Sunday, August 1, 2010

History--ours to write today

In the mountains of Kentucky we love history. We love the heritage of the land in which we call home. The communities that were once filled with homes and families we respect as places were our forefathers lived, and raised their families. We look upon our community churches as strong holds of faith that represent the sincere efforts of our families search for inner meaning and even our personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Kentucky State history is about our independence as a Commonwealth and about our continued work to be neutral and get along in harmony. Let us not forget our State Motto, “United We Stand, Divided We Fall”. The work of our pioneer families, the vision of those early settlers who established mills for grain and stores for trading all serve as the foundation for out towns and even our way of life. The rich history of our families we share in the stories we tell as the pride factors of the distance we’ve traveled and the destination we seek in our future sight.
There are many elements and factors that are involved in our make character and development but three that must not be over looked. No matter the successes we have experienced or the achievements we post as evidence of our advancement we each remain created in the image of All-might God. With positive strokes in life’s steps it is easier to admit this Biblical statement as fact, but when the character witness by others is not so bright in light, nor positive with respect to influence and impact, it is then very easy to not recall the Creator in whose image we represent. No doubt finding the light in darkness can be a struggle and the journey of that search a stumbling experience over all kinds of things that in given light would be easy to walk around. Watching people who do good toward others and witness folks who serve and give it is easy to see the beauty of God, but watch those who take, use and never offer the slightest thanks or appreciation, we categorize those very quickly and have no problem distancing ourselves from their association or even acknowledgement of “once a friend”.
The rich history of who we are should be stamped throughout with the words and actions of faith. The history of who you are is now your responsibility as a family members walking where your family once stood and moved. Even if you moved into this area once as a stranger, welcome now as a new pioneer sharing your traditions that can enrich our own history with new values and appreciation because of where you’ve come from and the stories of your family and the road they have traveled.
Along this journey we have the opportunity to cling to outside sources of strength called faith and hope. These two traits will add much to the history of our traditions and the value of our lives to others we may never even meet. The one resource we have that provides us with a complete new chance for experiences, foundation reinforcement, and courage for new steps is a thing called love. Love can certainly be independence and branch out extending in all directions in addition to being neutral, listening, caring, and waiting for you to move first because it is the proper step.
A history has been written already by those before us, but a history remains to be written by those of us who remain.

Until then

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