Thursday, July 31, 2014
Will you pray what Jabez prayed?
In the Bible there was this guy that asked for God to enlarge his territory. The prayer was named after the guy who prayed it. His name was Jabez. Jabez started his prayer because he was no longer comfortable where he was. The situation that Jabez found himself in was one that is totally different from what you and I would normally expect. Most of us work to get in a spot where we are comfortable with things and our situation, but not Jabez. He didn't want to be comfortable where he was, especially when it came with his relationship with God. He was praying asking God to enlarge things in his life and ministry. Jabez was praying for God to give him more. That thought in his prayer is what makes the Prayer of Jabez totally different from most of us when we pray.
Asking God to do something new and something different in our lives is really a prayer that most Christian no only pray very seldom, for many, it is a prayer they may never pray. Why Christians are afraid to ask God to move in their lives is really something easy to understand. We are afraid because we know that if we ask Him we are then accountable to be responsible with that which He answers with. Praying and asking God to change things or do things differently in our lives is a prayer that is outside our normal comfort zone. However, if we ever expect Him to really use us then we must get outside of our selves and our way of thinking and doing things.
For example, Jesus loved everyone and died for them. Our need is ask Him to help us be like He was. Love people simply because He loved them. This way of thinking takes some real practice. It is not easy to love those that might use us, hurt us, or purposely take from us. Then again that's the difference between Him and us. He freely gave. If you want to be like Jesus I suggest you begin today to ask God to enlarge your territory. Jesus by being obedient to His father enlarged His territory. Jesus by dying on the cross at Calvary enlarged His territory and ours. Salvation became the free gift available to all of us simply because Jesus was willing to follow His father's plan and be our sacrifice. The practice for forgiveness of sin had long been the practice that the priest would each year sacrifice a lamb for our sins. The father was now making a change to what had been the practice of faith by asking Jesus to become the lamb of God slain for the world.
Enlarging our territory can be a scary prayer to pray but I believe it is the key to you and I tapping into the person that God's wants us to be and the person that He has uniquely designed us to be. What is the last prayer that you have prayed that was one where you asked God to get you out of your comfort zone and to move you into a new and different field of focus and purpose. I also believe that you and I are capable of dealing with more than we can even imagine too. The reason we are where we are is not because He isn't able to do more with us but because we have yet to ask Him to do what we are afraid to ask Him to do. God is ready to enlarge your territory. God is ready to help you make change in your life, if you are ready. The next step is yours to take. The next step includes the action of prayer and then the action of doing. I hope to see you in the next territory.
Until then
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