The battle that rages within each individual may not necessarily been a battle that is easily recognized. Yes, there are many things we each battle, but given the nature of my column, I am speaking about the spiritual battle we face. I could make this extremely personal and say that battle I face if that makes you reading the column feel better. Sometimes it is easier for us to see issues that others face before we accept the challenge that is before us personally. The Bible says that Jesus Christ seeks after us as individuals. He loves us, cares for us and has a plan of abundance if we would only accept it. The Bible also says that the devil has a plan, where he seeks like a roaring lion that he may devour us. Not sure which plan you believe sounds the best, but I am thinking clearly for me, I like abundance of good, and not being devoured.
Here in lies the battle that we each face spiritually. Good versus evil. Our human nature wants to always believe that we are A.O.K., our lives are under control, we not only have a handle on things, but maybe even we see the future too. For those who have experienced just the opposite of those statements you clearly see the task before each of us because of personal experience. For some, being able to talk about a higher power is a battle. Some folks find it difficult to discuss all the things associated with a spiritual conversation. We hate to talk about church, because we’ve been hurt. We don’t want to talk about being submissive to authority or God because we had someone use us and we feel there was no return or appreciation for our efforts. Yes, these are some of the battles we each face. Battles that have touched each of our lives at different times and different ways.
I would love to write that the ideal church is located in your neighborhood and that there are no issues to report, but I would be lying. I can report that the church Jesus Christ established was designed to be a place where hurting people can find help. The church that Jesus designed is to function as an outlet of light to see and a place of salt for flavor. Yes, we all know churches with problems, because churches are made up of people. I can report that the church Jesus created for the fellowship of folks to come together was built as an encouragement station, even if we humans have made it to be something else at times.
When you feel something inside you that is providing options and decisions, this is battle phase one. Determining who it is that we hear, feel, sense directing us. Remember, it could be Jesus, or it could be the devil. Learning to figure out who it is can be eased with a personal relationship with Jesus. This personal relationship is key because we learn through a talking and walking with Him, who He is, what He is like, and we are better able to recognize His voice.
This week is the perfect time to think about the battle you are facing and what answer can be found that provides a real solution. Following Jesus is no guarantee that you will not experience heart ache or problems. Following Jesus will not give you a life of ease and all sunshine. However, following Jesus will give you a friend that will never leave you or forsake you.
I have found a friend in Jesus and would like to recommend Him for your battles.
Until then
Friday, February 24, 2012
Friday, February 17, 2012
Valentine's Love
On this week of Valentine’s Day there have been many different types of demonstrations of love. When I was in grade school this week meant that you would spend time filling out little Valentine Cards that you would give to all your school mates. Everyone exchanged cards and as little kids we would always giggle and laugh when you gave out the card that said, “would you be my Valentine?”
I am not real sure but I haven’t seen those little cards in quite some time. It would be neat to me if kids still gave out those little cards in grade school. For couples celebrating Valentine’s Day that included a dinner, flowers and a card for those wanting to make a real statement of love. Yet, the right card can also present the perfect expression of love too. For parents of children the gift of a hand written card saying “I love you” becomes a cherished childhood heirloom that parents will hold on to throughout their lifetime. Love is a word that says the very best of everything.
If I flip the coin of love for just a moment, the usage of the word has also been minimized in importance because so many use it so loosely. Some individuals will tell someone they love a person after a first date. In counseling I always share that if you “fall” in love, then you can easily “fall” out of love too. Love is not a feeling, yet so many people tie emotions with the word not thinking about the real definition of the word. A demonstration of love includes both words and actions that complement each other. One of my personally held definitions of love is: It does not matter what you tell me I will still love you. This definition I developed after witnessing people tell folks they love someone to only see them change their feelings when that person no longer did what they wanted them to do. That is not love, rather it is manipulation. The ultimate definition of love for me is the demonstration of Jesus Christ and His example of His love for me, you and all who would believe on His name.
The Bible says that Jesus demonstrated His love toward us that while we were yet sinners, He died for us. I personally know individuals who have done for others and their sole motivation for giving or doing was because they expected something in return The helped out only to see if there was some way they could personally benefit from being involved. While this is the case for some, and I am confident that we all know people who have acted this way in the name of love all for themselves, this was not the actions of Jesus. The demonstration of His love for us before we respond to Him is still amazing love to me. The fact that you can reject Jesus, and never accept His love for you will still not remove the fact that He loves you and died for you. The opportunity to experience His love, which equals forgiveness, is the ultimate example of love.
This month, one year ago, I preached the funeral of a church member I had the honor of serving as his pastor. The death of young people is always challenging and heart breaking. His mother and I had a conversation over the phone in which she said the most amazing thing I had ever heard from a mother who had lost a son. As we were talking about her son, his life, and his friends, she said: “Until I lost my son, I had no clue what it was that God felt when He sent Jesus to die in our place”. Immediately I knew from our conversation that she had a renewed sense of the Love Jesus had for her and for others. It was a powerful moment and this example of her witness and testimony will live with me until I meet my maker personally. She said, “I wouldn’t want anyone to have experienced what I felt, but to know that Jesus died for me has a whole new meaning”.
