Lately I have been on a theme about the attitude of churches, the actions of Christians and the disconnect that seems to exist between them and the average person we know and like that doesn’t have any involvement in church. I have chosen this topic for my column because the scriptures says that Jesus came to seek and to save those that are lost, and in another scripture we read that he instructed us to go to the highways and byways and to compel them to come in. Yet many who claim His name have no plan to lead others much less seek them out, and many churches have been so stationary in their activities they do not even realize they are not moving.
When you consider the mission of Jesus, which for the record was to save that which was lost, our best demonstration that we are a follower of Jesus will be discovered in our commitment to telling His story. Fear is maybe the biggest factor some find themselves stuck in even though they will never admit it. It’s not fear of saying Jesus has made a difference, because anyone who is a Christians knows first hand He does. It is not fear of explaining how Jesus has touched your life and changed your heart, rather it is fear that folks will not believe or that they may altogether reject us because we shared.
As a pastor and minister who has practiced my faith by telling His story through the events of my own life, I too had to learn to over come the fears just mentioned. When you are challenged by someone about what you believe, the first thing you want to do is fight back. One of the tough lessons to learn is that is not what Jesus did at all. He simply loved people and He let His love for them to all the talking. Now those that know me personally now I love to talk, I love telling stories, I enjoy sharing, and talking is a lot quicker than actions, but our real talking is best demonstrated by what we do and best complement when actions and words match up together.
Jesus was challenged nearly at every turn in His life. Take for example when he was a child in the temple, He was asked what He was doing. To me, that’s a silly question to have asked but it was not really a question but rather a statement the religious folks were placing as a weight. That attitude in and of itself is a total opposite attitude of Jesus. He didn’t come to place weight or burdens on folks, rather He came to free us of those things that hold us back, keep us down and have us locked up. If there is anything I hope my Christian witness stands as my attitude I pray it is that He wasn’t about bondage but freedom and He sets us free through the gift of His mercy and grace. I must say this is a difficult concept to grasp because most people enjoy seeing other struggle. Many individuals like seeing people craw and being knocked down, but not Jesus. He was all about lifting up, cleaning up, helping us to get in the right lane, choose the correct gate. He is all about helping us to become a light for travelers looking for a light and He is al about helping us to become a sweet flavor and a saving ingredient in the lives of others
There is an answer for the issues and challenges Christians and churches face today. It’s not about a specific program, event, or a series of topics addressed from the pulpit. The best connection available today is the one we offer when we go in His name and reach out because we know what He has done for us, He will gladly do for others.
Until then .
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Now it is time for the church to make a decision
The very mention of the word church creates a lot of different reactions and responses. For those not afraid it will be a word that strikes friendly thoughts of times spent maybe as a child or a teenager hanging out with friends or participating in youth group or church activities that made an impression. Church can also be a word that is not welcomed in any form by those that had a bad experience with someone who described themselves as religious. Often individuals view a church as an outdated institution that is self serving and not relative with today’s happenings or issues. The last consideration to share would be that church is thought of as something for children and kids to attend and participate in. Folks with this attitude would also say that they find value in church for that age group and they believe this is the place everyone should start, but that save value doesn’t transfer into adult years.
For Christians who love attending church and enjoy the worship services conducted through their services and events they will not like anything I have just written. I can understand how they might be upset by these thoughts but the coin could be flipped easily and I could say I don’t understand how anyone could not see clearly these are the considerations of many. Some of these “many” will never attend our churches and some might come when their grandchildren are participating in a program or a special friends child has invited them to come and what them at church. Either way, you can see there is a clear disconnect between the church and church members from those that drive by looking at the buildings and from those that could never be involved in church life of any sort because of what they perceive. Church members and those who attend church have a lot of decisions to make in 2011 and the leadership and membership of churches have tough decisions to make about what they really believe is true about church, especially theirs.
