Friday, July 26, 2013
Your time, my time, HIS TIME
Listening to the radio this past week I heard an announcement about “Back to School” events. Information about teachers reporting back, first day for school to begin for students and their return to the classroom. In that moment of listening it struck me totally funny because I had just been thinking to myself that I was happy, summer was here! I am not sure if there is credit to be given for being behind the time, especially since summer is really just about over. Maybe I could give myself credit if I kick it in high gear and catch up to where the rest of you are in the current calendar rather than in my personal clock of thinking.
At the beginning of 2013 I was writing about how fast everything was moving, and now six months into the year I am like stuck in a time warp. I know the month, and the day. I know that things are happening around me, and I am participating in some of those things too. I have been experiencing the weather from rain and storms to sunshine and sunburns. Yet, I find myself in a season where I am just here, watching, observing, listening as life clicks each second. I don’t feel sad or depressed. I am not lonely or discouraged. I have been laughing and honestly I am laughing and enjoying life with so many things while in this time warp. I have been traveling and speaking at different organizations, conferences, festivals and church services, which I enjoy. I love meeting people, and sharing my stories of life and speaking is perfect for me. As I type this column I am trying to figure out how it is that I have missed summer and or how I am going to catch up before fall arrives and enjoy these days personally. Having just typed the word personally I am thinking to myself “I am and have been enjoying myself”.
I am smiling thinking now about my cuckoo clock. Not sure if you have one but I do. Mine I have in honor of my great-grandparents Nasby & Elizabeth Jackson Mills. Theirs was always just a little off, as is mine. You need to adjust it every day, attempting with each correction to keep the time up-to-date. Maybe that’s it! I’m just a little off….if that didn’t bring a smile to your face then you are missing some of the simple things in life I am enjoy at this moment. Laughing at yourself can be a big time if you celebrate the moment. I am going to choose to celebrate that moment, the next one that occurs, and the next one and next one, until there are no more here on earth. With a cuckoo clock not only are there timing adjustments that need to be made, but depending upon the clock, you will need to pull the weights up so the clock will stay ticking. With my cuckoo clock it will run for two days without a chain reset. I thought about purchasing another clock that would go for a week but I opted for the one requiring more constant attention. Maybe that is the solution for my thought situation. I am just thinking about things every other day…ok, I am smiling again, another moment that I am going to celebrate to the fullest. Me here just every other day, I am pretty sure some folks are saying “yep, Timbo slice” that is you…and they are smiling, all of course in good humor.
I think I just landed on the answer. Yes, I know I did! Oh, I love these moment…yes, I am smiling, and another moment I am celebrating. In this column I’ve had three personal celebration moments to celebrate to the fullest. Yes, I know the answer. The answer is that while you may be well aware that summer is over and I may just be getting up to speed, that is A.O.K. too. There is no competition moment where I need to be where you are, nor you where I am on all things. Life is a journey that we all travel at on different speeds. Life is a journey where we each make moves a different times. Life is a journey where we must each make the best of what we have. No keeping up with the Jones’ attitude required to live life and make the best of yours.
There is something about a relationship with Jesus Christ that I have discovered gives me peace. While my timing schedule is different from yours, and while my response maybe slower than everyone else’ or maybe I am ahead of the game of life and everyone else is wondering where I have gone, I am right on time if my life is seeking to do His will, and I am living to bring Him honor and glory. Finally the answer to summer or fall. I just need to be on time with Jesus to get thing right.
Until then
Friday, July 19, 2013
The Prayer of Jabez
One of the great joys of my life is having the opportunity to travel and speak. I appreciate the the groups, organizations, that invite me to speak at conferences, and the seminars I conduct on leadership, using your talents to as you are, and the various themes that I am asked create a motivational message for. Sharing from my experiences throughout life I actually consider a part of my personal responsibility. I figure if I have been given the opportunity for the experience it was given to me to share with others. Learning from ourselves and our personal experiences is a sure way for us transparent with others.
