Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Learning Life from Computer Issues

I am certain that many of you will understand when I say “sorry that you have been missing the column”, but I think I have it corrected now with a new computer. I am certain that I need to say thanks to you for your concern about where I have been, but I’m confident now with the physical possession of such an instrument and tool as the computer I now have I will be able to consistently provide the column “until then”.
During this time of absence of a computer, I have attempted several remedies to keep up with the demand of writing weekly columns, but have found myself coming up short even with the best of intentions. I can however recall now some of the errors of my thought way in fixing the problem, and I believe they are worthy of sharing.
First, I underestimated the problem. I would guess I am the only person who has ever done such, but boy did I miss it right at the start. I thought, ok, one missed week will not be so bad, I will fix this issue this week, but one week grows to two weeks, then two weeks becomes a month with the blink of an eye, and you are still standing with outstretched arms empty.
Second, I believed I could fix the problem instantaneously, when I was ready, but that just wasn’t true. My best effort to take care of this was really more closely connected with someone else’s ability to provide for my needs then me being able to fix this by myself. I guess we have all heard it said, “your emergency is not mine”, well that is/was so true in my desire to get a computer. I was counting on next day shipping, not to mention having the necessary software ordered and installed.
Third, I thought it might be that no one would even miss the column but that wasn’t true at all either. My thoughts of I will just ease back into this without notice hasn’t worked either. I could share that I attempted several remedies like using my mother and father’s computer but without DSL available I found myself frustrated because of speed and access as one more reason for delay. I attempted to use my friends’ computers but discovered they had updated Word Programs, and on several of my sends the receivers could not even open the files because of that ‘doc.x’ type document. That was frustrating because I never even knew to look for such, which is always embarrassing when you think your knowledge is on top of the issue or game to start with.
So what lesson from such an experience you might ask do we learn? What type of spiritual lesson have I drawn from these past three weeks? In can sum it up best in two statements of learning.
One, always remember when you need help don’t delay. I can only think and remember how many times I have needed to follow the teachings of Hebrews 4:15-16 and run boldly quickly and without delay.
Secondly, I believe this learned point is on equals with the previously mentioned truth because in order to remedy our needs we must go to the resource that is able to deliver on time. The real answer for our every need is Jesus Christ and He always delivers on time if we are in the center of His will.
Not sure what problem you have that is placed in a delay hold pattern by yourself, but I’m certain there are some just as there has been in mine. Today is a perfect day to address the need issues in your life and Jesus Christ is the perfect resource for all your needs. Best offer is that He ships His answer without a shipping charge, so pick up the heavenly phone and make that call today to order the equipment you need and the software necessary for you to function and provide as God has called you.

Until then


Baker said...

Was that picture of you on your Harley taken while on a trip on the Information SuperHighway???

Two things: thank God there isn't an age limit and thank God you don't EVER pay attention to speed limits. Those two points are important because it is never too late to learn where the Power On button is and this highway of blogging is littered with procrastination and time restraints.

So, for this to be all it can be, DO NOT delay in blogging regularly. Make this another succes to add to your resume.

As your oldest son, I want to be the first to post that I am proud that you have accomplished this and I can truly say that this has given you peace and will be a HUGE blessing and benefit to a ton of people.

Who reads newspapers these days anyways???

-P Harmon- said...

I'm looking forward to some good reading my friend...and your picture on the Harley is amazing!

Megan DH Mills said...

Nice picture Uncle Tim.