This Valentine’s Week what definition do you hold for love? When you think of an example of love what comes to your mind?
We could consider that Jesus Christ has given each of us a card this year, in the Bible. The Bible is His personal words of love written just for us. We could consider that Jesus Christ has given each of a meal, in the last supper. This supper is a unique opportunity to celebrate the gift of Jesus and his sacrifice for us. We could consider that Jesus Christ was the perfect flower, as the Rose of Sharon, given to us by the Father. If you wanted a card, dinner and flowers this year for Valentine’s Day, you can still have the best Valentine’s ever, just except the Love Jesus has for you.
Until then
I am not real sure but I haven’t seen those little cards in quite some time. It would be neat to me if kids still gave out those little cards in grade school. For couples celebrating Valentine’s Day that included a dinner, flowers and a card for those wanting to make a real statement of love. Yet, the right card can also present the perfect expression of love too. For parents of children the gift of a hand written card saying “I love you” becomes a cherished childhood heirloom that parents will hold on to throughout their lifetime. Love is a word that says the very best of everything.
If I flip the coin of love for just a moment, the usage of the word has also been minimized in importance because so many use it so loosely. Some individuals will tell someone they love a person after a first date. In counseling I always share that if you “fall” in love, then you can easily “fall” out of love too. Love is not a feeling, yet so many people tie emotions with the word not thinking about the real definition of the word. A demonstration of love includes both words and actions that complement each other. One of my personally held definitions of love is: It does not matter what you tell me I will still love you. This definition I developed after witnessing people tell folks they love someone to only see them change their feelings when that person no longer did what they wanted them to do. That is not love, rather it is manipulation. The ultimate definition of love for me is the demonstration of Jesus Christ and His example of His love for me, you and all who would believe on His name.
The Bible says that Jesus demonstrated His love toward us that while we were yet sinners, He died for us. I personally know individuals who have done for others and their sole motivation for giving or doing was because they expected something in return The helped out only to see if there was some way they could personally benefit from being involved. While this is the case for some, and I am confident that we all know people who have acted this way in the name of love all for themselves, this was not the actions of Jesus. The demonstration of His love for us before we respond to Him is still amazing love to me. The fact that you can reject Jesus, and never accept His love for you will still not remove the fact that He loves you and died for you. The opportunity to experience His love, which equals forgiveness, is the ultimate example of love.
This month, one year ago, I preached the funeral of a church member I had the honor of serving as his pastor. The death of young people is always challenging and heart breaking. His mother and I had a conversation over the phone in which she said the most amazing thing I had ever heard from a mother who had lost a son. As we were talking about her son, his life, and his friends, she said: “Until I lost my son, I had no clue what it was that God felt when He sent Jesus to die in our place”. Immediately I knew from our conversation that she had a renewed sense of the Love Jesus had for her and for others. It was a powerful moment and this example of her witness and testimony will live with me until I meet my maker personally. She said, “I wouldn’t want anyone to have experienced what I felt, but to know that Jesus died for me has a whole new meaning”.
This Valentine’s Week what definition do you hold for love? When you think of an example of love what comes to your mind?
We could consider that Jesus Christ has given each of us a card this year, in the Bible. The Bible is His personal words of love written just for us. We could consider that Jesus Christ has given each of a meal, in the last supper. This supper is a unique opportunity to celebrate the gift of Jesus and his sacrifice for us. We could consider that Jesus Christ was the perfect flower, as the Rose of Sharon, given to us by the Father. If you wanted a card, dinner and flowers this year for Valentine’s Day, you can still have the best Valentine’s ever, just except the Love Jesus has for you.
Until then
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Haiti - The road to Haiti begins in Kentucky - (Series- Article 4)
For the past 4 weeks I have be writing a series of articles about Haiti. I wanted to write this series and highlighting the 2 year anniversary of the devastating earthquake of January 12, 2010. The first two articles were informational about Country of Haiti and the people whom are so easy to love. I described the conditions one finds in Haiti and about how great the need is there for the most basic of human services and resources. Last week in my column I wrote about the call to service and about the role we can play with one simple question. What role will you plan in responding to the need in Haiti?
We all like a first person witness. We want to hear from someone that knows what they are talking about. I would not call myself an expert on the Country of Haiti, the politics of Haiti or the people of Haiti. What I would call myself an expert on the Love of Jesus Christ. His love is real and it is a forgiving love that removes all our sins. I am also an expert on His plan. He has a plan for each and every one of us. Scripture calls it an abundant plan too! He calls me and every other Christian to be an Ambassador of His love and His plan. I am not afraid to call you into His service. We have a draft in place, if you will. He calls and we answer. Isaiah 6:8 is very clear about how the draft process works. Our response is simply, “Here am I, send me Lord”.
