Thursday, May 31, 2012
Proud & Thankful American
A proud American I am, and that pride is filled with gratefulness for those who have served our country to defend her freedom and our democracy. America, the colors red, white, and blue, liberty, religion and free speech are some of the words that help describe the land we as citizens call home, and the land that other citizens from all over the world also wants to call home. Those other citizens throughout the world go to amazing efforts to get to America. The efforts include obtaining a work visa, or an educational visa. Other efforts include the legal process to become a United State citizen. Certainly I could write to no end about the illegal efforts that are successfully accomplished and to the attempts that end in arrest or deportation. The debate is never ended as to what our country should do and the responsibility we as citizens have regarding illegals that are here and for the record, let’s point out that illegals are located in every state in our Union and that includes our communities here in Southeastern Kentucky.
What makes America so great is our freedom. Freedom is what also gives some folks the greatest headaches and frustration. For example I love the flag of our country. Having traveled overseas it has always caused me to stop and take a picture when I see it flying over our embassy or at a military base. It is a symbol of all that we are as a country. Some feel it a matter of freedom of speech and a right to burn the flag. Myself, I would never burn the flag of our country except as prescribed as the means to destroy a flag that is not in proper condition to be displayed. Burning it because you are mad, upset, don’t like a policy or a law, I am appalled by such action, but I also understand that the courts of our land have ruled this matter of free speech is covered by our Constitution. It is examples like this that give us cause for debate, but it is these very things that also make America great! Perfect, no, but nevertheless great in every way.
From the American Revolution to our current deployment of soldiers throughout the world,
American Citizens have been drafted and volunteered to step up to answer our countries call. Here in the mountains of Kentucky we have the 149th Unit of the Kentucky National Guard that has produced hundreds of just such Americans here in our daily midst. Not to mention the individuals who have signed up for full time service and careers in the military. It is this type of service that merits our highest levels of respect and appreciation. The Bible is quite clear about who the greatest is among us. It is those that serve. That service is not just the “one mile” required, but the real service is going the distance of the “second mile” that is not required. It is no doubt that this is the sacrifice that makes all the difference when attempting to make an impact into the life of another. Going the full distance!
When I think about the ultimate freedom I think about the freedom that I discovered in Jesus Christ. When I think about sacrifice I think about Jesus and that He gave all on the cross to pay my debt. When I was a child and growing up, I had the privilege of writing I.O.U’s. I also had the experience of having my father and mother paying that tab of soda’s and candy bars too. I am pretty sure that while I was growing up I didn’t really understand the freedom and the privilege I had been granted. It was never written out by the way. I had no document signed by my parents allowing me to sign I.O.U’s and I had nothing that guaranteed me that my parents would honor my word as I charged such growing up. What I do know is that they did on all points of concern honor my commitment and in the process they taught me a valuable lesson too. There is something about the assurance of knowing that those I depended upon would always come through. My parents are now the holders of the biggest I.O.U. and it is what I owe them for never leaving me standing alone in my obligations.
In America we have an I.O.U. too. It belongs to the men and women who have given to fulfill our commitments and obligations as a nation. One resolution we as citizens should possess is our possession of a grateful heart for the sacrifice of all who have made America Great.
Until then
Monday, May 21, 2012
The Kentucky Mountain Laurel Festival May 24-27
There is no more beautiful weekend of the year then what is happening in Pineville, Ky., this weekend, May 24-27. The Kentucky Mountain Laurel Festival is hands down the one event where all the beauties representing the college and universities of Kentucky gather for the Princess Coronation which is a Friday night Crowning Moment, followed by the Queens event which happens through the festival with the announcement shared at the Laurel Cove Amphitheater, Pine Mountain State Park Saturday afternoon at 2:pm.
All of the surrounding counties will have representatives from our area high schools and this is a most unique introduction for them and an opportunity to see the city of Pineville and met her residents on a personal level because of the events in homes throughout Bell County. Tea Parties and receptions are just two of the type of events that will be honoring them, along with travels from one event to another that complete an action pack schedule of photo moments and truly life building friendships because of the experience.
The Queen Candidates and their escorts have a schedule that is also packed with meets and greets, introductions, presentations, and receptions that allow chances to meet some folks over and over again that building one of the cherishing aspects of the Kentucky Mountain Laurel Festival. For the Queen Candidates, many of whom live outside of Kentucky and are just attaining their academic degrees at the various colleges and universities, the KMLF is an introduction to the beauty of the mountains of Kentucky, our heritage, and a chance to meet the people of Kentucky where we live, as we live, demonstrating the best of our hospitality.
