Friday, September 7, 2012

Knox County - Hands of Coal

Knox County and Barbourville, Kentucky has a unique opportunity that is quickly approaching on Saturday, September 22nd. The Citizens of Knox County will be gathering for a rally to support COAL beginning at 10:30am gathering at Wal-Mart. In the mountains of Southeastern Kentucky are connection and association with coal production, coal operations, coal trucking coal mining, and the support of coal is a very large web of connection. The direct connection with our families and individuals I venture to think leaves few individuals that do not have a family member or a great personal friend that is directly connected. Coal has long been our friend and we have just as long been able to see the fruits and prosperity because of its presence and production. The indirect association and benefit of coal is massive. From the gas station, to the church pew the impact of coal has touched all our lives. Certainly there have been trying times in all industries and I am not one for giving up on all. The Bible has a lot to say about reasonability, use of talents and His ability to work all things out if we love Him and serve called according to His call on our lives. I’ve never been employed by a coal company, but I certainly road my bike as a kid in the coal camps of Southeastern Kentucky. As an adult I’ve been deep inside the mother earth looking out into the dark of the ground thankful for the light that I had to shine. Going down into a coal mine I also discovered to be a very personal and spiritual moment too. Sure, I could write in a funny way and say, “I prayed when that car started to descend” but that is just as easy serious comment. The Bible talks about Christians always being in a spirit of prayer and there is something that I have discovered in my faith about facing dark moments and situations that I have no control over. If the rock shifts, it is an issue way out of my league. My only control is to be aware, alert, and prepared to react and respond. Life has many challenges and just as many opportunities. I recently shared from my twitter account that “Preparation is rewarded with opportunity. Opportunity is key to your dreams and vision”. Sometimes we find ourselves in the back of the line or struggling to see ahead because we have allowed ourselves to slack on our preparation in life. We are shocked when things happen, and appear to be lost quickly in the changes that approach. If we truly prepared we could find ourselves making the right decision more often than not. In Southeastern Kentucky we have many opportunities. I know the world prefers to hear gloom and doom but that’s just not my style. I understanding facing reality and I can embrace change and challenges but I don’t believe negative is the method for neither encouragement nor success. One of the toughest lessons in life is to realize that everyone else was waiting on us. I have never like the moment when someone says, “well, I didn’t know, why didn’t you tell me?” At that point we know they were waiting on us and so let’s lead. Maybe the Coal Rally is not your favorite cause or your heart and passion. What is it you believe it? What are you willing to stand up and be counted in that number for? What can we see that you support? One of the lessons of life that must be learned is the value of cooperation. I can join hand in a hand with many causes. I love this place we call home! Knox County has a land full of people with talent, thoughts and passion. Today is as good as any day to rise and be counted. I shared at the funeral of a dear friend to me that he was a giver. And he was because he had received. To whom much is given, much is required. The next stand is yours. Until then

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