I am sure we have all had an experience or similar moment where we were in church attendance and it seemed like everyone was in total agreement with the pastor that was preaching, maybe it was the minister or a member that was sharing and but all those in attendance were saying “amen” or something that indicated total agreement with the statement that was just made.
A few weeks ago I was in attendance in a church where the pastor was speaking and talking about lies, rumors and he said, “Folks should not spread lies or things you don’t know the facts about”. Everyone around me was in total agreement. I am only guessing that many had experienced a time in their lives where folks were spreading rumors and they do hurt so it was easy for individuals to confirm that “saying things that were not true” was not a good practice for Christians. It was the next statement that was made by the pastor that didn’t seem to draw as much acceptance or acknowledgment from that same congregation. The pastor followed up with the comment that Christians must be cautious of our entire conversations and guard ourselves about others, and then he dropped the bomb that caught folks off their normal, “amen” box. The pastor said, “even if something is true, does give Christians the right to spread that truth”. Yes, as I am thinking you can imagine, there was almost a silence as folks were not sure if they agreed or disagreed. After all, truth is good, right? And if telling the truth is what we always teach children growing up to tell isn’t that a correct practice? Doesn’t that give Christians the right to say things about others as long as it’s the truth? Most people will agree on principal that gossip is not a good thing, especially if we don’t know all the facts, but again, if we know something is true, can’t we use that knowledge to talk about people?
I have never been someone to talk in gossip circles. People don’t come up to me and share that type of news, because I don’t listen. You only have to set the record straight a few times that you don’t and won’t participate in that type of conversation and people will not be sharing that gossip news with you, actually you will become a part of the gossip then because folks will call you a ‘goodie two shoes’, and attempt to point out that you think you are better then everyone else. Even though it’s not true.
But what about not saying things even though you might know what you are about to share is true. Is this a Christian principal, that not only should Christians not be a part of gossip and lies, but should we also be people who refrain from saying something’s even if they are true?
For instance, I know a person that is an alcoholic, it’s true, but I shouldn’t say anything like that about someone. Rather as a Christian I should be someone that is a real friend and walks beside them, helping them instead of knocking them down.
For instance, I know a person that is on drugs, it’s true, but I shouldn’t say anything like that about someone publically. Rather as a Christian I should be attempting to help them overcome rather then helping them to stay down.
For instance, I know a person that is, and my list goes on and on, talking about people, and it maybe true, but is it the proper action for individuals that call themselves Christians to participate in that type of character assassination? I think not as Christians. This is the proper Christian position we should take when dealing with conversations and talking about people why? For one simple reason; Jesus came to set people free, not keep them enslaved; Jesus came that people would have an abundant life, not one that is empty and hopeless; Jesus is a knocker upon the doors (hearts) of men, not a door closer.
There were not many on that day that wanted to agree with the pastor that even if something is true it doesn’t give Christians the right to share that in a public forum hurting someone. We all know that the truth when shared in love hurts enough, much less when it is vicious and intended to destroy.
Imagine what type of impact we as Christians would have if we not only wore those WWJD (what would Jesus do) bracelets, but actually did what Jesus would do.
Until then
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