1 Chronicles 4:10 is a scripture that may not jump out at you as a familiar verse of scripture, but if I write that this is the Prayer of Jabez, would you then say that rings a bell? The Prayer of Jabez has been written about and spoken about in thousands of different venues. Scripture records the prayer as "Jazeb crying out to the Lord God of Israel, Oh bless me and enlarge my territory". This prayer is amazing because of its simplicity and vision. The Bible says that to whom much is given, much is required. Jabez was someone who scripture records as honorable and serving others with his resources. (blessings) I have shared many times in messages that the most abled individuals are not always used because to the benefit of the Kingdom of God. Truth is that He uses the willing. It is sad when individuals with so much to give do not share. When I write give I am talking about themselves, their talents, their skills and resources. To often when someone hears resources the only thing that comes to mind is money. Money is a resource but you sharing your time, experiences, giving advice from your life is the most valuable resource. Jabez prayed and asked God to bless him and to enlarge his territory.
Today in our communities there are so many needs that are easily visible. I believe one of the reasons people do not get involved is that because they fear they will end up meeting the need with no one else volunteering, and they very well maybe right. The heart of the issue is not that other should join us, or that they will, the heart of the matter is that we have an opportunity individually to make a difference and we should do are part. Even better I would say if no one sees what you have done. Your motives could easily been clearly judged for genuineness. Authentic Christian lives are the key to both making a difference and for seizing the opportunity.
Jabez prayed for God to "enlarge his territory". I have heard quite a few people in ministry throughout my 30 plus years I have heard ministers describe their ministry as small and even some defend that fact and imply that a small ministry verses large ministry wins out over large. I personally don't believe The Lord Jesus Christ is pleased with that attitude at all. Each has it's place in service to the King of Kings and it is sad when that this truth is not understood. Small ministries can be extremely productive. If your ministry is reproducing itself in leaders that are going out from where they have been nourished and discipled then you are following the Great Commission and your ministry is to be commended. Large ministries are capable of also sending out missionaries and reproducing themselves. They are also capable of pooling together resources for massive projects and ministries throughout the world. Each uniquely gifted and both large and small ministries have a place in the Kingdom of God. Both types of ministry settings should be supportive of each other and there should be cooperation from both sides helping the others in His name.
There is much to do in the name of Jesus. What about praying for God to bless you and enlarge your territory?
Until then
Friday, July 12, 2013
"Treating others the way you want to be treated"
So here is the situation. You are working just fine. You love your job, you like what you do, you don’t mind getting up early or working late to make sure things get accomplished and out of the blue you are told your services are no longer needed. Professional we call their action and describe the situation as being “laid off”. In most cases, the most negative way to describe your situation is that you were fired. These words no one wants to hear. I’ve had the opportunity to attend and participate in a lot of seminars that deal with hiring and firing. One thing that should be true is that anyone who is about to be let go, so have a clear understanding before the fact, of the options under consideration. Being caught off guard is the norm but it should not be the standard. A good employer, a good supervisor should be working with their employees helping to ensure that expectations, goals and standards are always not only understood, but effort and support from the employer to help the employee succeed are required.
My expectations and experiences are on both sides of this issue. As an employer, my expectations are higher for myself then for anyone else. I expect understand I am the leader, the decision maker, but working to gather opinions, different thoughts and ideas are valuable. Sometimes leaders will run into a problem with those who want to give their opinions, thoughts and ideas. Normally this issue is one where the givers have lots of answers, but never work toward any resolution or solution. This is a problem. My personal expectations for myself involve follow through and follow up. I’ve heard, and witnessed many great comments and ideas, but sometimes the manner in which they are delivered seals their doom without any consideration. Team work is an important part of life. Not that you cannot have your own opinion and not that it has to agree with anyone. However, listening to someone in a genuine manner is the key to agreeing to disagree. Respect because you listened is the element that keeps things moving forward. This former paragraph is important because most issues could be settled without “firing” someone. The real issue is lack of cooperation, teamwork and buy-in. Experience on this subject comes from both perspectives. As a minister you might think what does this look or feel like from this point of view? When you surrender to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ you think to yourself what could do wrong, nothing? You have surrendered to serve others, why would people not want help, and surely everyone is going to love me—wrong. For a minister, a single deacon who sees themselves as overseer and not a servant could be the first problem. A committee who has an agenda other than the gospel could be a problem. A minister’s nightmare for church work would be a group that is committed to seeing specific plans fail or worse case you leave.