The size of your church has a huge determining factor in what you hold to be true about the practice of church. For large attended churches the perception if often held that the bigger the number of folks who attend worship, the larger the number of teenagers and children participating in church and even the number of programs, special events, and concerts will determine the value and effectiveness of church. Truth is, that large numbers have no bearing on reality of an impact a church is having in a community nor more than saying, if you eat chicken you will become a chicken. Chicken is good and I love chicken but there is a lot more to being a chicken then just the name. Small congregations consider themselves to be handicapped because of their size. They don’t even attempt some programs, events or worship because they don’t believe it will be possible based on their size. It is funny to me, a bigger church should be making it happen and a small church is forgiven for not leading simply because they are small in number and group.
The church is disconnected from most in society, but that doesn’t mean that Jesus is disconnected. He is alive and well and the time for churches to decide what they will stand for and what they will do is now. People are dying everyday because of starvation.. They are also dying because they have shut God off from their heart line and position of influence. The time is now to make a difference for Him and the church is so perfect for a demonstration of all He has to offer. I pray you will decide to allow Him to change you and make a difference if you will only believe and act.
Until then
For Christians who love attending church and enjoy the worship services conducted through their services and events they will not like anything I have just written. I can understand how they might be upset by these thoughts but the coin could be flipped easily and I could say I don’t understand how anyone could not see clearly these are the considerations of many. Some of these “many” will never attend our churches and some might come when their grandchildren are participating in a program or a special friends child has invited them to come and what them at church. Either way, you can see there is a clear disconnect between the church and church members from those that drive by looking at the buildings and from those that could never be involved in church life of any sort because of what they perceive. Church members and those who attend church have a lot of decisions to make in 2011 and the leadership and membership of churches have tough decisions to make about what they really believe is true about church, especially theirs.
The size of your church has a huge determining factor in what you hold to be true about the practice of church. For large attended churches the perception if often held that the bigger the number of folks who attend worship, the larger the number of teenagers and children participating in church and even the number of programs, special events, and concerts will determine the value and effectiveness of church. Truth is, that large numbers have no bearing on reality of an impact a church is having in a community nor more than saying, if you eat chicken you will become a chicken. Chicken is good and I love chicken but there is a lot more to being a chicken then just the name. Small congregations consider themselves to be handicapped because of their size. They don’t even attempt some programs, events or worship because they don’t believe it will be possible based on their size. It is funny to me, a bigger church should be making it happen and a small church is forgiven for not leading simply because they are small in number and group.
The church is disconnected from most in society, but that doesn’t mean that Jesus is disconnected. He is alive and well and the time for churches to decide what they will stand for and what they will do is now. People are dying everyday because of starvation.. They are also dying because they have shut God off from their heart line and position of influence. The time is now to make a difference for Him and the church is so perfect for a demonstration of all He has to offer. I pray you will decide to allow Him to change you and make a difference if you will only believe and act.
Until then
Sunday, March 13, 2011
The church attenders of 2011 have a deicsion to make
The Christian world of church is under a revolution of challenge and change. The average Christian world of Church consists of a gathering for worship at least twice on Sunday and another meeting normally held on Wednesday of the week. The mid-week meeting normally is divided up by age groups. The children are in one location, youth in their own area and the adults gather for a Bible Study. Wednesday night services could resemble a Sunday service with music, a choir or some special music, but that is not the norm in most situations. Someone could write a book and name it the Evolution of Church and no doubt there would be leaders who would buy the book but I do not belive it would make the top seller lists.
Traditional church leaders don’t believe in a changing of the pattern of church worship that is experienced in most church. Traditional church leaders build their services to specifically include a designated moment of welcome, a time for prayers or sharing of congregational concerns, an organized choir which provides a specially prepared song for the service. A traditional service could easily include someone singing a song in place of a choir anthem but normally not both in a single service, it is one or the other, with the focus of the gathering on the preaching and not music in a traditional service.
