Sunday, August 16, 2009

Debbie Cook - An Example to follow....

In a recent article I wrote about making a difference. Using what we have, where we are. I have discovered that sometimes when I am speaking to various groups some folks seem to understanding immediately what I am talking about and they can clearly see how they can do it from their individual view points. Many times those same individuals will come out and throw out an idea about what they can do today, and I assume some of those same many will make it happen. At other times when speaking, attempting to motivate you can see the look on their faces, or what their expressions, and determine you might be fighting a battle there is not way to win, because they are not committed to that type of purpose or calling.
The announcement by Debbie Cook to step down from the Corbin Board of Education, of which she served as Chairman for 12 years, is one individual we can look to and say, here is an example of someone that has made a difference. Of course her work on the Board of Education might have seemed like a career in and of itself, but the witness I see is even greater then this one mile post in her life.
Debbie Cook is someone that has always been first and foremost a mother. Her and Chandler have always held to family first and their children’s growth and leadership has been seen throughout their academic years and even now their adulthood. Raising a family to be hard workers and to be individuals that others respect because of their individual actions is no easy feat. I am sure Debbie is smiling about now thinking I am fooled, knowing her kids are kids and each of us have had moments of not such great shining light syndrome, but nevertheless, as a mother, she is an example of pressing forward, loving your children and also launching them to their own foundation to stand.
Her service to the Commonwealth of Kentucky is documented with awards, certificates and recognitions for outstanding service, and I cannot help but keep in mind that she juggled a career with State Government, a career as a mother & wife, a career as a member of the CBOE and her love for Jesus Christ is now seen in this next move as the Director of Children’s Ministries at Central Baptist Church, Corbin.
The great opportunity in life that we each have is the chance to make friends and to even observe our friends in action. Debbie Cook is someone that I am thankful for as my personal life has been enhanced because of our friendship and experiences over the years, many of which include worship services and ministry events through church. Today I cannot help but think what a blessing the little ones at Central Baptist are about to receive as they get the 100% dedication of Debbie Cook’ life and passion for children.
When you consider the importance of planting where we are planted, I cannot help but think how blessed Corbin has been in the move that she and Chandler made in their decision to move to Corbin and make this home for themselves and their children. We are all the better for their decision. So often we hear people say, what I do only affects me, but clearly we all can see, the decisions we make clearly touch many lives from every direction.
God is good, all the time, and He blessing us in many ways.

Until then

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