Finding oneself out of employment is not a pleasant experience even when you have a valid warning or advance notice. A surprise disconnection leaves so many things unanswered and lingering thoughts can hang around for years if they go unresolved. So what is the answer for all parties involved and more especially for Christians when dealing with issues such as these?
Something must be said Biblically speaking for “treating others as you want to be treated”. This covers all sides. This type of standard permits everyone to be involved, it offers opportunity to talk, to share, and be heard. Often times we assume things as fact and negative is most often the first consideration when we should be positive and consider first the fact that something might just well be miscommunicated or not true at all. Explanations are always good. This would be my suggestion for difficult moments. It could be that as an employee you will never receive this type of fair treatment. Could be as an employer you need to change some practices.
The Good News about Jesus Christ is that he totally understands being mistreated too. He was lied about and Jesus was also dismissed. Only time proved Him to be just who he said he was. Time will do the same for me and you too.
Until then
Thursday, July 4, 2013
America is "We the People" me-you-us
“This land is my land; this land is your land. From California, to the New York Island; From the redwood forest, to the Gulf Stream waters; This land was made for you’re and me.” These words written by Woody Guthrie I was first introduced to as a child growing up. It was about exploring all the vast land of America. It was about freedom to go and see, experience and learn. There is something about approaching and reaching that half of a century mark in age that causes reflection on the things of childhood and the future.
As our nation celebrates the 4th of July, I am not going to be asking anyone what they think about America. If you listen to talk radio, observe comments, post and links on Facebook, catch the tweets of those you follow, the word is generally not very positive about America. I have no hesitation sharing that I am not sure why folks don’t love America. My only thoughts would be that they have never been out of the country. For anyone who has traveled across the border of the United States of America into a foreign land will understand where I am coming from. Traveling outside of the United States will make you love home quickly.
I love America! I love her and cannot remember a single moment in my life that I wasn’t proud of this land of red, white and blue. There are many people who don’t feel the way I do, I read their remarks and post on social media and even hear them make statements that I cannot identify with They are not alone. First Lady Michelle Obama in 2008 said “for the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country, because It feels like hope is finally making a comeback”. She made this statement in Wisconsin, then she repeated it again in another speaking engagement. Myself, I’ve been proud of America for a long as I can remember, and I cannot imagine anything that would change my position. There are many politicians, movie stars, and well known citizens who have made statements about America that I’ve wondered where they were coming from with respect to comments about America. So, you think there are challenges that she is facing? Absolutely. Is America a land where there are no divisions? No. Is our home land perfect and without corruption? Certainly not. We are however still the land of the Free and the Brave. We are free because our Constitution gives you the right to agree and disagree. Support and protest. Brave is in our motto of slogans because our citizens have been drafted and others have volunteered to serve our nation’s needs, and the cause of freedom, democracy and service to others around the world. I love America and with all the problems that exist I think we the people are the solution.
There is no debate about to whom the responsibility of our nation resides with. The Preamble to the Constitution of the United States begins with “We the People”. We are responsible for making a more perfect Union. We are responsible for establishing justice, creating domestic tranquility, working to provide common defense, general welfare, not to mention our responsibility to secure the blessings of liberty and our posterity. I hear lots of people talking as if they are owed something. As if somehow you should receive things without work, effort or commitment. The Constitution I read says that “WE” are responsible and that “WE” are the holders of our own fate, opportunity, and vision. Yes, I know that folks can work against you, I know that people, organizations, institutions, and even the government is not always fair. I know and appreciate the fight for equality. Every level of society has fought for equality. The results for our advance as a nation rest clearly on our shoulders as a people.
America is the greatest nation on the earth, even with all her ills. I believe that we the citizens must safe guard and protect her. American is a melting pot of people, ideas, experiences and vision. We the people must be involved if we are to do our duty. Young people must be concerned and active and elderly citizens must be encouragers to the young for their ideas, thoughts and dreams. I am writing about a pattern of support, responsibility and involvement that is what will keep America strong as we march forward.
Until then
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