Friday, April 17, 2015

"Personal" is the word that makes all the difference

If we were to as a question of a friend, co-worker or even a family member and their answer to our question included "that is a personal matter" normally that line of questioning would cease immediately. Receiving an answer that something is "personal" indicates that the matter is private, that they are not ready to share an answer yet, or the issue could be embarrassing and this type of answer provides a quick avenue to end the conversation. When answering a question that states a subject is personal also indicates that answer is aimed at you individually and it is not a group issue. Understanding the word "personal" and it's intended meaning when discussing Christianity is vital to understanding a relationship with Jesus Christ. Growing up in my teenage years and living life as an adult I have often been asked if I am a Christian or what church do I attend? Often times in conversations or when meeting someone and having an introductory conversation I've been asked if I am a spiritual person? The answer I always give responding to that question is no. I follow-up that answer with an additional statement that I am a Christian and I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord. The answer "no I am not a spiritual person" appears to catch people who know me off guard. I see their facial expressions indicate at least that they think I have given the wrong answer or I didn't understand the question. After I follow-up with I am a Christian then their expressions indicate we are back on the same page of thinking. However, being a spiritual person and being a Christian are two different positions. Being spiritual indicates that our actions give off the appearance that we are a person of faith and belief. Faith and belief are two words often used in a conversation or discussion about Christianity but you can have faith and belief in anything, these two words are not exclusive to Christianity. The Bible for example tells us that the demons in hell believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God but that belief doesn't change their eternal destiny. Words again are important and the key word in this column and in this discussion is the word "personal". In my answer regarding my faith and belief my answer is that this subject is always personal. Understanding that a relationship with Jesus is personal and not a group policy. Forgiveness of my sins is personal and not something I've received by association but rather I received forgiveness because I personally asked Jesus Christ to forgive me and I accepted His personal love and His personal plan for me. Sometimes issues, things and answers are "personal". Being a Christian is totally personal. I am excited to share that Jesus is my "personal" Savior and He is my "personal Lord". Jesus wants to be your "personal" answer too. Discovering the truth that the love and plan Jesus Christ has for each of us is aimed solely at us individually. His love...for God so loved ALL of us. His an abundant life filled with faith placed in Him and belief that He does all things well in His time. The sooner it is discovered that a relationship with Jesus is totally "personal" will be the sooner you discover your answer is a "personal" matter you will be happy to share so others will know what you discovered and found in Jesus. Until then

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