Friday, December 25, 2015

My First Christmas in Heaven

In 1998 at the passing of my Grandfather Clarence Hobert Mills, a friend seeking to minister to me during his passing sent me the poem, "My First Christmas in Heaven". I had never read the poem before that day but it has become a part of my life every year since that day. The fact of its impact on my life is as such that this is year 17 for me to share it with you during this Christmas Season. Traditions are a very important. Things we do with others become precious memories once those family members or friends have passed from this earthly life. It is my prayer for each person that has lost a loved one or a friend in 2015 that this poem will bring the comfort I received when I read it for the very first time. I also pray that "My First Christmas in Heaven" will be an encouragement to your spirituality. I pray that by sharing my Christian Faith you will seek Him too and discover the gift of Jesus as the baby born in Bethlehem as God's personal gift to you. Because of my faith the burden of loss is eased through the discovery and experience of His love, mercy and grace. Heaven is a place of many unique characteristics. Streets of Gold, walls of Jasper and gates of Pearl. In Heaven there is no pain or suffering. Here on earth there are many unanswered questions but in Heaven our Christian Faith becomes sight in meeting the creator face to face. The Bible says that in Heaven we will be known as we are known. I can only imagine the reunions that occur when loved ones are reunited because of their faith and the belief of Heaven becomes a reality. Accept this poem this year, as a gift with a Heavenly view. A gift of encouragement for those whose loved ones passed years ago and a gift of encouragement for those who have experienced loss this year. I pray that God's love for you becomes real this Christmas and the gift of His son Jesus who died in our place becomes your hope and that the peace that passes all understanding will rein in your life. Until then My First Christmas in Heaven, I see the countless Christmas Trees Around the world below, with tiny lights, like Heaven's Stars, reflecting on the snow The sight is so spectacular, please wipe away the tear, For I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year. I hear the many Christmas songs that people hold so dear, But the sounds of music can't compare with the Christmas choir up here I have no words to tell you, the joy their voices bring. For it is beyond description to hear the angels sing. I know how much you miss me, I see the pain inside your heart, but I am not so far away, we really aren't apart. So be happy for me, dear ones, you know I hold you dear and be glad I'm spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Don't miss Christmas

With this being the season to shop, wrap and give it is easy to get caught up in flashing lights and busy 'stuff' and totally miss Christmas even though you make all the events including the church play. The feeling you get from being around things gives us a false impression that we are involved and participating while the opposite could be just as true. Being around something doesn't make a very good case for understanding or knowing that which we are witnessing or observing. Even participating in activities doesn't truly demonstrate understanding either. If going shopping is a chore that includes the task of wrapping up a present too, I suggest that you forego the event. If you are only giving because it is expected or you feel obligated I think there is no doubt you are missing the point of Christmas. Christmas is about giving with the main gift being the gift of God's only son to us. Christmas is about receiving too and to experience this part of Christmas it involves a relationship. When we know people the impact of their gift to us causes our mind to roll in thoughts about our experiences together. Receiving a gift from someone we don't know can often cause us grief, honestly. Think about it. You get a gift from someone and the very first thing that comes to your mind is the thought that you don't have anything to give to them. The gift of Christmas is about receiving with no strings attached. Jesus Christ didn't come to earth as the baby born in Bethlehem to obligate us to give back. If His gift of love and forgiveness is free, and it is, then free it is indeed. What will confuses some is their thinking that we must give back because of His gift. Our giving is not a must requirement, our giving is because of a love experience not a built in response of obligation or duty. Don't miss Christmas by going and doing. Experience Christmas by loving, after all it is the greatest gift and the one requirement of Christianity. Until then

Friday, December 11, 2015

Holiday Emotional Check-Up

Holiday's serve as a gateway to an array of emotions. With bells ringing, people singing and folks being extra nice an observer might perceive holidays as total bliss and happiness. This perception of bliss and happiness is not without merit but often there can be an unseen underlining unresolved matter that attempts to steal joy from the holiday. These unexpected matters arrive from the simple task of living life. There is no amount of preparation that provides for the elimination of reminders from life that we wish to forget. Marking and highlighting positive milestones from our lives is that which comes naturally. We purposely remember such experiences and moments because they are happy times and we naturally cherish good times and great memories. Life is a teacher and as a student I have witness the work of teachers. There are times that teachers are talking the entire class period, explaining and calling to our attention as students important items, situations or issues. Teachers spend time writing on chalkboards, handing out papers, and silently grading homework and test. Life as a teacher hands-out assignments too. These task of life include tests of character, study moments for making decisions, and unanswered questions that the answer for seems to be lost on a stack of papers sitting on the teachers desk. It is these assignments that attempt to rob from us the gift of joy. A thief is no friend of mine yet I have found myself hanging out in his presence and stayed way to long in his company. The loss of a child, medical conditions, unemployment, a breakup in a relationship, these and other life assignments can be challenging to deal with. These situations can steal-away our peace, happiness, comfort and even our futures. Personally I will never be able to forget some of life's homework I've been handed. Some of these lessons I've not yet completed the homework assignment. Loss is something that you and I may forever deal with. If this is true, then the only workable answer is to trust through faith that God has a plan. During holidays life continues to be a teacher. In school we had a Christmas break but life occurs everyday, without exception. To much of anything can be a problem, keeping our emotions in balance is not just a holiday experience but rather a life assignment. Until then

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Teeter Totter Lesson

Philippians 4:6 was my 2015 verse of focus. "Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known unto God." This past year has been one that I have experienced both challenges and triumphs. My triumphs this year made the radar of close family and friends of which their encouragement has been instrumental in my good spirits. The challenges have been closely guarded as the plan has been to take each day with caution in making announcements of progress with respect to my health. As a child on the playground of the Arjay Elementary School we had a teeter totter. Using your leg strength to push off and your feet to temper the landing on your return was a fun toy indeed. It is amazing thinking back about the hours spent as a child playing on such a simple toy. This past year I have experienced the reminder of the two directions a teeter totter goes repeatedly, just as if I was a child again. Up and down, up and down. Maybe the most dreaded conversation we fear is the question "how are you"? Do we tell the truth and unload, or do we exercise caution and demonstrate reserve and restraint? Questions that only you can answer with respect to talking with your family and friends, but I know ONE that you can unload with no restraints in thoughts. "Be careful for nothing..." is an invitation from Jesus our Lord to use the tool of prayer to talking with Him. This invitation includes for us the opportunity to express our feelings too. My Christian faith is not based on my feelings in any fashion, even though I've felt His presence and intervention many times. My faith is a fact, based upon His word. "Let your request be made known unto God", is His ear bent toward us with an eagerness to hear from us. In 2015 I've used His invitation many times to share and express myself with my personal Lord and experience I heartily recommend. Because of prayer, supplication and thanksgiving my life has a different outlook when challenges rein and the triumphs seem non-existent. We all wish we knew what next year looked like now, but we haven't even the promise of tomorrow or our next breath. Make today count, go to Him careful in nothing. Until then