Thursday, November 29, 2007

Greenland Baptist Church Wildlife Dinner

While the Season of Thanksgiving has officially gone the Season of Christmas has arrived and there is no greater example of gift giving freely, or thanks expressed then by that of our Lord Jesus Christ.
In the spirit of Christ and in celebration of both seasons it is important to say thanks for the love and support shared by the Greenland Baptist Church to me personally and to acknowledge their actions to show the love and concern of Christ to the entire Tri-State area through their efforts involving their 2nd Annual Wild Life Dinner.
The vision for the event was cast by Deacon Terry Adkins and easily supported by the churches brotherhood and then the entire church also rallied behind the idea to do something different and reach out in a unique way for Jesus Christ. For those who have who have never attended their event you have missed out but I certain 2008 will bring another great Wildlife Dinner to their church open to the community that you can get in on.
So often in the rush of life we rush to and from never taking time to say thanks and I want to say thanks for their commitment to pull together creating such an experience for hunters, fishermen and outdoor enjoyers of life. Truth is, my experience at Greenland Baptist Church and the Wildlife Dinner was filled with laughter, meeting people, seeing the excitement of something new and different, plus learning that the greatest hunter in the world, Jesus Christ is looking for people to join in the hunt which ultimately results in the experience of Heaven.
That scripture in Matthew that says “He came to seek and to save that which lost” presents a great challenge to the church and while the message of His mission has not changed our methods need some fine tuning to reach the world that sees no value in church, a Savior or a Lord. The world has done a great job of attracting young people from the message that in generations past had at the fore front the theme of Jesus Christ, Church and her importance and our responsibilities as Christians to that world that He came to “seek and save”.
I am not sure how or why churches feel that we are backed into some type of corner that has us bound to tradition that permits no reaching out, but a Wildlife Dinner with different game to eat and experience is just one of many ways to make a difference and reach new people. How about a checkers tournament? Sure, doesn’t sound like much, but why not? Winning one is worth it all, but even better is just presenting the message of Jesus is worth it all even if no response is seen. God grows seeds in the heart and you and I have a unique opportunity during this Season to keep people focused on the real reason for the season, the coming of a Savior for the forgiveness of sin.
Not sure what your church is planning during this time of the year, maybe it will be cantatas and children’s plays, which are all good, but why not a punch and cookie party too?
Until then

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