The ABC program 20/20 and the report Diane Sawyer filed about the people of the mountains and her view of life in Southeastern Kentucky has produced great results for those attempting to make a difference. The “Hidden America: Children of the Mountains” special has now produced through corporate sponsorship an additional lab for Dr. Edwin Smith and his efforts. I am sure that he is very excited about receiving a new van that will touch the lives of thousands of children. We need to be reminded that this second van is a gift to Dr. Smith and his efforts, while the first van, which he paid for was his gift to the children of Southeastern KY. I cannot help but think of the Biblical scripture that say to “whom much is given much is required” and that other scripture that teaches for us to be wise, go and invest with the little that we have, and God will bless you because you used what he gave you, so He will give you more. I am sure many folks will get in line to receive whatever they can get from The Pepsi Company, but that same group might not have ever given first, which isn’t proper. After all, there is another scripture that teaches, “it is more blessed to give them receive”. Dr. Smith and those serving with him already knew this Biblical principal that’s why to see them receive what they are just going to turn around and give back away is so awesome.
Union College certainly stepped up to the plate in the life of Shawn Grim and they are a shining example today of what is proper Christian reaction. Truth is, without Diane Sawyer and that documentary Union may never have known about Shawn, but through her report, Union realized there was something they could do, and should do. I’m just wondering what all the other institutions in Southeastern Kentucky that carry the name of Christ, or Christian are thinking, and while Shawn has received help, we know of countless others that remain just like him that could use a real hand up to a new opportunity and life. What a difference could be accomplished if each school just took one more a chance. I must write that Christians are always going to be taken advantage of but that’s the example we have before us from Jesus. He was willing to be used up by some to reach those that wanted to receive His free gift---if only we acted like He did all the time!
Christians should be the type of individuals that make a difference because we realize we received something totally free, unearned and even unmerited. Grace and mercy should be two elements that we practice in our lives free flowing, yet we often act as if it might run out so we safe guard and preserve that which we think is so precious, and it is, but that was not His design for us.
We should be spreading grace, mercy and love like a might flood filling every valley and overflowing from the top of every mountain.
Here in the mountains of Southeastern Kentucky we have many cherished views, traditions, experiences and hopes. As an adult, I cherish totally the decision of my parents to depart Michigan and to bring their children home to Southeastern Kentucky. My life has been enriched because of their decision and today I pass on my learning from my family members to all that would hear a story of history, decision and chance. The children of mountains have much to be proud of, and the children of the mountains are just as smart and have just as much to give as any other child anywhere in the world. For the children of the mountains who have grown up, received an education, and for some even moved away, they hold dear the teaching they received from the life experiences that qualify many for a PH.D. on life.
Judgment is something that many people believe is wrong. Many will say that you should never judge, but truth is, the Bible teaches that we can judge, we can do some “fruit inspection” and as we go we should keep in mind what the Bible actually teaches about judgment. The standards we hold others to, the rules we lay out for them will be the standards and judgment that God will also hold us to when our day of judgment arrives. If we all thought about the standards we are going to be held to, because of the way we look upon others, I am thinking many would change their actions toward others and their response to conditions and situations. Jesus can really make a difference.
Until then
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