Monday, June 14, 2010

What is your list of dreads?......

I know a lot of individuals who enjoy working cross word puzzles. Personally I have worked a few puzzles but cross word puzzles are not one of the types of puzzles I’ve enjoyed over the years. It could be that since spelling is not a strong suit of mine, I have a built in button that just rejects the idea? It’s always recommended when listing a negative share a positive too, so I will say a strong suit I have is the usage of words. Expressing myself through adjectives and adverbs and relating the meaning of words to others and using words to motivate and challenge is rewarding.
Over the years I have written this column I have shared several list on many topics and themes, but one list I have never created is a list of things we dread. For those of you that love cross word puzzles maybe this list will help you one day when you are stuck on a word. My list includes both personal dreads and those that I’ve heard from others from conversations and through experiences. Here’s a short list of five for discussion: #1-Receiving a traffic citation; Now I can name a 1,000 people that enjoyed not receiving a citation, but it is unusual for someone to be genuinely thankful for a citation; I know of individuals cited for driving under the influence or cited for drugs and even a few written for speeding that credit that moment for helping them to change their behavior but normally folks are not thankful for such experiences. #2-Death of a loved one; I wish I could write that with preparation this type of occurrence has it stinger removed but physically the hurt is real and over coming this loss takes time. The stinger can be spiritually removed because of the practice of Christian faith but even when our loved ones have suffered and we desire them to no longer be in pain, even then it is still difficult; #3-Failure at a task or goal; Most of us dread that idea, especially if you are goal driven and you enjoy succeeding. This dread requires us to rethink and regroup over coming the obstacle through persistence and commitment; #4-Rejection; This dread doesn’t have to be about personal relationships, but often we think of rejection in that form more then others. Rejection could be notification that you have not been selected for admission as a student in higher education, or a denial letter of a grant or idea can also be a set back. #5 Performance of the responsibilities that are not pleasant or enjoyable. I have a friend that is a pitching coach in professional baseball who loves his job. The one aspect he doesn’t enjoy is that dreaded conversation of having to release a player from the organization. Sometimes the things we dread have been in the works for weeks and a specific time frame must pass before the announcement is released and that’s not enjoyed no matter the explanation even when correct.
There are other dreads that can be listed and each of us have personal specific dreads that others may not relate to, but nevertheless, they are real, they exist and we can identify them. One of the keys to success involves creating list. List of issues we have struggles with. List of situations we want to seek to avoid. And list of characteristics we find complimentary and encouraging that we are drawn toward.
The biggest dread I did have in my life was answering for me and my actions to Jesus Christ as the creator. When someone loves what they do, they put their all into it. Certainly Jesus Christ loves us and He put His all into even His death, for me and you. I may have some dreads here on earth, but on the spiritual side of life, I’ve eliminated the biggest dread and you can too!

Until then

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