Monday, March 21, 2022

The Season of Lent

This is the fourth week of the Season of Lent. Lent is a time period of 40 days. The 40 days represent a time of fasting, which Jesus spent in the wilderness. Lent also represents a time of testing, in which the devil tempted Jesus. Jesus being in a hungry state of being because of fasting, the devil first tempted Jesus by telling him to turn stones into bread, which Jesus quoted Deuteronomy 8:3. The devil took Jesus to the top of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem. Surely the Son of God could throw Himself off and not be hurt? Jesus responded by quoting Deuteronomy 6:16. The devil also took Jesus to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world. The devil offered Him a choice. By-pass His father’s plan of dying in our place on the cross at Calvary and the devil told Jesus he would give Him all the kingdom’s of the world. Jesus again quoted God’s Word. His response to this temptation was Deuteronomy 6:13 Lent is a Season of reflection, purpose, determination, evaluation and commitment to cause. Jesus Christ Himself spent His 40 days reflecting on what lied before Him. He knew He had been sent by His father to die in our place. The only Son of God, was going to yield freely His will and be obedient to His father’s purpose and die for us! Jesus was preparing to be lied about, lied too, abused, betrayed, plotted against, accused of crimes He did not commit and He was preparing to hear the crowds yell “release Barabbas” and He was preparing to hear the crowds also yell “crucify Jesus”, when asked what they wanted done with Jesus. Imagine the preparation, I know I can’t, can you imagine what He was thinking? Jesus knew the very crowd that would great Him with palm leaves and singing hosanna as Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem, was the same people who would cry out for Him to be put to death. That requires something that I know I can’t even fathom getting ready to experience. If you ever have trouble understanding the Love of God, I’m with you. I am in the camp of people that are standing wondering, what kind of love is this? Love that freely gives up their life, so we would never have to experience the pain of death. For a Christian, there is no sting in death because Jesus died and lives, because He arose from the tomb, where they had laid Him. I’m confused by that kind of love, because what Jesus was demonstrating had never been seen before. Jesus was going to die for everyone, including those that were shouting for His death. You and I, were are no better of a person, simply because we are not shouting for His death, we are just as guilty. Jesus was preparing to die for the sins of the world, and He took His time in the wilderness to prepare for this, I’ve written about and yet so much more. Lent is a Season for us to reflect and ponder too. Lent is a Season for us to confirm our decisions, define our commitment and to become fully surrendered to following Jesus. Jesus had told those listening that they could destroy the temple, and in only 3 days He would build it back. This was a most confusing statement. It had taken the people some 46 years to rebuild King Solomon’s Temple. What kind of person would even think, they could do, what had taken hundreds of people years to do? It's a fair question to ask, or ponder. What kind of person would make such a statement? I know I am not qualified to make such a statement personally. If we got the best builders available, would they be able to rebuild the temple in 3 days? The best minds in the. construction business would not even give a consideration to such a crazy construction statement. Yet, Jesus made this statement. He being the Son of God, knew that what was impossible with man, was fully possible with God. Jesus also knew that man struggled to understand the ways of faith because we always think of things in terms of what we know and understand. God’s way are so much higher than ours. His thinking, ours doesn’t even compare in any fashion or way. Don’t be confused by the words of Jesus. Scriptures invites us to lean not on our own understanding, but in all our ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct our paths. This invitation sets in motion a step by step process, that leads to life, through faith. Take time to get away with God. Jesus did, we call it Lent. Until then

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