) Love people - Because He created them in His image and He loves them 3) Go and make disciples These three points sum up Christianity really fast, yet for some reason many individuals focus on things that define you as religious and do not define you as a Christian. According to the Bible Christians are suppose to go a second mile with folks who ask them to travel one mile. Christians could easily be defined if we carried one another's burdens, as scripture says, thus fulfilling the law of Christ. Christians are suppose to be a giving and forgiving people because the grace of God has been freely given to us. These few highlights alone would make the world a different place if we just did these things mentioned that Jesus did. The main duty and key to being a Christian is to do what Jesus did. If Christians, me included, acted on the positive of following Jesus Christ I am persuaded the impact on others will be life changing. Who do you know today that needs to see demonstrated what Christians are suppose to do? Find just one person you know, show them by your actions and see the change that occurs. Until then

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