Friday, December 28, 2012
Identifying with Jesus
This Christmas and the year 2012 has certainly been an interesting time. It is very normal to
write that we now see the end of the year is here. After Christmas New Years is the next big moment,
but this year has been filled with lots of deadlines, cliffs and the prediction of the end of all things. 12-
21-12 was predicted to be the “End of the World”, at least according to followers of the Mayan
Calendar. I have not taken any type of survey, but I am predicting some no doubt wished the world had
ended. There were others who planned celebrations for this moment in time. I didn’t attend any such
events but I am tempted to buy a t-shirt promoting that I survived the moment.
2012 has had financial woes and the most recent approaching financial cliff has been left in the
hands of the democrats and republicans. I feel safe to make a prediction on this one for sure. No
solution, but the political powers in-charge will want us to feel that they have really accomplished
something no matter what. There is only one answer for financially difficult times. Live within your
means and you cannot buy what you do not have the money to purchase. Excuse me, I meant to write
that we the people must live within our means but that rule of thought doesn’t apply to the
government. They are spending our money and not theirs so the common sense rules do not apply.
Nevertheless, 2012 has been a very interesting time.
During the Presidential Election we heard that if President Obama was re-elected that the world
was going to experience even more difficultly and conservative media predicted a collapse of nearly
everything because of the election results. This year has been a roller coaster of emotions, outburst,
name calling and I guess the one thing for certain is that if Monday, 31-January arrives it will be the last
day of 2012. The question we should be asking ourselves today is what will be different in 2013?
I believe Christmas represents the best of change, new direction and new opportunities. The
Wise Men in the Christmas Story of the Birth of Jesus didn’t return from where they had come from,
instead they went in another direction. Meeting Jesus in that manger was a life changing moment for
them. For me personally, I met Jesus through many experiences in my life prior to asking Him to come
into my heart. When I took that action, I too began a journey in a different direction just like the Wise
Men did in that day. 2012 is a perfect year for change and with just a few days remaining I cannot think
of a better way to enter the year 2013 then with the assurance that when the world does comes to an
end you will be safe and secure in His hands.
If you are wondering if there is any identity that can be made between you and Jesus in 2012 I
think that answer is clearly yes. In what many folks are calling difficult times I think the opportunity to
connect with Jesus is even more possible because of what Jesus experienced. The words to Sweet Little
Jesus Boy remain powerful and impacting today. He was born in a manger, but he deserved better than
that. The world didn’t know who he was. No recognition for the Lord who had come to save us. He
wasn’t seen as the person who had come to take our sins away, yet that was exactly what he came to
do. Misunderstood, the world’s eyes were blind to see Him for who he was. Sadly today many are still
missing the signs of who He is now. The old Negro Spiritual was sung in a first person audience. It was
simple, sincere and an intimate expression of feeling. The song says, “The world treat you mean Lord,
treat me mean too but that’s how things is down here”. I think there are plenty of opportunities for us
to identify with Jesus Christ given what he experienced in life.
Until then
Friday, December 21, 2012
My First Christmas In Heaven
Christmas is a time of that year that brings solemn thoughts as individuals
reflect upon this Christmas, their First Christmas, without a loved one. I first
published this poem in 1998 as it was used to minister to me in the loss of my
grandfather. Each year at this time of the year I publish it again in my column with
the prayer that this poem gives each of us hope through faith in Jesus Christ. There is
nothing that will replace the loss of a loved one, but the comfort of their presence in
Heaven with Jesus does provide me with peace, especially at Christmas.
My First Christmas in Heaven
I see the countless Christmas Trees around the world below
With tiny lights, like Heaven’s stars, reflecting on the snow.
The sight is so spectacular; please wipe away the tear
For I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.
I hear the many Christmas songs that people hold so dear
But the sounds of music can’t compare with the Christmas choir up here.
I have no words to tell you, the joy their voices bring,
For it is beyond description to hear the angels sing.
I know how much you miss me, I see the pain inside your heart
But I am not so far away, we really aren’t apart.
So be happy for me, dear ones, you know I hold you dear
And be glad I’m spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.
I sent you each a special gift, from my heavenly home above.
I sent you each a memory of my undying love.
After all, love is a gift more precious than pure gold.
It was always most important in the stories Jesus told.
Please love and keep each other, as my Father said to do.
For I can’t count the blessing or love He has for each of you.
So have a Merry Christmas and wipe away that tear.
Remember, I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.
Until then
Hark the Hearld Angels Sing
Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas all have one thing in common. It is a retail event for all
three of these moments in our yearly calendars. Some stores actually have Christmas items on the
shelves by Halloween. Thanksgiving when I was growing up was all about pilgrims and Indians. My
childhood memories are about the story of Plymouth Rock, the Mayflower and about how those
searching for the new world met those who were already in this land we know as America. Today I
believe the number one symbol of Thanksgiving is the turkey. You don’t see any retain stores
advertising anything about the history of thanksgiving but you might see some Indian corn if you visit a
farmers market. The meanings of the various holidays we celebrate in our nation seem to be slipping
away and Christmas too is losing her meaning with each new emphasis on sales and retail promotions.
