Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day - Union College "Love is in the Air" Concert

Valentine’s Day! The day we say ‘I love you’, or the day we make up for not saying ‘I love you’ enough, right? The tradition of the yearly event has always included flowers and chocolate. This year I have noticed in all the advisements of the season the newest addition to the tradition appears to be chocolate covered strawberries! Yes, for an extra $9.99 you can have a second dozen, if I am remembering the advertisement correctly. While this sounds great it also sounds expensive. I am adding up in my head the cost of one dozen of roses and two dozen chocolate covered strawberries. I have the perfect option that will be just as classy as red roses and chocolate covered strawberries and I can guarantee the expense will fit your budget perfectly. To make your Valentine’s Day Special I am making the recommendation that on Friday, February 14th, 8pm, you and your sweetheart should make plans to be at the Conway Boatman Chapel on the Campus of Union College in Barbourville, Ky. The Union College Music Program will present “A Valentine Concert” and the concert is free to the public, no admission charge and this includes no hidden fees like a free ticket handling charge. Free means free in Barbourville and this concert features the Union Singers, Union Harmony and the Regional Chorus. The Regional Chorus includes church choir members, and individuals who have never let go of their love for music. Members are from Harlan, London, Williamsburg, and Barbourville. They sing because they love music and the evenings musical selections will include songs like: Isn’t it Romantic; I loved you; Rainy Days and Monday’s; I’m just a girl who “Cain’t” say No’; and many others musical selections that are perfect for “A Valentine Concert”. Valentine’s Day is always a lot of fun, and I encourage folks to celebration love, the theme of love, the meaning of love anytime-all the time, but more especially to that special someone on February 14th! The expressing of an individual’s love for another person is something special. I often caution folks on using the expression. If you listen to some folks talk they “love” everyone from just their statements but I doubt that they truly do. I myself, I am much more reserved on using the expression “I love you”. There are many ways to express love. There is brotherly love, which in the Greek is called Philia Love. It is the love of friends, the connection of two people who cannot be broken. In today’s society there are many friendship enjoyed by folks but to express your friendship as a love relationship is one that is not experienced by most. Love can be expressed as Eros, which is defined in the Greek by sexuality, the pleasure and enjoyment of physical pleasures and expressions. The final Biblical love talked about in the Bible is Agape love. It is the unconditional love displayed through Jesus Christ and the love of the Father, God for each of us, His unique creation. Unconditional love is the most difficult to understand because it is a Godly love that is fully charitable to you and I. In scripture we read that” God demonstrated His love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, He died for us”, Romans 5:8. This is a difficult love to understand because most of us act only when it is a benefit to us personally. We are humans who like to protect ourselves first, without getting involved and risking our resources, much less possibly our lives. Yet God sent His son Jesus to die in our place and this act of love was totally unconditional. Meaning, we don’t have to respond or react to this demonstration at all and He, God, still loves us. I find that type of love sometimes very difficult to explain, but it is the very love I am placing my trust completely in. Friday, February 14th will be a great day to say thanks to Jesus Christ for dying in our place and a perfect day to also introduce someone to His love by telling them your discovery of His love and plan. This Valentine’s Day will also be a perfect day to enjoy the free gift of music by folks who love to sing, love to share and will be lending their voices to fill the air with love at Conway Boatman Chapel at Union College Barbourville. Until then

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