Sunday, December 6, 2009

Regina Roaden Tye

In ministry, one fills their life with dreams and hopes of all the things you believe God has called you to do. Following God’s Call on your life has a lot to do with programs, events, and always having something to preach on a short seconds notice. I believe most in His service also want to impact people, but the one conversation no one ever shared with me at the beginning of my ministry, was how much I would personally be impacted by the people I would serve.
Churches provide many opportunities for personal growth through meeting people, walking with them through various circumstances and standing beside them during times of questions that seemingly produces no answers. Those opportunities also include celebrations through weddings, birthday days, graduations, anniversaries and moments of professional accomplishments too.
Serving the Greenland Baptist Church in Corbin has provided me a rich history of all the things that make for great memories. Regina Roaden Tye was an impact not only on me and my ministry but her life has impacted thousands. As a wife, her devotion to her husband Tim, and through his service as a United States Marine, Regina touched the lives of countless wives as a devoted Christian wife who offered faith and hope to those she encountered. As a mother she had devoted her energy, talents, and experiences of life as sweet counsel to her two blessings of life, Abby and Zach.
For Christians, faith in Jesus Christ offers eternal life which provides the foundation for celebrating a life that never ends. Wednesday December 2, 2009 is a date that now reflects her perfecting as a child of God. The Bible says that we become joint heirs with Jesus through Faith. The celebration of Regina’s life begins with the amazing gift of forgiveness of sin. The celebration of Regina’s life begins with a hope that teaches us to press on toward the prize. The celebration of Regina’s life begins with confidence that He who began a good work in us will complete it.
To me, Psalm 103 says, I will bless the Lord with all my soul not forgetting His benefits. My personal reflection of benefit from Regina’s life is the benefit of a friend who was an encourager. A friend who believed doing the right thing was the only choice. A friend who in nodding her head in affirmation said keep going, and a friend whose smile assured you God had just used you. To Regina, Psalm 103 is the realization of her faith. A Savior who heals all her diseases. A Savior who makes her young again mounting up new wings to soar with the eagles.
Battling cancer is not the plan any would choose for anyone. If a magic wand could be waved we would all be in line moving our arms back and forth. Truth is that cancer is a part of our lives. Some receive their healing here and for that we rejoice. For others various stages of remission occurs of which we are thankful. When faced with surmountable odds I have witnessed many rest in a peace and assurance that comes only from a personal relationship and faith with Jesus. “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.” Psalm 116: 15; And in faith years Regina your family and friends now sing, I will meet you in the morning.

Until then


Anonymous said...

Jeri HainesFrom a dear friend of Regina's...thank you, This was beautiful. She is sorely missed, even though I haven't seen her face to face in several years she has always been in my heart. I wasn't able to come to the service, we are in GA, and I am having a had time dealing with her death...again, thank you for these words. They are so true and have meant so much...Jeri Haines

Anonymous said...

Kelly FrenchVery beautiful and written for a beautiful friend. Our family will miss her so much but I rejoice in her reunion with our Lord. I pray God will continue to let us me a part of Tim, Abby and Zach's lives. Forever in our hearts Regina.

Anonymous said...

Melissa Elmen Digiacomo She was the absolute epitome of a Marine Wife. She never faultered, failed or complained. She was always such an inspiration to me and I will miss her dearly. Love you all so very much.