As a Minister of the Gospel celebrating 29 years this September I have had many counseling moments. From these varied moments and situations I have learned from listening to those who came seeking help, as much as I have shared from my experiences and scripture. When I first surrendered to God’s call I thought I knew so much about Him, His ways and what I was to do as His ambassador. I must confess the past 29 years have taught me so much about myself, Him and how I can best use my talents and skills.
Learning has not always been at the top of my list. In the beginning of my walk with Jesus as my Savior I struggled thinking I had a better grasp on what He wanted me to do than I actually did. I have really learned over the years of my need to be totally dependent upon Him and of my need to forgive myself and accept His grace and mercy as the answers for my life.
It is amazing today as I consider my previous position as a youngster in the faith that I could have ever thought I was able to stand on my own once I became a Christian. I believe this is a real issue that every Christian faces, but it could be an issue we are not willing to admit. Many individuals become Christians after they have exhausted all their own means and they find themselves upon their back or into a corner with seemingly no other option than Jesus. Now I have no problem whatsoever the condition we find ourselves in before we turn our lives over to Jesus. I know some in religious positions that believe you need to be someone who has changed your life prior to coming to Jesus, but to quote the words of a great hymn; Jesus wants us to come to Him “Just as we, I, you, are”.
I have discovered the older I am in my Christian walk with Him how precious that he accepts us as we are and that He doesn’t require any change to come to Him. You don’t have to look a certain way, you don’t have to talk a certain way, you don’t even have to speak a certain way. All you must do is come to Him, asking Him to coming into your heart and asking Him to forgive you of your failures. Coming to Jesus is easy, the difficult parts are asking Him to enter our inner most part, our heart. It is also just as difficult to admit our failures or to confess our sins, but it is necessary and a requirement for His forgiveness.
One of the most quoted verses from the Bible I believe would be John 3:16. “For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” I personally find it funny that I would ever think that His love was unique and just for me. Now it is true His love is unique and His love was with me in mind but not me solely. On His mind was everyone in the world. Red, yellow, black and white, they are all precious in His sight. It is sad that all who bear His name as Christians do not practice the same love He has demonstrated. One of the changing moments in my life was when I realized that His love was for everyone and it was my calling to love everyone and to show them His care through my actions and my words.
So what will your actions be and what words will we hear from your lips. And even more challenging will you be listening or talking for now?
Until then
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