With all the different events taking place in our world currently there is a search for inner peace in all of our lives. Not sure what brings you to the spot where you are able to relax instead of “running around like a chicken with you head cut off”. For those who are wondering, yes, chickens can and do run when their heads have been cut off. The expression comes from mountain life when someone has just “rung” a chicken’s neck or cut it off in preparation for stewing or frying up the hen. Having witnessed this activity there is no sense in a chickens running or flopping around, it just goes until is yields itself over to the greater cause of being eaten.
Life can put us as human in that type of crazy spin too. Pressure from our jobs at work, or a stressed personal relationship can bring on lots of stuff that can easily get out of control in our lives. Searching for peace when those moments seem to have control is not easy. We never want to surrender our commitment to press through such moments but the weight of the issues sometimes can sure bend us into shapes we thought our emotions and bodies could not bend to or experience.
The Bible talks about peace and while for some it is hard to place your finger on peace when you are just learning the ropes of your new personal relationship with Jesus Christ but for those of us who have years of walking and talking with Jesus we should be a more stable pillar during the storms of life. One of the great moments of personal growth for me is recognizing in the midst of my storm that He is there. It is difficult to explain the feeling when things are going wild yet you are calm and are able to see beyond the present moment to the future in trust through faith. I know a pastor today who was forced out of his place of service and after a year and a half of waiting he found the next door of opportunity. He said, “it was so peaceful talking with the leadership of the church, I knew this was the right place for us to move to”. Who likes being fired, no one I know, but peace can still be found. The loss of a loved one unexpectedly can shake us to the core. I recent discussion with a friend whose husband had just died, leaving her to raise 4 daughters is a daunting task, but yet, she is finding peace even in the challenges she is facing. Not the types of issues we want to talk about, but perfect issues for us to individually find peace through if we walk with Him in faith.
I seldom give direct personal advice in this column, rather I write most often about options and positions of faith but in this column I want to share some specific locations for peace you too can find. Music has always been a source, from the harps of the Bible to the piano and guitar of our day, there can be a refuge and strength if we will let the melodies fill our heart. Poetry is always encouraging even when we probe for an answer that causes us to read it over and over again. The memorization of scripture, a verse that was shared by a friend with their explanation of peace in its meaning can be a ray of sunshine in a dark day.
The option for peace is available but the discovery is not at the lucky find at the end of a rainbow. Peace comes because of a commitment to a relationship built on trust and respect. Peace comes because of our exercise of discipline and action to help others before ourselves. Peace comes through listening and waiting, not rushing and knocking things down or over to find your answer. Often times we don’t have peace because we demand to remain in charge.
Until then
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
The real election...time to vote
The primary election has concluded, and the votes have all been counted. For the news outlets and for the reporters who cover political events it appears to be easy to say who has won and who has lost. For the determining factor of such news reporting the individual with the largest number of votes is declared the winner, and with assumption, it will be professed as good news.
Even after the general election votes have been counted in November I believe announcing the winners by total number of votes cast may not provide us with the real answer. Could be we constituents are the loser either way if those elected do not serve the people. In the Bible there was a desire for a great election with the answer coming down to one vote. The mother of James and John ask of Jesus is her sons could sit on His right and left. Now that’s an election of popularity and convenience. Self serving to the highest levels, but rejected and refused by Jesus. His answer was so not politically correct. Today’s politicians would have explained the need for a committee to be appointed and for a vote of approval by the board before confirmation, but that wasn’t the answer Jesus gave. His answer was simple, this is not a decision that is mine to make, but one reserved for the Father in Heaven. No, Jesus didn’t put the blame on someone else, Jesus did not refuse to be involved and Jesus did not act like he did not understand the question with a later rebuttal and press conference to explain what He really intended to say. Rather, He placed the decision where it rested, with the Father. He did give a suggestion later to provide an answer for the Father. He suggested that if you wanted to be first, become the greatest servant of all. Wow, talk about not be politically correct again, that was not the answer folks were expecting to hear.
The Bible speaks plenty about leadership, elected officials and those who hold appointed and elected offices. The key to success is service and the key to making proper decisions is about following Biblical wisdom and Holy Spirit discernment. Helping others is a Biblical principal, just as Jesus came from His Father’s throne to help us. We found ourselves in a mess of sin without direction and hope and He stepped into His to provide the way, truth and life. Today we are in need of leadership that is connected with a resource that provides hope, answers and direction. Our County, State and Nation deserve leadership that is servant orientated. Will you be hurt serving others, yes. Will you experience frustration and disappointment in attempting to give your very best for the benefit of others before yourself, yes, but that does not provide excuses or reasoning that allows us to assume another course of action.
We all become winners when those elected to serve and those being served are appreciative and respectful for the dedication given and the practice demonstrated to the betterment of all. Someone must speak for those who cannot, and someone must help those without sight cross the intersections of life. The best election to participate in is the election of the body of Christ. I choose to follow Him.
