Friday, February 17, 2012

Valentine's Love

On this week of Valentine’s Day there have been many different types of demonstrations of love. When I was in grade school this week meant that you would spend time filling out little Valentine Cards that you would give to all your school mates. Everyone exchanged cards and as little kids we would always giggle and laugh when you gave out the card that said, “would you be my Valentine?”
I am not real sure but I haven’t seen those little cards in quite some time. It would be neat to me if kids still gave out those little cards in grade school. For couples celebrating Valentine’s Day that included a dinner, flowers and a card for those wanting to make a real statement of love. Yet, the right card can also present the perfect expression of love too. For parents of children the gift of a hand written card saying “I love you” becomes a cherished childhood heirloom that parents will hold on to throughout their lifetime. Love is a word that says the very best of everything.
If I flip the coin of love for just a moment, the usage of the word has also been minimized in importance because so many use it so loosely. Some individuals will tell someone they love a person after a first date. In counseling I always share that if you “fall” in love, then you can easily “fall” out of love too. Love is not a feeling, yet so many people tie emotions with the word not thinking about the real definition of the word. A demonstration of love includes both words and actions that complement each other. One of my personally held definitions of love is: It does not matter what you tell me I will still love you. This definition I developed after witnessing people tell folks they love someone to only see them change their feelings when that person no longer did what they wanted them to do. That is not love, rather it is manipulation. The ultimate definition of love for me is the demonstration of Jesus Christ and His example of His love for me, you and all who would believe on His name.
The Bible says that Jesus demonstrated His love toward us that while we were yet sinners, He died for us. I personally know individuals who have done for others and their sole motivation for giving or doing was because they expected something in return The helped out only to see if there was some way they could personally benefit from being involved. While this is the case for some, and I am confident that we all know people who have acted this way in the name of love all for themselves, this was not the actions of Jesus. The demonstration of His love for us before we respond to Him is still amazing love to me. The fact that you can reject Jesus, and never accept His love for you will still not remove the fact that He loves you and died for you. The opportunity to experience His love, which equals forgiveness, is the ultimate example of love.
This month, one year ago, I preached the funeral of a church member I had the honor of serving as his pastor. The death of young people is always challenging and heart breaking. His mother and I had a conversation over the phone in which she said the most amazing thing I had ever heard from a mother who had lost a son. As we were talking about her son, his life, and his friends, she said: “Until I lost my son, I had no clue what it was that God felt when He sent Jesus to die in our place”. Immediately I knew from our conversation that she had a renewed sense of the Love Jesus had for her and for others. It was a powerful moment and this example of her witness and testimony will live with me until I meet my maker personally. She said, “I wouldn’t want anyone to have experienced what I felt, but to know that Jesus died for me has a whole new meaning”.
This Valentine’s Week what definition do you hold for love? When you think of an example of love what comes to your mind?
We could consider that Jesus Christ has given each of us a card this year, in the Bible. The Bible is His personal words of love written just for us. We could consider that Jesus Christ has given each of a meal, in the last supper. This supper is a unique opportunity to celebrate the gift of Jesus and his sacrifice for us. We could consider that Jesus Christ was the perfect flower, as the Rose of Sharon, given to us by the Father. If you wanted a card, dinner and flowers this year for Valentine’s Day, you can still have the best Valentine’s ever, just except the Love Jesus has for you.

Until then

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