Friday, April 19, 2013

Amazing Moments in Church - Go & Tell

This series, “Amazing Moments in Church”, has been a lot of fun and I have enjoyed hearing from those of you regarding your moments in church. I’ve also heard from a few who said they have thought about all their experiences in church and they simply cannot think of any amazing moments. For a hard nose Christians that comment is totally unbelievable. (I define a hard nose Christian as someone who is religious, or spiritual acting with a lot of pomp and circumstance. Remember Christianity has nothing to do with religion) For them, Jesus is everything, but when asked to talk about Him personally something is missing that is convincing about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. This is the fourth column I have written on this subject of “Amazing Moment in Church” and I am curious what stories you would list as amazing moments. I first wrote about a lady willing to stand alone. Her actions said she believed the words to How Great Thou Art were more than a song. Obviously they were a part of her personal testimony and her expression of faith moved me. I shared about a lady that totally caught me off guard. I don’t know why Christians don’t go out of their way to say hello to people, or why they are not friendly especially in church, but many times church has been a very ‘stuck up’ place for visitors to enter. However I met a lady not only welcoming but willing to pray with me too which was totally awesome and amazing. Last week I shared about a Wednesday night experience where an adult male yelled from the back of the church “that’s me preacher”, which indicated he had just asked Jesus Christ to come into his heart. “Amazing Moments in Church” for me in my examples are simple but profound because of their simplicity and genuineness. Pastoring the Horse Creek Road Baptist Church in Corbin I witnessed Some amazing moments. Seeing a close friend of mine J. Michael coming forward to be saved was amazing. That November service will always be a memory that I will never forget. Horse Creek as a church created amazing moment for individuals in so many different ways. The lives that God touched because people were faithful to come, and to give made eternal differences. In preparing for this series three weeks ago I was reminded by an email from a former youth of amazing moments experienced at the Bethlehem Baptist Church of Dorton Branch. He emailed asking about ideas for youth as he was now an adult volunteer. Seeing lives changed because people believed is amazing! The Walnut Hill Baptist Church in Ewing, Virginia reminds me of amazing moments too as does the North Fork Baptist Church in Whitesburg, Ky. In Monticello at Immanuel Baptist we planned a youth event called 3M. It was for the Cities of Middlesboro, Manchester and Monticello, Ky. All creating different but life long memories of people and places that were amazing because of Him. If you are struggling in creating your list of “Amazing Moments in Church” I have a couple of suggestions to open up your flood gate of moments. First, find a place where there is a need and be one individual willing to do your part for that moment in time. Second, look for people that desire a real friend. The fastest way to create “Amazing Moments in Church” is to be a real friend to someone. Their life will be forever changed even if you are around only for a short time. Thirdly never forget that as a Christian who has been forgiven and changed, you are required to Go and Tell. By going you will meet some amazing people along the journey of life that you can influence and people that you can reach. By telling your story of Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior others will be listening for your passion and then stand by for some “Amazing Moments in Church” simply because you were willing to share. Until then

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