Thursday, April 30, 2015
Staying Connected 2015 - 2044
Staying connected electronically can be a real challenge. There are so many different means of communication that the options are truly in plenty for your choosing. I have lived just long enough currently to have personally witnessed some real changes in the way we communicate and stay connected. When I think about the future I wonder what devices we will be using in the year 2044? I wrote "we" because I am planning on being around for the year 2044. After all I will only be 80 years of age that year and I cannot think of a reason why I should plan on departing life prior to that, unless The Lord Jesus just really needs me in Heaven!
Growing-up I know what a 'party line' is and there are some of you that do to. However, there is a totally different generation that is no doubt thinking it means something totally different. When you had an emergency often times you would have to say, hey I hate to ask but I've got a phone call or an emergency and everyone would hang up their telephones and allow you to place your call. Ease dropping, sure that happened all the time and you didn't need a court order to listen in either. Just pick up your phone in your house and listen at your neighbors conversations all you wanted too. Of course the most common expression would be to say, "hey, I don't know whose listening but this is a private conversation, hang up the phone". I guess those days were really the good ole days and we just didn't know it. If you want to have a conversation about communication just as your grandchildren or nephews and nieces if they know what a pay phone is?
Facebook, Instagram, Snap, and a hundred different applications help people stay connected. I remember when e-mail was introduced to the world and today only the real dinosaurs of human existence have remained disconnected from the possibilities. There was a time when every student who enrolled in college would register for a college mail box to receive mail and packages from home, but not today. A fun survey might be to ask college students how much does it cost to mail a letter, their answers might surprise us. With options to receive bills electronically, and with options that allow you to pay your bills with electronic drafts the way we stay connected is ever changing.
With all the choices we have to stay connected electronically I am not sure what the future holds for us to select from but I'm sure there will be several different styles to select from whatever the options might be in 2044. One option for effective communication that has not vanished with the modernization of electronics has been old fashion conversation. Just talking to one another is still the most effective means of communication and I am not ready to give up on that option in 2015 or 2044. Let's stay connected and talk.
Until then
Friday, April 24, 2015
Scripture Verse for 2015 - Philippians 4:6
A personal practice for many years now has been to select a particular scripture each year and to study that scripture, use it for reflection, motivation and encouragement. Another reason for selection a scripture or passage of scripture is to commit it to memorization each year and learn more about Jesus personally. This practice helps me to know who He is, what He wants to do in my life (our lives) of those who follow Him and to learn more about His way of thinking. I must also add that an additional benefit from this practice is to learn what attitude or actions draws God's responds.
Most Christians that I know have a "life verse", that is a verse of scripture that is their go to verse from the Bible for every situation. My life verse is Acts 4:12. "There is no other name given among us whereby we must be saved." This verse sums up my entire theological faith about God and my belief in Jesus Christ as the Savior and Lord of the World. From first hand experience I have seen and witnessed the rejection of this Biblical thought and experienced the hatred others have for Jesus. The truth for me is that Jesus is the sweetest name I know, it is a name I love to sing, the simple mention of His name causes the demons in hell to tremble, and it is the only name in which I pray under and is is the name to whom I pray.
While I wish I would have be able to have selected my verse of scripture to focus upon prior to this date in April the truth is that it just wasn't possible until now. There is no scientific method to my selection when choosing my yearly verse. The selection comes from simply reading the Bible, studying scriptures or sometimes I select the verse because it jumps out at me, or its a verse I can't remember seeing before. The verse could be selected because in reading the scripture I realize I don't understand it full or in part. Philippians 4:6 reads, “ Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” This verse of scripture both jumped out at me and because there is part of this scripture passage I have never realized until just now. In reading this verse today I first said to myself I understand this verse completely. It was then that my lack of wisdom and need of knowledge jumped out at me.
Learning to pray is the first thing most Christians learn to do. We learn to call upon Him and His name. When I was reading this scripture today at first I interpreted and read the scripture in this context: When you are in need don't be anxious about anything at all. Be calm and pray to God. Bring your concerns to God and He will answer them. I confess I thought that was good theology too. It sounded correct when I read it that way. Looking at the scripture from my point of view it felt good too. I thought how could it be incorrect since the focus was on Him? It was at this moment I realized again my need for His understanding and right before my eyes I could clearly see where I was making a big mistake in the practice of my Christian faith. It was happening to me, I was not fully understanding the intend of God's word and I was making errors in understanding the scripture because I wasn't reading it properly. What I missed was two words that read: "...with thanksgiving...".