One of the aspects of the KMLF is what is known as the Director’s. These individuals have invested time, money and their resources throughout the year and they serve varying terms in this elected position and many have been Directors for many years giving of themselves and their families resources through connections and raising funds to support all the activities of the festival. The other aspects that sets the festival as a coordinating jewel is the work of volunteers, whom for some, is a year long effort which respect to their committee’s assignment or event. Planning for the housing of queens and escorts, lining up the receptions in homes, the dinners held in honor of the princess and queen candidates not to mention the work of the parade committee, the opening night festivities, and the crowning of the queen. All of these are require hundreds of hours of phone calls, emails, letters and gathering commitments from those who also willing participate by opening their homes, fixing snacks, meals and transporting candidates to events not to mention the time entertaining our visitors from the moment they arrive until they depart the Gem City of the Cumberlands on Sunday afternoon. To all of these I personally want to say thanks for your efforts and to all who will come to one of the events, or 10 of the events thanks for supporting your daughters and sons from their parade participation to standing along the parade route and sitting in the stands as the festival unfolds in green and pink colors everywhere.
For those who have never attended the festival, especially those that live here within the drive time of Pineville and Bell County I would encourage you to come and see one the oldest festival in Kentucky outside of the Kentucky Derby, the Kentucky Mountain Laurel Festival. The one tradition of the festival I personally enjoy is the Grand March. For some this may sound like a long line of walking, but it is really a beautiful event of moment forming lines, circles, and following the leader creating a banner of hands making a tunnel of which the KMLF participants travel creating the Grand March. It is a sight to see and it is all about pomp and circumstance, which makes it beautiful and something I have only witness at the Kentucky Mountain Laurel.
There is much to behold here in our beloved mountains of Kentucky and The Kentucky Mountain Laurel is as unique as the Cumberland Falls, or the Cumberland Gap.
Until then
Friday, May 18, 2012
Get Involved today - Your time is now to make a difference
The publishing of the news, blogging of stories, posting of videos and the use of today’s communication tools has really changed the landscape of our world. 30 years ago television as we know it today did not even exist. The real means of communication was radio. To ‘old school’ media individuals the understanding of a news release was a typed up headline that was sent out over the Associated Press News Wire. I am glad I had the opportunity from my early years of employment to tear the headlines from the teletype of the old news room of Ken-Ten Broadcasting studios. I remember so well standing around the AP machine to see what was happening around the world so I could broadcast it to listeners as “breaking news” here at home. Times have certainly changed.
Today I write type this column to be released to the editor for publishing. Once it is published with the touch of the keyboard and a few key strokes this column will be shared via the world wide web, posted to websites, tagged on Facebook, Tweeted to followers and then shared by folks some whom I will never have met personally, who are just friends of friends or followers who are re-tweeting or quoting. The process started with no agenda at all actually. I began writing to share with local folks, the local community about events, people, thoughts and experiences. Long before we knew what a website was and long before our local paper even had a website. Honestly, websites are so common today, that if you don’t have one you are really w A y b e H i n d the times.
Modern means of communication have changed the way in which we do thing and it has certainly changed the timing in which we must respond to situations. Local newspapers use video to tell their stories and video we once thought was just for television stations. Who would have figured right? Well, someone did, it just wasn’t me and I am a figuring it wasn’t you either. Attempting to be up-to-date takes a lot of work. Being aware and informed of situations requires a lot of commitment and dedication. In school I enjoyed reading. I loved history and so a lot of what I read as a student involved subjects of that matter. My base of interest has certainly changed over the years. I read many different articles, blogs and columns on an array of subjects. Some I have no interest in at all, but I have discovered it necessary to read to be informed. I have also learned how to read with an open mind. When you read something because you want to, then as you read you are looking for those key words or phrases that confirm your interest or point. My discovery and learning from the practice of reading from a variety of sources has been simply that, I have learned because of that activity. I have learned as much about myself as I have subject matters addressed or positions shared by others. My discovery has included my learning that I can be closed minded and yet just as broadminded on any given day. My biggest learning involves what I have learned about topics, and themed writings. I have learned that all things involve people. It is easy to brush something off until you realize you are brushing someone off. I can laugh at a statement and believe it has no value what-so-ever until I realize that there is someone behind the sentence that has taken it very much to heart and find no humor in my dismissal of their opinion. It is easy to do a lot of things in life if we don’t think. If we never look outside the box of our world we may discover ourselves still standing around what once was the fastest and best tool for news, scores and information even though that piece of equipment and her time has passed as we knew it back in the day.