Haiti is a country in great need. The people of Haiti need our help. Kentucky has been blessed with one organization that began with a simple trip that changed one man’s life, then mine, and now I pray you are next. Arnold Lemke was called into service when asked by his pastor to go on a short term mission trip to Haiti. Arnold answered that call, not with the slightest hint of what God was up to. One of the beauties of Jesus Christ is that you and I need do nothing to prepare for His call on our lives, except make ourselves available. Arnold discovered on his visit what all see when visiting Haiti. He saw the devastation of starvation. USAID, (United States Agency for International Development) released this fact you should consider. 80 out of 1,000 kids born in Haiti will never see their first birthday. Arnold began to feed twelve children after that first visit and today the Kentucky led organization, Children’s Lifeline, feeds over 7000 children a week. Serving as the Chairman of the Board, Arnold Lemke is one man that God has used to make a difference in the lives of thousands in Haiti. If we look at his impact from a much broader perspective that impact is multiplied by thousands over when you figure all those that have traveled on a short term trip as I did.
Children’s Lifeline is headquartered in Clay City, Kentucky, and located on mission in Archaie Quest, Haiti. The mission is a small compound that contains a work shop where ladies in the community and village work making items with fabrics donated. These handmade items then become sellable products creating income for them and their families. Remember, the average yearly family income is $450.00. The compound contains a medical clinic, a church, a school with classrooms and most importantly for many reasons, a soccer field. The one item I have waited to write about last is the yellow neon painted cross sitting atop the hill overlooking the soccer field and the mission compound. While it seems appropriate for a church, a mission or a Christian organization to have a Cross, this cross would become the most important symbol identifying the community on that fateful day the earthquake hit on January 12, 2010. Not just the city of Port Au Prince was impacted by the earthquake. The countryside was also in ruins and with road ways out the connecting link for food, which is beans and rice, the devastation of the quake, was felt by the entire country and people of Haiti. It is at this point the story of the cross begins. Outside relief organizations and other countries such as the United States were all looking for places that helicopters could land with shipment of medical supplies, food, water and personnel. The soccer field of the mission and compound had plenty of room for landing, but no identifying characteristics which could direct pilots to their make shift runway, except for one. The Cross.
The Cross worked perfectly in Haiti and the cross works perfectly every time, if only we would look to find it where we are. You can make a difference in Haiti, and the beginning point for that journey is located right here in Kentucky. Children’s Lifeline…..will you help?
Until then
We all like a first person witness. We want to hear from someone that knows what they are talking about. I would not call myself an expert on the Country of Haiti, the politics of Haiti or the people of Haiti. What I would call myself an expert on the Love of Jesus Christ. His love is real and it is a forgiving love that removes all our sins. I am also an expert on His plan. He has a plan for each and every one of us. Scripture calls it an abundant plan too! He calls me and every other Christian to be an Ambassador of His love and His plan. I am not afraid to call you into His service. We have a draft in place, if you will. He calls and we answer. Isaiah 6:8 is very clear about how the draft process works. Our response is simply, “Here am I, send me Lord”.
Haiti is a country in great need. The people of Haiti need our help. Kentucky has been blessed with one organization that began with a simple trip that changed one man’s life, then mine, and now I pray you are next. Arnold Lemke was called into service when asked by his pastor to go on a short term mission trip to Haiti. Arnold answered that call, not with the slightest hint of what God was up to. One of the beauties of Jesus Christ is that you and I need do nothing to prepare for His call on our lives, except make ourselves available. Arnold discovered on his visit what all see when visiting Haiti. He saw the devastation of starvation. USAID, (United States Agency for International Development) released this fact you should consider. 80 out of 1,000 kids born in Haiti will never see their first birthday. Arnold began to feed twelve children after that first visit and today the Kentucky led organization, Children’s Lifeline, feeds over 7000 children a week. Serving as the Chairman of the Board, Arnold Lemke is one man that God has used to make a difference in the lives of thousands in Haiti. If we look at his impact from a much broader perspective that impact is multiplied by thousands over when you figure all those that have traveled on a short term trip as I did.
Children’s Lifeline is headquartered in Clay City, Kentucky, and located on mission in Archaie Quest, Haiti. The mission is a small compound that contains a work shop where ladies in the community and village work making items with fabrics donated. These handmade items then become sellable products creating income for them and their families. Remember, the average yearly family income is $450.00. The compound contains a medical clinic, a church, a school with classrooms and most importantly for many reasons, a soccer field. The one item I have waited to write about last is the yellow neon painted cross sitting atop the hill overlooking the soccer field and the mission compound. While it seems appropriate for a church, a mission or a Christian organization to have a Cross, this cross would become the most important symbol identifying the community on that fateful day the earthquake hit on January 12, 2010. Not just the city of Port Au Prince was impacted by the earthquake. The countryside was also in ruins and with road ways out the connecting link for food, which is beans and rice, the devastation of the quake, was felt by the entire country and people of Haiti. It is at this point the story of the cross begins. Outside relief organizations and other countries such as the United States were all looking for places that helicopters could land with shipment of medical supplies, food, water and personnel. The soccer field of the mission and compound had plenty of room for landing, but no identifying characteristics which could direct pilots to their make shift runway, except for one. The Cross.
The Cross worked perfectly in Haiti and the cross works perfectly every time, if only we would look to find it where we are. You can make a difference in Haiti, and the beginning point for that journey is located right here in Kentucky. Children’s Lifeline…..will you help?
Until then
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