Friday, February 22, 2013


Winter is officially over according this year on March 20th. Just a little research on this matter causes my head to spin. I have learned that the arrival of spring has to do with the Northern Hemisphere but do not expect me to explain this please. When I think of winter I think of no leaves on the trees and snow. My best summer memory of winter occurred when I was a youngster growing up. I remember playing basketball on the school playground and the temperature was like 70 plus degrees. When it comes to the worse winter memory I think about the big winter storm that crippled Southeastern Ky back in the late 90’s. One of the reasons I think about trees with no leaves in the winter is because it is a deceiving look. It may appear that things are dead, but that is far from the truth. There is plenty of life underneath the ground, it’s just impossible to see. The only evidence of life would be the evergreen trees. Personally I think they are not the best looking trees I have ever looked at, but certainly against the barren earth in the dead of winter, I think they are quite beautiful as a reminder of life when everything seems dead. Bette Midler in the lyrics The Rose”, wrote all about love and how it was lying in wait beneath the ground. I can easily make the adjustment from her example of love to life. I can really get excited thinking about all the things that are not seen, yet that are real and alive. Beneath the bitter snow often life can give the impression there is no hope, or very little hope for sure. The opposite is the truth. There is hope but we must have faith to believe, understanding, preparation and work to experience the harvest of life. In the song “The Rose” the closing line suggests that if one is willing to wait, allow time to pass, and continue to wait, in time the seed will become a rose. There is much to learn about love and seed planting from the song and life and waiting from experience. In the Bible there are several scriptures that provide us wisdom with respect to all four of these thoughts. When I think about love I think about John 15:13. “no greater love than this, when one lays down their life for another. On the thought of seeds and planting 2 Corinthians 9:6 come to mind. This scripture particularly is very straight forward. If you go about life in a withheld, withdrawn, conservative manner of investing in life, then the results are guaranteed. If you do this sparingly then you will reap the same results. The flip side is also true. If you go about life in a bountiful way, then you can expect that this will be the return you receive. When I think about my years on earth I am ready with an answer immediately as to the results I want to experience. I want the best experience and by my standards that involve me loving others, and having faith in them that believes not only the very best for them, but if the results are just the opposite, my friendship is solid and not going anywhere. My standards include sharing. Spreading seeds I think of as doing good for others and doing a lot of it everywhere. I do not want to be someone that just spreads the seeds in the places that are friendly; I’m familiar with or with people I know, but all people and this will include covering new ground too. Each day you and I have an opportunity to decide how we will interact with folks and how we will respond to situations that present themselves before us. Life is full of many moments and we can set the expectation as to how we view life by what we share and the manner in which we share. As a Christian I have a responsibility to share because of what Jesus has done for me. I want to share however not out of obligation but because I know He is the answer and I want you to know it too. There is a rose in each and every one of us. It is also truth that we might each be living in a different season at the same time. You might be a blooming rose at this very moment or you might be a seed waiting on the arrival of spring. Understanding life is a cycle will not only prepare you for the experiences of life but it will prepare you for the all the different steps you will be taking in the journey too. Until then