Modern church leaders will not be buying a book about the Evolution of Church because most will consider the title and say there is no evolution, considering the average church is stuck in a position and cannot get out. Modern church services will not provide the attendees an order of worship which will be a problem for those who attend traditional worship and the perceived freelance spirit of a modern worship service would be an issue for traditional church goers too. Modern worship attendees will have their issues going to a traditional service for a couple main reasons. First, they will view traditional services as stiff and stifling to the moment of the Holy Spirit and secondly they will have an issue with the lack of emotion or perceived public participation.
If you not attend church you will be reading this column thinking Christians are in a mess and you would be correct. Traditional Christians will be offended I have even written the previous sentence and they will consider all I will think, write, or speak to be an offense. Modern leaders will be glad I’ve pointed out the difference between the Christian world of church that plays out each week in our towns, and communities.
I am not writing to the point, counter-point or advantage of either. I have served as a pastor of traditional churches and preached in traditional buildings of churches that house modern worship experiences, if that helps you any? The church of today has some issues that need to be addressed. Personally I can enjoy many varied aspects of worship and I like new things and old traditions too. The real issue for both churches I have written about today that church members and those attending should ask is quite simple. What are we doing inside our churches that are having any affect on the people outside our churches? If you do not have an immediate answer for that question then I believe that is a strong indication that it is time for a Bible evolution. These are tough issues for the Church of 2011 but the answer is very clear. Following Jesus wasn’t easy for the disciples when they were learning His ways but once they understood His method they were willing to die for the cause. What would you say best describes your reaction to the love of God?
Until then
Traditional church leaders don’t believe in a changing of the pattern of church worship that is experienced in most church. Traditional church leaders build their services to specifically include a designated moment of welcome, a time for prayers or sharing of congregational concerns, an organized choir which provides a specially prepared song for the service. A traditional service could easily include someone singing a song in place of a choir anthem but normally not both in a single service, it is one or the other, with the focus of the gathering on the preaching and not music in a traditional service.
Modern church leaders will not be buying a book about the Evolution of Church because most will consider the title and say there is no evolution, considering the average church is stuck in a position and cannot get out. Modern church services will not provide the attendees an order of worship which will be a problem for those who attend traditional worship and the perceived freelance spirit of a modern worship service would be an issue for traditional church goers too. Modern worship attendees will have their issues going to a traditional service for a couple main reasons. First, they will view traditional services as stiff and stifling to the moment of the Holy Spirit and secondly they will have an issue with the lack of emotion or perceived public participation.
If you not attend church you will be reading this column thinking Christians are in a mess and you would be correct. Traditional Christians will be offended I have even written the previous sentence and they will consider all I will think, write, or speak to be an offense. Modern leaders will be glad I’ve pointed out the difference between the Christian world of church that plays out each week in our towns, and communities.
I am not writing to the point, counter-point or advantage of either. I have served as a pastor of traditional churches and preached in traditional buildings of churches that house modern worship experiences, if that helps you any? The church of today has some issues that need to be addressed. Personally I can enjoy many varied aspects of worship and I like new things and old traditions too. The real issue for both churches I have written about today that church members and those attending should ask is quite simple. What are we doing inside our churches that are having any affect on the people outside our churches? If you do not have an immediate answer for that question then I believe that is a strong indication that it is time for a Bible evolution. These are tough issues for the Church of 2011 but the answer is very clear. Following Jesus wasn’t easy for the disciples when they were learning His ways but once they understood His method they were willing to die for the cause. What would you say best describes your reaction to the love of God?
Until then
Monday, March 7, 2011
Cloyd Carnes - A Heritage of Faith passed down
Remembering the value of an individual is best honored with the way in which we live out our lives. Living with their practices and characteristics salutes them in a memorial that continues their reach and impact. Born in Walker, Kentucky and raised on Stinking Creek in Knox County, Cloyd Carnes began his life journey on December 23, 1915. His brothers and sisters all found their own journeys too, each with a drive to succeed and serve. His mother, Mossie Bargo Carnes was born on the March 4, 1887 and his father George Carnes was born on June 5, 1890. Cloyd Carnes lived 95 years touching lives through his sweet spirit and genuine desire to be honest and fair with all he met on his journey. A goal he achieved that always unveiled a smile along with his humble spirit that touched my life certainly.