Life is too short to stand around as an observer forever. The time is now to be involved and make a difference as a participating party. Today is the day, now is the time, and tomorrow you may never have.
Until then
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Second Time Around - Jeff Musgrave - Joshua Howard - Whitney Gouch - Nashville Country Music Marathon 2012
You may have never used the phrase “second time around” but I am betting you have heard the expression before. We all like second chances to get something right or to correct the record. I have no clue who started the phrase, but it makes a lot of sense to me.
Most of us do not like to admit when we know we need a second chance around, but if we could find it within ourselves to be honest, one could make a list of occurrences I would think. In 2010 gospel artist and song writer Shannon Bunch and his wife Melissa, participated in the St. Jude’s Country Music Marathon in Nashville, Tennessee. Now here is the truth. Sometimes when folks accomplish something we who are standing by just don’t want to give them much credit for the accomplishment. We normally attempt to explain it away as if anyone could do it. Or, that it was nothing. In my friendship with Shannon Bunch, which has been in place for over 30 years, I do give him a hard way to go from time to time. It is a part of our friendship that we both enjoy. For me, I thought if Shannon could do it, I could. Little did I know of all the walking he was doing to be successful and me?...I was going to walk around and be just fine, I thought. On the weekend of my first marathon event in 2011, my support team consisted of Joshua Howard, Whitney Gooch and James Stephen Brown. Joshua, Whitney and Stephen were all a part of “Team Timmy” but my performance was a struggle. I did good the first 3 or 4 miles, no problems, but then I notice my hands were swelling, and by mile 6 my feet were hurting but I kept telling myself, this is normal you are fine. Of course, by the time mile 8 arrived my feet were on fire, and yes, I mean every sense of the word except actual flames. I thought about giving up and would have but being out on a 13.1 mile walk and stopping would mean they would have to come looking for me and I opted to just press on. I didn’t know it but they were waiting for me at mile 12 and were going to walk with me the rest of the way. The other truth to this story is that I don’t even remember what we talked about or any question they asked me. I was in too much pain to hear anything and with my arms and hips joining my feet and hands in swelling and pain, I just wanted my big idea of saying I could do this if Shannon could, to come to an end. I learned a great lesson at my expense and one I plan on not repeating ever again.
This year I decided that I would join Melissa in her return to the Country Music Marathon and I would participate with her, but I was going to do some things differently this time.
In January, I sought out the help of Jeff Musgrave, originally from Barbourville/Knox County, who is a physical therapist with Cardinal Hill Hospital in Lexington. Jeff is a marathon hero of mine. He ran the Kentucky Derby Marathon a few years back and while I didn’t understand the commitment he too had made to accomplish his goal I had admired him knowing that 26.1 is a long way to travel on foot. Jeff brought together a plan and a training schedule for me as I prepared for my “second time around”. He would coach me every day by text message, email and phone calls and he even surprised me by traveling to coach in person this past Saturday, April 28th. I reached certain miles stones for the race. The 5K mark (3.1) I reached in 00:48:34. This was a 10 minute improvement and the 10 mile marked I made in 2:45:37. These times are record pacing for my legs and as I reached mile post 11 and 12 I could not wait to see the sign that said 13. Having never ran the Nashville Marathon before I didn’t know that the last leg of the journey was downhill on a bridge and a right turn directly into L.P. Field where the Titans play. Of course I was excited because downhill was the only way I could travel as I reached the finished line. Joshua & Whitney there again to cheer me on and the results were totally different.
Not sure what you need a “second time around” on, but I needed one on this type of event. Running has never been a past time of mine or even an interest. I have pushed myself to success in many things over the course of my life’s journey and I’ve done so learning about me everytime. The Bible says that if you “Don’t grow weary of doing good, in due season you will reap if you faint not”. Galatians 6:9. Whatever it is you need to go for again, do it. You will like the results.
Until then
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