WOW, my first attitude was simple but wrong. Tell Him our concerns and problems and then don't worry. The correct attitude should include not to be anxious at all. The correct approach to God is to tell him my concerns and problems but to tell him my concerns and problems by coming with my attitude in a proper and healthy mode. Come make my request known to God by including my thanksgiving attitude. Is it possible I have missed God's mark, His calling for me in my life because I missed those two words, "...with thanksgiving..."? God forbid that be the case, but certainly without a check and balance system in place in our Christian lives it is possible to misinterpret what God is really saying if we are not careful in reading His word completely.
Until then
Friday, April 17, 2015
"Personal" is the word that makes all the difference
If we were to as a question of a friend, co-worker or even a family member and their answer to our question included "that is a personal matter" normally that line of questioning would cease immediately. Receiving an answer that something is "personal" indicates that the matter is private, that they are not ready to share an answer yet, or the issue could be embarrassing and this type of answer provides a quick avenue to end the conversation. When answering a question that states a subject is personal also indicates that answer is aimed at you individually and it is not a group issue.
Understanding the word "personal" and it's intended meaning when discussing Christianity is vital to understanding a relationship with Jesus Christ. Growing up in my teenage years and living life as an adult I have often been asked if I am a Christian or what church do I attend? Often times in conversations or when meeting someone and having an introductory conversation I've been asked if I am a spiritual person? The answer I always give responding to that question is no. I follow-up that answer with an additional statement that I am a Christian and I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord. The answer "no I am not a spiritual person" appears to catch people who know me off guard. I see their facial expressions indicate at least that they think I have given the wrong answer or I didn't understand the question. After I follow-up with I am a Christian then their expressions indicate we are back on the same page of thinking. However, being a spiritual person and being a Christian are two different positions.
Being spiritual indicates that our actions give off the appearance that we are a person of faith and belief. Faith and belief are two words often used in a conversation or discussion about Christianity but you can have faith and belief in anything, these two words are not exclusive to Christianity. The Bible for example tells us that the demons in hell believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God but that belief doesn't change their eternal destiny. Words again are important and the key word in this column and in this discussion is the word "personal".
In my answer regarding my faith and belief my answer is that this subject is always personal. Understanding that a relationship with Jesus is personal and not a group policy. Forgiveness of my sins is personal and not something I've received by association but rather I received forgiveness because I personally asked Jesus Christ to forgive me and I accepted His personal love and His personal plan for me. Sometimes issues, things and answers are "personal". Being a Christian is totally personal. I am excited to share that Jesus is my "personal" Savior and He is my "personal Lord". Jesus wants to be your "personal" answer too.
Discovering the truth that the love and plan Jesus Christ has for each of us is aimed solely at us individually. His love...for God so loved ALL of us. His an abundant life filled with faith placed in Him and belief that He does all things well in His time. The sooner it is discovered that a relationship with Jesus is totally "personal" will be the sooner you discover your answer is a "personal" matter you will be happy to share so others will know what you discovered and found in Jesus.
Until then
Friday, April 10, 2015
One word, two words, three words fours. Words are important!
Words are used with such power and force today. Single words can be used in such a way as to define some individuals. Other words describe thoughts, programs, events and even organizations. I use words everyday and I use words with a specific meaning or intention too. I think I understand their positive impact and potential in an array of ways. Using words to present things or people in a negative view or to write despairingly about others is not a practice that I want to happen un-expectantly much less planned in any form or fashion. To destroy someone's self-confidence, respect or opinion can happen with very little effort if you choose your words wisely. The power held in words used by others and what they say about us should not have an impact upon us. The reason this statement position is true and should have no impact upon us is because we have no control about what others say about us. Yet the truth is we as individuals have a difficult time keeping the words of others from impacting us. We struggle to separate the frustration of a lie spoken from the truth, even when we know what is the truth.
