Thursday, December 3, 2015

Teeter Totter Lesson

Philippians 4:6 was my 2015 verse of focus. "Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known unto God." This past year has been one that I have experienced both challenges and triumphs. My triumphs this year made the radar of close family and friends of which their encouragement has been instrumental in my good spirits. The challenges have been closely guarded as the plan has been to take each day with caution in making announcements of progress with respect to my health. As a child on the playground of the Arjay Elementary School we had a teeter totter. Using your leg strength to push off and your feet to temper the landing on your return was a fun toy indeed. It is amazing thinking back about the hours spent as a child playing on such a simple toy. This past year I have experienced the reminder of the two directions a teeter totter goes repeatedly, just as if I was a child again. Up and down, up and down. Maybe the most dreaded conversation we fear is the question "how are you"? Do we tell the truth and unload, or do we exercise caution and demonstrate reserve and restraint? Questions that only you can answer with respect to talking with your family and friends, but I know ONE that you can unload with no restraints in thoughts. "Be careful for nothing..." is an invitation from Jesus our Lord to use the tool of prayer to talking with Him. This invitation includes for us the opportunity to express our feelings too. My Christian faith is not based on my feelings in any fashion, even though I've felt His presence and intervention many times. My faith is a fact, based upon His word. "Let your request be made known unto God", is His ear bent toward us with an eagerness to hear from us. In 2015 I've used His invitation many times to share and express myself with my personal Lord and experience I heartily recommend. Because of prayer, supplication and thanksgiving my life has a different outlook when challenges rein and the triumphs seem non-existent. We all wish we knew what next year looked like now, but we haven't even the promise of tomorrow or our next breath. Make today count, go to Him careful in nothing. Until then

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