Friday, August 17, 2012

A Resource, our talent, an Opportunity - Hands of Coal Across Bell County

There are many things in life that make a difference. Sometimes they are the simple things like a hello or a smile. Sometimes they are a handshake, a wave or a pat on the back. All these are good things that help to encourage others along this journey in life. In today’s world there is a lot of negative about everything. Few folks seem to have the passion or desire to work together on projects or to help others succeed. Not sure why folks don’t enjoy helping others reach their goals. This is certainly one of the aspects of my heart for others and I know others that have the same desire as I do, but normally folks are not lining up to help. August 11th there was a great number of Knox County residents who assembled in South Knox County in Flat Lick to lend a supportive hand to those Bell County neighbors. Citizens from Clay County were also in attendance and joined the assembly of people. The rally cry was to send a message of the importance of coal, the impact it has on our specific communities and the belief that coal must be a part of our Nation’s energy policy. Our elected officials in Knox County, representing both political parties helped to assemble on the Bell/Knox County Lines in the “Hands of Coal Across Bell County” event. Because of the success and excitement plans are being made now for Knox County residents to get a chance to show their support for coal here too. The Kentucky State Policy estimated that 15,000 people came out in Bell County to stand along U.S. 25E showing their support for coal, coal families, and the economic impact it has here in our communities. In Kentucky there are two coal fields. We are located in the Eastern Kentucky Coal Field. Pike County (Pikeville) is planning an event and in the Western Kentucky Coal Field Muhlenberg County is also planning to have a “Hands of Coal” event. It is amazing what a single idea did and how it has brought so many together for this common purpose. There are plans also being made to have an event in West Virginia to show their support for coal. Joe Harris is a great example of what happens when we share an idea or thought. It also shows what happens when we invite others to help and unite for a purpose all under one banner---Coal. Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear announced on August 16, that Kentucky and West Virginia had struck a deal with the Country of India for 9 million tons of coal, worth $7 billion that will span over the next 25 years. This is great news for Kentucky and great news for us here in the mountains. It is possible that this single deal will help open up additional markets for Kentucky Coal, and that’s a great thing! As a Christian writer I have long been showing the association of scripture to our everyday lives. Some folks are not always eager to hear the Word of God and I understand that for those that are non- believers. The Bible talks about working and eating, and if you don’t work, you don’t eat. That is not always welcomed words to idle ears. The Bible also encourages us to use what we have. The Bible instructs Christians to not neglect the resources, talents, and opportunities we have. Certainly here in the mountains Coal is a resource. We the people are talented. We are skilled with knowledge about how to mine coal and to do so safely. There is no doubt about the opportunity we also share. A moment to work together, to be a part of something bigger than ourselves and that benefits all. Until then

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