Friday, April 8, 2016

Walnut Hill Baptist Church - 125 years

Looking back at our history can be challenging. In our current generation we like to remember those individuals, events and places we can remember and have connected with. Most often we reflect on the history we know and the history we like. After. all who passes down history that is not favorable? If you are smiling after reading the last comment then I am going to say we are on the same page. Our make-up, as a people, is a real mix. Here in the land of the Cumberland Gap our area has been influenced by the Scottish, German's, English and let's not forget the original residents of this area, the Shawnee Indians. The land surrounding the Cumberland Gap and the development of this region was aided by those traveling on foot, horseback and wagon, not to mention the cattle, pigs, and goats used for trading. The Southwestern corner of the Commonwealth of Virginia has been a neighbor and friend to Kentuckians and Tennesseans since long before either of these two became a member of the Union. The travels of these settlers who crossed the Cumberland Gap established homes, communities, churches and cities as they cut away the brush extending the Wilderness Road not only to Barbourville but beyond. The Walnut Hill Baptist Church, Ewing, Virginia is located along side the Wilderness Road east of the Cumberland Gap. The church is located in what must have been clearly an area filled with walnut trees. The congregation of Walnut Hill is nestled in between Martin's Stations and the Gap. Church meetings began in the year 1891 and have continued with the purpose of helping folks discover the love God has and plan God has for our lives. One of the joys of ministry is serving a congregation and being a part of their unique history as a church records their actions to tell the story of Jesus. Celebrating 125 years of church history congratulations are in order as the people gather this Sunday for worship. Remembering their past, reviewing their history and evaluating where they are today will be a great guide to the leadership of the Holy Spirit in their work and ministry for the next 125 years or at least until His return. Until then.

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