Friday, March 25, 2016


Recently traveling in my automobile I noticed a slogan on a store marquee that read: "Sorry Bunny, Easter is for Jesus". Upon reading I immediately smiled. There was something speaking to my brain saying this is funny and this is correct too. It was funny because the slogan was cleaver and crafty. The most successful advertisement campaigns are those that cause us to think and this signs message accomplished that quickly. It is not only possible but highly probable that others might see the same sign and be wondering what It means. Easter is a familiar term often expressed in conversation around this time of the year but the meaning no doubt has a lost understanding for many, if not possible a majority or more of those we share society with. When my siblings and I were being born in the 1950's, 60's Easter was a big deal not only in our family but in society. When was the last time you experienced a clothing retailer advertising the sale of Easter clothing so you children would look 'picture perfect' for church on Easter Sunday morning? That's what I thought, you can't remember. The loss meaning of Easter in society is not the fault of a bunny or any rabbit. The loss is because the importance of honoring God or the practice of publicly demonstrating our faith with such practices has fallen from the priority list of Christians. Wearing new clothing or dressing up for church will not make you a Christian just as going to church does not make you a Christian. Dressing up could be a reminder that He deserves our best. After all, Easter represents that time of the year that Jesus Christ gave His best and His all for us on a Cross at Calvary. Forgiveness is a universal need. We can practice forgiving one another for hurts or misunderstandings, but only Jesus can forgive sin in the heart and this is the real meaning of Easter. Until then

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