If you want to have a new perspective on our American Holidays go to another country that
doesn’t celebrate our Thanksgiving. In Haiti for example the only people who even know about
Thanksgiving are America Missionaries who are there serving. The cost of a turkey in Haiti ranges
between $70-$100 dollars. Meat itself is something special, but in American we have meat everyday
sometimes two or three times a day, so we have no connection with the way parts of the rest of the
world lives daily. If you listen to the political leadership of both parties in Washington, D.C. today there
appears to be no acknowledgement of the blessings we live under. All America politicians want to do
today is blame everyone, anyone else for a mess, point fingers and degrade others with insulting words,
instead of working together, offering assistance, being someone that could be described as helpful. We
as a nation have lost our sense of where we came from as a people, what made us great in forming this
perfect union, and that responsibility we have in citizenship.
In my travels to the country of Brazil one of the things that struck me in an observing way is
that everyone in Brazil was Brazilians. Color didn’t matter, and in Brazil there are many combinations
of color. I pray for the day in American that all Americans will share in genuine love for our country and
see all of our citizens as a part of our great nation. Cooperating, being friendly, and seeing the best in
others without focusing on the negative, finding common ground are all still things I believe in. The
Bible says that the three greatest things are faith, hope and love and love is the greatest. As a Christian I
still believe in these things too even if the rest of the world seems to have other priorities.
Christmas offers not just Americans but the world an opportunity to look into the sky and see
the Star of Bethlehem again. During that time there was a massive taxation underway, the world had
her problems and the unknown couple-Mary & Joseph had their own personal problems and issues they
were trying to resolve and address. An experience that was very complicated for them to explain to
their family and friends, a pregnancy surrounded by questions and not in a positive way either. The first
Christmas of faith, hope and love that happened in the City of Bethlehem 2000 years ago is available in
the year 2012 too. While the world is in confusion, frustration and disappointment individual peace can
still be found. “Light and life to all He brings, Born that man no more may die, Born to raise the sons of
earth, born to give them second birth. Hark! the herald angels sing.
Until then
Friday, December 14, 2012
The First Nowell
The music of Christmas and especially the ringing of bells help to bring a rush of images and
memories of the Christmas Holiday Season. Mine include a vivid memory of the first Christmas tree I
can ever remember. My family history is filled with stories from Stinking Creek, in Knox County, Ky.
There is something special about the place that we each call home. I have also discovered that the
moments and memories of that place have a unique way of filling our lives even with the passing of
time. I was at my grandparents’ home on Acorn Fork and I was so disappointed that they didn’t have a
Christmas Tree. I was named after my dad’s father and being his name sake carried privileges that my
other cousins could not claim. One benefit was being able to ask my grandfather for a tree to decorate
and he didn’t disappoint me. We loaded up in the truck and drove up the road into the mountain and
we picked a tree to decorate. I have so often thought of my tree picking skills and for the record I have
never had a live tree since the one me and grandpa pick that Christmas. It did have green pine needles
and I liked it so it was cut down, loaded up and back to the house we went. When we brought it in the
house I remember well my grandmother saying, “Hobert what kind of tree is that”? My grandfather said
“that’s the one that Timmy wanted”…and the rest is history. My grandmother and I created strings of
popcorn and I made a paper chain hooked together that we hung on the tree. It was perfect for me, but
today I know that tree lacked a lot compared to the Christmas Trees one can purchase today. The good
news is that back then isn’t today, and I only wish I could sit next to the coal stove with my grandparents
once more.
The account of the First Nowell at the birth of Jesus provides an opportunity for each of us to
look back at another time and place in history too. The Angel said that the First Nowell was to certain
poor shepherds in fields as they lay keeping watch over their sheep. The Angel said that particular night
was a cold winter’s night that was so deep. If you grew up in a city you expect to see lights from the
streets poles, apartments, homes and businesses. I imagine that First Nowell night as one out in the
country. Standing on the porch of my grandparent’s home the only light you would outside is the light
from the well house or the pump house as some might say. A light there was very important. Its
purpose was to help keep things from freezing through a cold winter’s night. If it did freeze then
sometimes banging on the pipe might help break up the ice that had frozen in the lines. The First
Nowell of Christmas was the light shining in the east that was beyond them far, and it was going to
continue to shine both day and night. And it was by that light that wise men came from a country far
too, as they sought to seek for a king. The wise men had committed to follow the star wherever it went.
The traditional English carol The First Nowell concludes with “let us all with one accord, sing praises to
our heavenly Lord. Who hath make heaven and earth of naught and with His blood mankind hath
Christmas offers to me and you the most unique of opportunities. It is a chance for each of us to
to connect with our personal family history. I believe the number one reason people like to go home for
Christmas is to remember things that use to be. A chance to recount the stories of ‘our people’ filled
with laughter and memories that are cherished and enjoyed each time we share them. Christmas is also
an opportunity to look into the future from history. Luke chapter 2, verse 11 says “A Savior has been
born to you; He is Christ the Lord.” Family, history and faith are important to me. It could be that all of
this means nothing to you. I hope not, and I pray you see the Star this year and begin a new history.
Until then
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