With such an influence by words guarding our tongue and protecting our mind from the negative expressions or experiences of life can be a challenge. One tool at our disposal would be the repeating of that which is positive. I am not opposed at all of reminding myself of good things, positive moments, even events which encouraged my inner spirit. I believe in self motivation when no one is around and you know you need to move and get going. I also believe in the motivation we can receive from others too. The role of a cheerleader is important. Hearing applause or hearing an expression of encouragement being yelled from the sidelines can help us push ourselves when we are struggling with our journey along life's highway.
Depending upon your station in the journey of life you might find yourself in a variety of positions. You could be a cheerleader for others or find yourself in need of the encouragement of others. The words we use can be spring broad or a stumbling board on the ground. "Think before you speak" is not an expression I just came up with. It is nevertheless a perfect expression to remind ourselves that our words can build others up or tear-down self-esteem, self-confidence and even self-worth. I know my self-value can be shaken when I question myself and my core values. We are all entitled to change our opinions, thoughts and positions. However, our core values are that which we build our life upon. These are truths within us that give us the ability to stand firmly even though things are moving around us. The words we use about ourselves and the words we use to describe others can be the difference between victory and defeat. I personally would rather say "I believe", "then I doubt that".
Until then
Friday, April 3, 2015
Easter 2015 - The answer is LOVE
Growing up as a child I am totally sure I did not understand the meaning of Easter but I am totally sure I knew when Easter had arrived. I am sure there were sales that promoted the season and the event but nothing like what is experienced today in the retail industry. How I knew it was Easter was that my brother and I would be dressed exactly alike in clothing and if my sister wasn't careful she would have some of the colors we were wearing in her clothes. This type of preparation and clothing was necessary because if you intended on going to church on Easter Sunday you better be looking good, your clothing should not be wrinkled and if like me when I was a child, I had a haircut from your mother.
Looking back at the old photos from childhood at Easter brings back a flood of memories from a day an time that has long past. I am thinking about heading up a national campaign to get parents to return to the dress code of the 1950, 60, and 70's. I think kids dressed alike with all the bright colors of springs will be a perfect tradition to pass on to the next generation. Of course getting dressed up for Easter has nothing to do with the real meaning of Easter just as eating a peanut butter chocolate eggs has no relationship either. A bunny hopping through the woods, hunting for eggs, looking to win a prize are all traditions that some hold as the meaning of Easter. The real meaning of Easter is about the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the Savior of the World.
For an Easter experience in 2015 there are no special clothing requirements or traditions from the decades past that must be followed or even remembered for that fact. Jesus Christ is the only son of the creator of the world...God. The Bible says that God so loved each of us that He gave as a sacrifice Jesus. In today's society there is one thing the world needs and it is love. Hate is a horrible word that is often seen verbally in the actions of people. In small towns and large cities the problem of selfishness, greed and envy surround us. In our families and within our circle of friends and co-workers we know personally individuals who are struggling with many issues, some issues, maybe many or all of their decisions have been wrought on by poor their decisions and choices. The worst of decisions and choices is the one involving rejecting the love that is offered freely by Jesus Christ.
Maybe some would want to write or suggest that becoming addicted to drugs, filing for a divorce, losing employment due to lack of performance is horrible and the worse experience possibly. Others might suggest that someone whose personal actions cost the life of another human being is an example of the worse of personal decisions that impact others and is horrible. These experiences are all based around selfishness, greed and envy. I do not know a single person that want to grow up addicted to drugs. Couples do not come together to unite in marriage planning on filing for a divorce. Individuals should follow their passions for employment and career decisions but even in job settings things can go array because we lose focus by the distractions of life.
Among all of this in life I stand firmly convinced what the world needs is love! The evidence of love that is desperately needed is best demonstrated by the action of forgiveness. The most difficult person you will ever forgive will not be your neighbor but it I suggest it will be you. Forgiving ourselves for failures and shortfalls is the most difficult task we will ever embark upon.
Jesus Christ died on the cross to dress us up for not only Easter but for everyday. Now do go imagining matching suits for you and Jesus because when Jesus died on the cross by the shedding of His blood He clothed us in a new wardrobe. Our new outwear is called 'righteousness'. Righteousness is the action of going from wrong to right. If it pleases you from bad to good, although those words in Christian conversation can easily lead to misunderstandings. Easter 2015 is the perfect time for you to receive your
Until then
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