Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Presidential Election 2008 - In the future writing!

The Election Day has passed; we have a new President of the United States of American and their name is_________? As I write this column in advance, currently I am reading the papers, watching the television, listening to talk radio and counting the days down to Tuesday, and that would be this past Tuesday (Nov 4th) actually. Speculation of who will be elected and reports of all the different poles about who is leading here and about how this lead has changed there are everywhere, and it could just be that even though the Election Day has passed the election could be in question, if we have lawsuits filed protesting or questioning the results.
Writing into the future is fun, and it could be that while I am thinking this column will be published the week of the Presidential Election, it could very well be that the world has ended and no one will ever read these, my famous last words? I am prepared for the end of the world spiritually speaking. My faith in Jesus Christ has me ready for His return, whenever He has set for that occurrence to begin. I feel like writing that I am not ready for the world to end if that happens some other way then my preparations have prepared me, spiritually. Certainly for some who are dug into their political parties I guess this election will either brings “WE DID IT” or “2012”. As a Christian, I have not placed my faith, hope or eternal thoughts in a political party. While I have voted already and I am pleased with my selection, my world will not end if my choice doesn’t win this election.
Talking about writing into the future, as I am writing this column now, there are already talks about the election in 2012. I’ve heard talks about Hillary, talks about the lady from Alaska, talks about party platforms and the mistakes that have been made by these two major parties in America during this past election. I found some humor actually in listening to politicians I have observed all my life talk about working across party lines. When I watch republican advertisements with democrats saying that this candidate believed in all of Kentucky, I smiled. It was interesting to watch politicians who have always been down the line democrat and republican all of a sudden talking about working with everyone and for everyone, I had to smile and I believe you should have been smiling too.
What needs to happen is that the next time one of our elected officials say well the democrats stopped this, or the republicans brought this to a halt in committee, we citizens should rise up and find a way to remove them from office, crying shame for playing politics with our lives through legislation, funding and representation. I doubt this will happen but it should. Americans should cry out for honest representation that says who individually and stops mentioning a group that is always easy to blame or pin the problem on. Finding solutions does require working together. No one wants credit for the bail out, the economic conditions or any association with these problems, but it falls where it falls, on Congress, so no excuses, just responsibility and accountability.
Our Nation was founded on Christian Principals and there are always folks who will say no, this is not true, but it is, we are a nation founded on God, the Holy Bible and our nation has always been best served when those principals were followed by our elected leadership. Instead, greed, corruption, and self interest are the standards of the day. Real leadership and vision are two characteristics that are founded on service. The days seem to have passed when people do because they want to serve, but if we look closely those individuals are still out there, still attempting to make a difference by giving of themselves. While I don’t know who is elected as I write this today, when I read this column in the paper I will know, but I will also know one other thing too. The best of America has nothing to do with misplaced faith in parties, positions or platforms. The best of America has to do with loving our neighbor as ourselves and loving the Lord thy God with all your heart. When that happens in America, our economic crisis will still not be solved, but there will be a peace that passes all understanding that will carry you through any time, any situation, or any conditions we might face.

Until then

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