Monday, May 23, 2022

I have a recommendation

How many times have you asked someone for a recommendation, be it any kind of recommendation? Myself, I have sought recommendations for medical doctors, places to get flat tire fixed, printing needs like banners, a recent request was about screen printing on t-shirts and embroidery work. My list could go on, but I’m rather confident we all have a history of asking others for a recommendation. Probably my biggest request for recommendations comes from conversations about food. I enjoy eating, I like a lot of different foods, I am not opposed to trying new foods either, so food recommendations is one area I seek recommendations regarding, big time. Recommendations can be scaled rated, star rated or just a verbal encouragements to try. 1-10, 5 Stars, or the expression, “Its not bad, you should try it”, saying it was so so to me, but you might love it, knowing taste buds in food are different for everyone. If you are on social media there are platforms totally designed for recommendations of every sort. Even TicTok has creators committed to providing feedback on their experience and their recommendation on products and services. Trip advisor is a good application for recommendations of every sort too, but there is one subject area that nearly each of these mentioned doesn’t address. Churches, religions and such, there are no categories matters of faith through institutions that allow or permit recommendations. I wish on Trip Advisor you could recommend a church when traveling through in a particular area, or a chance to read a recommendation on churches when working in an area on a short term bases or even for an extended period of time. On Facebook there are opportunities for recommendations but many churches don’t utilize that tool or other social media or public relations tools. Nevertheless, I would love to see the chance for recommendations to be supported on the various platforms. The opportunity to provide a recommendation and the opportunity to read a recommendation being sought, are both equally important. I have a recommendation that I want to share and my recommendation comes from my personal experience, not from what heard someone else say, it a first hand, first person recommendation and testimonial. Life is best lived with support, encouragement, resources, education, experiences and recommendations that are trusted advice. Various platforms from which you could post a recommendation do ask a question regarding your association with the product or service you are recommending. Trip Advisor asked such a question. They do this because they want to provide an honest evaluation without personal gain for posting a review. The motivation behind recommendations is always a worthy exploration for credibility and trustworthiness. I want to assure you that there is no personal gain for me in making a recommendation that you give Jesus a try. No personal gain for me sharing what I’ve learned about Him and there is no personal gain for me repeating the story of God’s love and plan. Jesus doesn’t love me more, because I write a newspaper column. Jesus doesn’t love me more than you because I am a preacher. There is no personal gain for me if you believe in Jesus, but you my friend have everything to gain, if you believe. I have 5 reasons that I confidently recommend Jesus to you: 1). Jesus is available 24 hours a day 2). He is the real deal! He is no imitation, He is God’s Son 3). He doesn’t like you, He loves you, this makes all the difference 4). He has a plan designed specifically with you in mind. Get to know Him and you will see 5). I have discovered peace through Him My list of reasons for a positive recommendation I can add too easily. I am just praying on this recommendation, you trust me and take a chance. Until then

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