Sunday, January 25, 2009

New Year 2009

The New Year not only arrived in 2009 but this particular year brought with her lots of new things that seem to be the focus of discussion unlike other new years. As I recall most New Year days are spent talking about resolutions. Those discussions begin with statements like, “I am doing” or “My goal is”. I am not knocking or downplaying anyone who states what they are going to do or what plans they are making. Personally I love belief systems, thoughts, and vision. These characteristics are the foundations for us moving forward and I applaud those who are taking such steps, but there in still awaits acceptance of truth.
I would like to be a stand alone island myself. When considering difficulties that position is the easiest to assume and when dreaming we often will not acknowledge that our thoughts may be second hand reactions or follow-ups based on what we’ve seen before, heard or learned. The acceptance of truth as we begin 2009 and all her new arrivals will be the key to successfully answering the difficulties and planting a course of positive direction.
2009 has delivered a new President and it appears much of the Nation and even the World seem to be excited about. While he maybe the next great hope I and all pans out perfectly for us I really doubt we will be giving him the same approval rating 2 years from now, basically because most folks need someone to blame things on. President Bush (43) attacked Saddam Hussein looking for weapons of mass destruction and because our forces didn’t find any we believe it was a horrible decision to have done so. It is funny how easy we forget that Saddam Hussein had already used such weapons against his own people. No discovery necessary to have still taken the proper action. President Clinton (42) in his attack again Saddam Hussein was derailed in his efforts and action because of the scandal involving Monica. America became involved in that instead of the protection of our Country. Even President Bush (41) attempted to lead the United States in efforts against Saddam Hussein and he did, but was not able to finish the task because the majority of Americans are not willing to pay the price it takes for real freedom---yet we talk like we want it without any cost, and that’s not possible.
2009 has delivered a great many issues from unemployment, rising cost of living, failing successes in wage earnings, and even traditional opportunities seem to have vanished. President Carter (39) was a fiscal conservative democrat but his own party did not like those standards yet he had proven their successes in the peanut business and in the State of Georgia but that would not work for America. Today we remember his tenure for the failed rescue of our hostages and we have forgotten about his successes in peace and the world scene. His failure was due to Congress not working together as instead they sought their own personal efforts everyone’s collectively.
2009 is a great year to work together, but I am looking for the first Congressman to say it is the Republican from Ohio, and the Democrat from Missouri that halted this bill passage instead of hearing the Majority or Minority always blame the other. Now that would be a new day, but a right step, but again I doubt if we will see that happen anytime soon, it would just be uncharacteristic, but refreshing if we were to see that.
I have written these things knowing well there will be hundreds that will have an immediate opinion and lots to say because I’ve mentioned political parties, figures and events. The island building will continue and folks will feel good about the position they hold. I believe the greatest thing about the 2009 Inauguration was that for the first time in years, all our Former Presidents and Vice Presidents were there in attendance. I happen to believe in America and respect the sacrifice and service by those who served whether I elected them or not, because for me that is being an American and a participant in her history.
The best way to begin 2009 would be to accept one element of truth. This world is not ours, but His. We are the stewards of His world and we were created in His image. My hope is built in a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Until then

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