Monday, March 7, 2022

Twisting Arms

“Twisting arms” is an expression that indicates one person is inflicting pain, discomfort, or pressure on another individual to get them to do something they don’t want to do. Of course, arm twisting has many different variables of pressure and pain. Some individuals may require just the slightest twist before they give in, while others may requires a full submission mode before giving into the demand of another. My yearly verse of scripture for 2021 came from the Book of James, chapter 4, verse 7. The first two words of this verse, “Submit yourselves…”, was my focus. The time devoted and energy I spent was toward my goal of fully understanding what the impact of making such a decision looked like. The focus was to comprehend actions that would serve as a good indication that I had made such a “Submit…” commitment. In a real “twisting arms” event, I think of my brother Jim. I could be professional today and say, we were just playing around when he would twist my arm and make me submit. However, that would be like saying when my mother would twist our ear off, while we were sitting in church and we were misbehaving, that mother was just playing too! Reality is, “twisting arms” is designed to demonstrate superior force and to make you do what is demanded by making you consent through force and infliction of pain. Faith in Jesus Christ is an act of submission, but there is absolutely no force from Him, to make anyone believe or follow Him. Faith is a free-will decision. I do so of my own free-will, no force, no coercion, no tricks and no moves to cause one to submit against their will. The best example of free-will submission is Jesus. Him following the wishes and will of His Heavenly Father, we’re all decisions of obedience, not force. Submit, submission, surrender, are words that to some, might be considered words of weakness, words that describe personal failure or a flaw. Faith and following would be two words that I believe best describe “Submit yourselves…” from James 4:7. Faith in Jesus Christ is not a decision that He, Jesus Himself, would ever force on anyone. Faith in Jesus Christ is not a decision that the God Himself, forces on anyone either. Faith is an action of free-will that unleashes all the resources of God into our lives. A decision to follow Jesus immediately provides direction, purpose, and a foundation from which we can begin to view our circumstances in light of His will, which changes everything. “Submit yourselves…” can also be view as a voluntary enlistment to become a Christian. It a perfect way to view a clear understanding of God’s demonstrated love for us and our free-will response to His death on the cross and His offer of forgiveness for the asking. Faith and following Jesus are never and will never be something forced upon anyone, ever! Will there be a time that everyone will acknowledge that Jesus was the Son of God, born in Bethlehem, the one who died on a cross in Jerusalem, was raised from the dead and lives forevermore, absolutely, but you will never be forced to follow Him. In 1961, Frank Pourcel recorded an instrumental song titled “Chariot”. Then in 1963, Little Peggy March sang the song, with added English lyrics, written by Norman Gimbel that led to big music success back in that day. Today, that classic song, is referenced to the movie Sister Act and Whoopi Goldberg, “I will follow Him”. A song about free-will submission that is motivating and encouraging. It is also a song of personal testimony that has seen millions of people profess through faith and actions by following Jesus. “I will follow him, wherever He may go. There isn’t an ocean too deep, a mountain so high it can keep me away”. The second stanza words are: “I must follow Him. Ever since He touched my hand, I knew, that near Him, I always would be and nothing can keep Him from me, He is my destiny”. The chorus to the song is the commitment and is a great refrain for anyone declaring submission to James 4:7, “Submit yourselves …”. “I love Him, I love Him, I love Him, and where He goes I’ll follow, forever and ever and side by side together, I’ll be with my true love and share a thousand sunsets together, beside Him”. Jesus will never twist your arm, but He will be and is gently knocking at your door. Until then

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