Thursday, February 14, 2013

May 1978 - Love is in the Air

It was May 1978 when John Paul Young released the song “Love is in the Air”. As a radio disc jockey working live radio I remember “spinning” that record over the air waves many times. “Spinning” is an old term that I have even heard used by anyone lately, but I’m sticking with it. It is kind of funny to think just how fast I’ve gotten old. The younger generation might have a difficult time understanding what a radio DJ did back in the day. Who would have imagined vinyl records being replaced by a thing called a CD? Turntables are gone altogether and many radio stations have replaced DJ’s with computers. These are smart computers too. All you have to do is uploaded the music, commercials and programmed and you are on the airwaves all day long. There are a few radio stations today that have passed the test of time. WANO-Pineville; WHLN-Harlan; WYWY-Barbourville; WCTT-Corbin; WMIK-Middlesboro; These stations are the last of the old ‘call letter’ stations that served as the life line of news, information and entertainment in our communities. The lyrics to “Love is in the Air” are perfect for Valentine’s Day and if you are struggling for words to saying to your special loved one, maybe the words to this song are your answer. Having a special someone here on earth to love, cherish and dream with, I would call a blessing from God. There is something about the words John Paul Young wrote in his song that causes my imagination to run. As a Christian I recognize Jesus Christ as the author of love. It is His example of dying on the cross for us that is the ultimate sacrifice and demonstration of love. Understanding real love begins with asking Jesus into your heart. Something must be said about the discovery, excitement and experience of love. The lyrics of “Love is in the Air” show this wonder perfectly. For example: “Love is in the air, everywhere I look around. Love is in the air, every sight and every sound”. When was the last time you felt that kind of love? A love that you could see and a love you could feel everywhere around you and in everything you see and experience. “Love is in the air, in the whisper of the trees, Love is in the air, in the thunder of the sea”. The words of the song are extremely powerful in thoughts. I am thinking to myself, are you open to hear love speak through trees as a whisper? Focusing as I pull these thoughts together I think about how far away I might actually be from where His love would like for me to be. To be in a spot where you have a clear sense of emotion, direction and experience is something I think love is ready for too. I confess, I’ve been here before in my journey as a Christian. I remember the strength I felt when I first came to Him. I remember the rest I discovered and the sense of wonder never having imagined that my guilty and shame could be lifted from me. The song’s lyrics also say “Love is in the air, in the rising of the sun. Love is in the air, when the day is nearly done”. There is something that must be said for His love that meets you at the very first awaken moment of your life and then to experience Him walking with you as you approach the final setting of the sun in your life. His law is love and His gospel is peace. My pray this Valentine’s Day is that if you are a Christian you will reacquaint yourself with His love and for those who have not yet discovered His plan and purpose for your life, that this will be your day. Until then

Friday, February 8, 2013

Missed Opportunity - His Law is Love

My focus in 2013 is all about the thought of “His Law is Love and His Gospel is Peace”. February with Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to talk about love. In 1st Corinthians chapter 13: there one can find a long list of descriptions of what love is, how it acts and ways that it can be demonstrated. Love has often been a missed used word. We have all heard someone say “I love you” and we have serious doubts about their understanding of the word based upon their actions. Love is a word that has a powerful impact too. Sometimes we can simply share with a family member or a friend that we love them and a thousand other words go right along with the thought, helping to encourage them. John 3:16 is a verse that many folks can quote. It has a very simple meaning. God loves everyone and He not only said it, but His actions support what He said. One of the reasons I am focusing my attention to the fact that the Law of Jesus is Love is twofold. First, if we demonstrated this truth in belief we would discover lots of new opportunities before us. Secondly, If we put our love into actions others will believe more quickly. One word that should describe us is that we have love for others. In preaching I have shared the example that if you are singing I have the joy, joy down in my heart, but your face doesn’t show a smile or a welcoming look to others, the question do you have joy is a good one to ask. Many folks say they have experienced forgiveness from Jesus but they don’t seem to ever tell anyone about that experience. It is reasonable to ask if you are a Christian and your life doesn’t show His love toward others is something wrong. His Law is Love and this truth demands words that share this truth and actions that support this belief. If Jesus loved everyone and gave himself for everyone then our mission is quite clear. Our duty is to tell others about what He did for us. Recently I missed a perfect opportunity to share a witness and I was so mad at myself for failing to act publically. Not sure if you have ever been involved in a rear end collision or not, but I experienced such recently. Driving along traffic came to a slowing pace and evidentially a halt on the interstate. I was in the middle lane stopped when a driver behind me maneuvered from the right lane to the middle lane and hit me from behind. I saw him coming and there was absolutely no where I could go as traffic was stopped all around me. After the collision standing on the side of the road, I had a good conversation with the person that hit me, and I thought this is a great time to simply say, we are all ok, it’s just property damage, do you mind if I pray with you and thank God for His love. I had planned on doing this once the law enforcement officials had completed their work and when that happened, my opportunity vanished all because I had delayed. The other party had left the scene and I felt the weight of not acting immediately. I know that God loves me and I know that God loves you too. The only option I had left was to send a text message prayer to the other party and I did. His Law is Love and I believe it. I know my resources are limited but I am working to become more aware of the daily opportunities I have to share His love, even in times of crisis. I know that His Love provides Peace that passes all understanding. Now I must focus on making sure those I meet know this too. Until then

