Friday, December 28, 2012

Identifying with Jesus

This Christmas and the year 2012 has certainly been an interesting time. It is very normal to write that we now see the end of the year is here. After Christmas New Years is the next big moment, but this year has been filled with lots of deadlines, cliffs and the prediction of the end of all things. 12- 21-12 was predicted to be the “End of the World”, at least according to followers of the Mayan Calendar. I have not taken any type of survey, but I am predicting some no doubt wished the world had ended. There were others who planned celebrations for this moment in time. I didn’t attend any such events but I am tempted to buy a t-shirt promoting that I survived the moment. 2012 has had financial woes and the most recent approaching financial cliff has been left in the hands of the democrats and republicans. I feel safe to make a prediction on this one for sure. No solution, but the political powers in-charge will want us to feel that they have really accomplished something no matter what. There is only one answer for financially difficult times. Live within your means and you cannot buy what you do not have the money to purchase. Excuse me, I meant to write that we the people must live within our means but that rule of thought doesn’t apply to the government. They are spending our money and not theirs so the common sense rules do not apply. Nevertheless, 2012 has been a very interesting time. During the Presidential Election we heard that if President Obama was re-elected that the world was going to experience even more difficultly and conservative media predicted a collapse of nearly everything because of the election results. This year has been a roller coaster of emotions, outburst, name calling and I guess the one thing for certain is that if Monday, 31-January arrives it will be the last day of 2012. The question we should be asking ourselves today is what will be different in 2013? I believe Christmas represents the best of change, new direction and new opportunities. The Wise Men in the Christmas Story of the Birth of Jesus didn’t return from where they had come from, instead they went in another direction. Meeting Jesus in that manger was a life changing moment for them. For me personally, I met Jesus through many experiences in my life prior to asking Him to come into my heart. When I took that action, I too began a journey in a different direction just like the Wise Men did in that day. 2012 is a perfect year for change and with just a few days remaining I cannot think of a better way to enter the year 2013 then with the assurance that when the world does comes to an end you will be safe and secure in His hands. If you are wondering if there is any identity that can be made between you and Jesus in 2012 I think that answer is clearly yes. In what many folks are calling difficult times I think the opportunity to connect with Jesus is even more possible because of what Jesus experienced. The words to Sweet Little Jesus Boy remain powerful and impacting today. He was born in a manger, but he deserved better than that. The world didn’t know who he was. No recognition for the Lord who had come to save us. He wasn’t seen as the person who had come to take our sins away, yet that was exactly what he came to do. Misunderstood, the world’s eyes were blind to see Him for who he was. Sadly today many are still missing the signs of who He is now. The old Negro Spiritual was sung in a first person audience. It was simple, sincere and an intimate expression of feeling. The song says, “The world treat you mean Lord, treat me mean too but that’s how things is down here”. I think there are plenty of opportunities for us to identify with Jesus Christ given what he experienced in life. Until then

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