Friday, May 21, 2021

After long illness, I’m writing again - The Mountain Advocate, Barbourville, Ky

I don’t quite have the space to tell me story in one column but it did begin with a stubbed toe in October, 2014. The past 7 years of my life has been a mixture of memories branded into my life’s experiences, including time when I have no memory or recollection at all. Health challenges arrive at times with no advance warning and sometimes health issues appear so simple that there isn’t any panic or worry until you find yourself overwhelmed and totally confused by the quickness and onslaught of things you’d never even thought of before. Having battled health issue and after issue and having attempted to remain positive with a happy and positive outlook on life, situations and circumstances, 2019 doubled down against me and my ability to write was unexpectedly totally off the table, as I fought for life. With this column I am excited to return and share that my health has improved, and for the record, I am still alive, lol. I appreciate the many personal inquiries as to my health and those efforts same efforts expressed to the paper about where I went. Its excited to share a quick answer to that wonder and question. It is also exciting to return to writing “Until then”. I pray my column will be an encouragement for your daily life and I’m excited about sharing my life’s story through the Mountain Advocate. My columns have been about 4 things that I find make life valuable. People, places, experiences and books we read. Given the surprises that life can hand us, I have no guarantee about time, but his I know. Life is short no matter how many years we live on earth. Opportunities are unique. By not seizing the moments we have been granted in life, there is sure to be regrets if we do not act, when and while we can. Until then.

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