Sunday, February 21, 2010

Jonathan Bundrick; Ken Fritz; Dorothy Eagle; BOOKS; PEOPLE; PLACES: EXPERIENCES

In attempting to motivate people in life, I have often used many different resources in pursuit of that goal. Not sure if everyone sitting in a church pew would describe what they hear from the pulpit as positive motivation or not, but the minister’s, pastor’s and friends that I have would want to believe, as I , that our messages are good motivations for those that tune in with their hearts and minds wanting to be encouraged and motivated.
Speaking to different settings and groups of people I have shared some of the same thoughts over and over throughout the years. I’m not one for repeating the exact same message over, but certainly the same thought lines with different emphasis has been a practice over these past 28 years of ministry. One of the recommendations I have shared over the years has been this challenging and motivating thought.
“You will be the exact same person you are today, 20 years from now, with these four exceptions: the books you read; the people you meet; the places you go; and the experiences you have;”
Over the years I have often asked individuals what is the last book they read? Currently I am reading Bounce Back: Overcoming Setbacks to Succeed in Business and in Life, written by John Calipari. I have long practiced trust in friendship and when my friend Ken Fritz made the recommendation I purchased the book. Books you read will make a difference. Meeting people is easy for me, but you don’t have to be an outgoing social person to meet people nor does it need to be a celebrity, politician or a name that everyone would recognize. I’m writing about people you meet that have an impact, that create change in your life because of who they are! My first grade teacher, Mrs. Dorothy Eagle, she changed my life. She was tender, and compassionate. Amazing what you remember from an early age. Places you go will challenge our views. It allows us an opportunity to see different things, done different ways, in different styles and formats. Jonathan Bundrick served as an intern with me in ministry here in Southeastern Kentucky. He attended Wofford College then New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. He also served our Country as an officer in the U.S. Army. He has been to a lot of places, but who would have thought coming to serve in Southeastern Kentucky first, would lead to service in Southern Africa? That’s where he serves today as a missionary. Experiences you have will make a difference. Before leaving to serve in Africa, Jonathan wrote this: “Seminary has been an incredible experience and a benchmark that will define my life from this point forward.” This is what I call motivating!
What experience have you had that is a positive benchmark that has changed your life? Books, people, places and experiences! If you could go out and buy this set of four you would have everything you need in one day. I wish I could write that it is that easy, but I can guarantee this. If you start today, you will be one step forward in being the person the world needs you to be tomorrow. 20 years will come quickly, let us not delay.

Until then

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