He married Rosa Carnes and she was the perfect companion and life mate and together they touched the lives of all they encountered. Cloyd was a student of the Bible and he loved to share God’s word. He loved his family and believed the joys of life were further extended by his grandchildren and even the addition of great grandchildren to his family heritage and linage, He was never shy in talking about those extra blessings in his life but also mindful of the enjoyment others had too in listening to them share about their families. To have witnessed that on many different occasions reminds me of the special care he gave to making sure everyone had a chance to touch lives in talking about family accomplishments.
Cloyd Carnes was a brother to my Grandfather Alonzo Carnes. His wife, Fannie Bingham Carnes passed away at 19 years of age. Aunt Rose and Uncle Cloyd were faithful in filling a parental gap and as a great-nephew I felt his love as a Grandfather who never allowed a single moment to pass without expressing his love. The times he and Aunt Rose came to listen at me preach or sing will also be cherished memories of a part of their expressions of care for me. When my Grandfather Alonzo passed away it was Uncle Cloyd who sat next to me during his funeral and it was Uncle Cloyd who spent extra time sharing with me family history, the difficulties of growing up in hard times, surviving the Great Depression, and the importance of forgiveness and love.
A man of quite words, yet when Rev. Cloyd Carnes spoke, his words was filled with powerful meaning. He and Aunt Rose attended the Whetstone Christian Church and Williamsburg and Whitley County was home. Highway 92 always had a special meaning in my travels. His brother Lee Carnes served as Pastor of the Greasy Creek Baptist Church in Bell County and with Uncle Cloyd on one end of Highway 92 and Uncle Lee on the other end I always felt like I was in the family fold of help and care.
I have been given a rich history of character and practices. The hats I wear today remind me of people I have loved and it is my inner tribute of their impact on my life. I pray my Christian Faith stands as a public signs of a Heritage of Faith I have been blessed to witness too.
Until then
He married Rosa Carnes and she was the perfect companion and life mate and together they touched the lives of all they encountered. Cloyd was a student of the Bible and he loved to share God’s word. He loved his family and believed the joys of life were further extended by his grandchildren and even the addition of great grandchildren to his family heritage and linage, He was never shy in talking about those extra blessings in his life but also mindful of the enjoyment others had too in listening to them share about their families. To have witnessed that on many different occasions reminds me of the special care he gave to making sure everyone had a chance to touch lives in talking about family accomplishments.
Cloyd Carnes was a brother to my Grandfather Alonzo Carnes. His wife, Fannie Bingham Carnes passed away at 19 years of age. Aunt Rose and Uncle Cloyd were faithful in filling a parental gap and as a great-nephew I felt his love as a Grandfather who never allowed a single moment to pass without expressing his love. The times he and Aunt Rose came to listen at me preach or sing will also be cherished memories of a part of their expressions of care for me. When my Grandfather Alonzo passed away it was Uncle Cloyd who sat next to me during his funeral and it was Uncle Cloyd who spent extra time sharing with me family history, the difficulties of growing up in hard times, surviving the Great Depression, and the importance of forgiveness and love.
A man of quite words, yet when Rev. Cloyd Carnes spoke, his words was filled with powerful meaning. He and Aunt Rose attended the Whetstone Christian Church and Williamsburg and Whitley County was home. Highway 92 always had a special meaning in my travels. His brother Lee Carnes served as Pastor of the Greasy Creek Baptist Church in Bell County and with Uncle Cloyd on one end of Highway 92 and Uncle Lee on the other end I always felt like I was in the family fold of help and care.
I have been given a rich history of character and practices. The hats I wear today remind me of people I have loved and it is my inner tribute of their impact on my life. I pray my Christian Faith stands as a public signs of a Heritage of Faith I have been blessed to witness too.
Until then
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