Sunday, February 15, 2009

If I died today....let me say this.....

If you were to learn today that you have just days to live and you had one opportunity remaining to share your Christian faith what would you leave behind? According to scientific life expectance for a male, given my current age and the statistics for years lived, predictions for remaining years, I should be here until March 23, 2036, after that day, I should count everyday there after as a bonus, I guess? Yes, I’m laughing. As I write this I am counting everyday as a blessing and I am well aware I have no guarantee in life for any day, the only promise I am clinging to in life is that with Jesus Christ as my Savior I do have His promise of Heaven as my eternal home, and complete forgiveness of my sins.
With that personal belief out there now officially, I am still to my pondering question of what I should share, knowing that life is short and that we have no promises of any time other then the moment we are living, currently. A real check on my understanding is that this column may very well be published after my death, as the editor has a couple weeks in production already so that we stay ahead of scheduling, but that might happen this week, so this could be my last public statement of faith….and what do I want to share with you the reading audience.
First, let me share that Jesus Christ doesn’t owe me anything. I know many professing Christians that live as if Jesus must provide blessings, good things, and answers. Personally, He doesn’t for me. Jesus owes me no explanation. I do and will continue to believe in Him no matter the circumstances. No job, no income, no family, no friends, will not change what I believe about Jesus Christ. Loss of house/home, rejection, despair, continual heartache, will not change what I believe about Jesus Christ.
If the Christian faith, and what the Bible teaches about the Trinity-Father; Son; Holy Spirit; and the plan to save us from our sins, isn’t real, then I not only do not have a advice or direction for myself, but I don’t have wisdom to share with anyone. However, I believe the Bible is real, I believe in John 3:16 and when God’s word says he loves everyone, then I believe just that. When the Bible says that Jesus Christ forgives sin, then I believe He means all sin, and not just my sins, but everyone sins, no matter what the sin or my disposition on the topic or belief about the situation. Forgiveness is forgiveness and I believe it is for all who accept that gift provided by Him for us.
Secondly I would leave as a final witness about what I’ve learned about Jesus as an encouragement for others to believe no matter how discouraging the world can be, no matter how cruel or hurtful people are, nor the loss of faith and hope because of let downs we might have witnesses in others that we’ve had on a pedestal or considered to do no wrong. Some of those simple encouragements that I pray would help others say yes to Jesus are:
I have seen His rainbow for me in the midst of the storms of my life
I have worked through my tears and found peace
I have worked through my struggles and I have a rock
I have lost many things but found what is real
I have been honest and discovered the truth
I have walked seemly alone but He has always been there
I talk with Him and He hears me
I sing from my heart and he listens
I need no evidence that He is alive, I know He lives
I would rather have Him as one friend then two here that are fake
I know I was created in His image even if others think not
I know He has a plan at work in my life through all things, even if others think not
I know Jesus is bigger; God is bigger, than most Christians know
I am confidence that when I die, I will see Him, just as I am, and He will love me, just as I am

Until then

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