Thursday, July 15, 2021

Oh NO.....I'm 306 days late!

Have you ever been 306 days late? I don’t mind to share that as of the writing of this column, that is the exact number of days I am behind on a project I began, yes you guessed it, 306 days ago. I am granting myself credit for such a behind schedule achievement, because I had thought originally I would write everyday regarding my thoughts and accomplish my goal. Great plan right? Absolutely, I even write to myself, with the exclamation you’ve got this. It is funny how easy it is to get behind and to spend what seems like forever, yet never catching up. Truth is we are probably already behind before we even added anything else to our plate of goals, yet we keep setting new goals, because after all, without goals we will surely fail, right? In two short paragraphs I’ve clearly defined the issue and I’m confident that everyone reading can clearly identify with me by saying, been there too. I’m just writing it out for official documentation of my short fall, I just appreciate all who know where I’m coming from. Life can be so much fun and yet a burden of weight that buckles our knees too. I am a planner, I enjoy thinking things through, working our issues, setting goals, and pushing myself toward a milestone I’ve set. Self discipline is that internal control switch that we turn on and off throughout our lives. The biggest issue most face with respect to self discipline is that the switch is off 90% of the time. It is very challenging when we freely surrender to our impulsive self without restraint, reminder or recourse for our actions. (Yes that’s a sermon, 3 R’s). Because I like planning, I attempted to establish my game plan for my 365 day writing project before it began. My own strengths sometimes become my weakness, especially when the goal itself becomes my pusher toward action. I’m aware that I need passion, energy, thoughts, ideas and time to accomplish my goal, yet I seem to eliminate all of that just for the accomplishment of checking a box off my to-do-list. My personal project that I began 306 days ago, I’ve titled for the moment, simply as #56. To give myself some credit, I can share, I have written 306 daily thoughts, I understand where the motivation or inspiration comes from, I’ve got a good foundation for the project, I’ve just not written out an additional 250-300 words of thought to further my belief statement for each reflection. Process is an important detail to goals. Open to direction and even change of direction is important to process, just as goals are general and details are bullet points. Knowing if my involvement in a project is a “God thing or not” is a link of encouragement and motivation, even if I’m behind in my own thoughts and planning. Understanding that God’s timing is the clock to be timed by is important to know. If you want to be on time, His time, stay engaged with your inspiration. For me, Jesus is my inspiration, stay aware of your goal, stay away from rigid compliance for its sake alone, and trust that He does all things well in His due season, if we continue to contribute our part, even if we are behind in our way of thinking. One might not be as far behind as thought, if we just keep pressing toward the mark. Until then

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