Friday, February 1, 2013

Winter Wedding Planning

Winter planning for summer weddings is a lot of fun. It is always humbling when asked to serve a couple as the officiating minister for their wedding ceremony. Christmas time often leads to a few phone calls each year where someone on the other end of the telephone conversation says, “well preacher, you know what I’ve done”. One of the joys of my ministry over the past 30 years has been the privilege of knowing the individuals I am called upon to serve in marriage. It is not my custom to just unite folks in marriage who have a license in hand. Being mentored in ministry by older ministers, they shared some great stories from their experiences about such moments. I too have married some folks that I didn’t know personally, it comes with territory. Either way one thing for sure, I enjoy getting to know folks and serving people is one of the ways I am able to fulfill God’s call on my life. One of the things I enjoy about winter wedding planning is that the weather outside can be cold, snowy, icy and just dreary, but the planning is on a furious hot trail as things are being planned, confirmed and on the move in every direction. There are a few things that must be done nearly immediately if you have selected a wedding date already. #1-wherever this wedding is going to take place, best to get that reservation made. The truth is your wedding day is special but depending upon the day, and location, there could be 10 other couples thinking the same thoughts. Even in small towns like ours scheduling conflicts occur and before you know it someone has to change a date. #2-best to secure your photographer, florist, and catering service collectively all at once or at the same time if possible. These folks only have so many resources and the biggest hurdle to overcome is that we’ve yet to figure out how to clone them to be everywhere when many folks need their skills and training all on the same day. Let us just call these experiences a part of the joys of planning. Ministers who officiate in wedding ceremonies do so in one of two distinctive ways. 2 Corinthians 6:14 says “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers..” I have used this scripture to challenge myself to lead people to faith in Jesus Christ. Counseling a couple is a privilege and the greatest opportunity we each have through grace is the opportunity to become a Christian. I have been blessed over the years to see several make the decision to ask Jesus into their hearts through our time together in discussion of marriage and wedding planning. When we as a minister unite a couple who are both Christians this type of wedding is distinctively Christian because of faith. To know if you have witnessed a Christian wedding simply listen to the pronouncement of the minister. When we say, I pronounce you husband and wife, under the authority given to me by the Lord Jesus Christ. This is your key or sign that the wedding was distinctively Christian. The other distinctive way in which we as ministers officiate in wedding ceremonies is through a civil union. With all the discussion in society about same-sex marriages many people hear the phrase ‘civil union’ and think this is something new or a part of some specific agenda. Truth is we as ministers have been conducting civil unions for years. When individuals are not Christians there is no way to have a Christian wedding. You will hear the minister say “I pronounce you as husband and wife under the authority given to me by the Commonwealth of Kentucky”. This is same phrase that judges and magistrates use in performing marriage rites. Unless they are licensed and ordained as a minister of the Gospel they have no authority to perform a Christian ceremony. Nevertheless, this type of wedding ceremony is distinct and it is a ‘civil union’. Some of you reading this column if you have videos of your wedding day might go back and watch your wedding video to see how your pronouncement was made. This is a detail that most folks were never asked about or have never considered. The facts remain whether considered or not, it is what it is. Wedding planning is taking place at a fast pace as spring, summer and fall will soon arrive. I am excited about the wedding couples I served in 2012 and with Valentine’s Day approaching, 2013 is going to be a lot of fun too. Until then