Until then
Even after the general election votes have been counted in November I believe announcing the winners by total number of votes cast may not provide us with the real answer. Could be we constituents are the loser either way if those elected do not serve the people. In the Bible there was a desire for a great election with the answer coming down to one vote. The mother of James and John ask of Jesus is her sons could sit on His right and left. Now that’s an election of popularity and convenience. Self serving to the highest levels, but rejected and refused by Jesus. His answer was so not politically correct. Today’s politicians would have explained the need for a committee to be appointed and for a vote of approval by the board before confirmation, but that wasn’t the answer Jesus gave. His answer was simple, this is not a decision that is mine to make, but one reserved for the Father in Heaven. No, Jesus didn’t put the blame on someone else, Jesus did not refuse to be involved and Jesus did not act like he did not understand the question with a later rebuttal and press conference to explain what He really intended to say. Rather, He placed the decision where it rested, with the Father. He did give a suggestion later to provide an answer for the Father. He suggested that if you wanted to be first, become the greatest servant of all. Wow, talk about not be politically correct again, that was not the answer folks were expecting to hear.
The Bible speaks plenty about leadership, elected officials and those who hold appointed and elected offices. The key to success is service and the key to making proper decisions is about following Biblical wisdom and Holy Spirit discernment. Helping others is a Biblical principal, just as Jesus came from His Father’s throne to help us. We found ourselves in a mess of sin without direction and hope and He stepped into His to provide the way, truth and life. Today we are in need of leadership that is connected with a resource that provides hope, answers and direction. Our County, State and Nation deserve leadership that is servant orientated. Will you be hurt serving others, yes. Will you experience frustration and disappointment in attempting to give your very best for the benefit of others before yourself, yes, but that does not provide excuses or reasoning that allows us to assume another course of action.
We all become winners when those elected to serve and those being served are appreciative and respectful for the dedication given and the practice demonstrated to the betterment of all. Someone must speak for those who cannot, and someone must help those without sight cross the intersections of life. The best election to participate in is the election of the body of Christ. I choose to follow Him.
Until then
Sunday, May 16, 2010
So what's your thoughts....about God?
There are many things to wonder about from life and with good assumption I am guessing the thought of if there is a God is as good a question as should be pondered.
When you consider all the things people wonder about why not explore the idea of God and just who He is, if He’s real. The realization of Jesus Christ as God is a discovery that has been on going in my life since I ask Him into my heart. I have heard some say what is the gain or loss without a relationship with Jesus. For those who believe in faith that is a simple answer. You have everything to gain and everything will be loss without Him. I’ve also heard some say what if in the end of our existence we discover that Jesus wasn’t real, and that faith was nothing, what then?
For me, at the end of life is Jesus isn’t real, I will be surprised, and if possible I will write a column from that point in life sharing what I have discovered. I doubt realistically if that will happen, but as a good friend to many I would want to give a “heads up” if such were true. On the discovery and wonder of God I have had several pivotal moments in my life that confirm my thoughts and have given my faith additional legs to run on.
When I asked Jesus into my heart I did experience a change. I felt something inside of my being that had not been there before and it was a completing me feeling too. As Jesus and I have become friends I have learned more about Him that supports my belief and cleared up any doubt about if there is a God. Witnessing life and death has opened my mind in understanding the delicate creation we are as humans. We are different because of our soul. That being inside of us that challenges and instructs removes my doubt about His existence. Another turning point for me personally is the answers I have received regarding questions that I have raised. If I could have figured it out myself I would have no doubt, but there are some situations that you must go to the source for help with. An owner manual we all receive with small appliance’s we purchase and with every cellular phone today you must give the owners cd a look to explain all the options, benefits and features. Turning to Jesus has proven to be the owners manual in my life and time over and over again He has directed me to the proper steps that fixed my issue and explain the application.
Some folks don’t like to give God a name. They prefer to speak in general terms, so as not to offend anyone with a different point of view. Personally, I respect different points of view and I know many that do not believe that Jesus Christ is the Lord of lords or if it helps, the God of gods. I have friends of other faiths, and I’m not talking about different styles of Christianity, but rather different gods they worship and believe. In a small world view protestant believer like to debate their particulars about styles of worship, clothing, words and actions. In a big world view I think things are very clear and I for one am grateful. The Bible says, “for God so loved the WORLD that He gave His only begotten son”….and according to world records that demonstration of love for each of us can only be found in one man…his name was Jesus.
Until then
When you consider all the things people wonder about why not explore the idea of God and just who He is, if He’s real. The realization of Jesus Christ as God is a discovery that has been on going in my life since I ask Him into my heart. I have heard some say what is the gain or loss without a relationship with Jesus. For those who believe in faith that is a simple answer. You have everything to gain and everything will be loss without Him. I’ve also heard some say what if in the end of our existence we discover that Jesus wasn’t real, and that faith was nothing, what then?
For me, at the end of life is Jesus isn’t real, I will be surprised, and if possible I will write a column from that point in life sharing what I have discovered. I doubt realistically if that will happen, but as a good friend to many I would want to give a “heads up” if such were true. On the discovery and wonder of God I have had several pivotal moments in my life that confirm my thoughts and have given my faith additional legs to run on.
When I asked Jesus into my heart I did experience a change. I felt something inside of my being that had not been there before and it was a completing me feeling too. As Jesus and I have become friends I have learned more about Him that supports my belief and cleared up any doubt about if there is a God. Witnessing life and death has opened my mind in understanding the delicate creation we are as humans. We are different because of our soul. That being inside of us that challenges and instructs removes my doubt about His existence. Another turning point for me personally is the answers I have received regarding questions that I have raised. If I could have figured it out myself I would have no doubt, but there are some situations that you must go to the source for help with. An owner manual we all receive with small appliance’s we purchase and with every cellular phone today you must give the owners cd a look to explain all the options, benefits and features. Turning to Jesus has proven to be the owners manual in my life and time over and over again He has directed me to the proper steps that fixed my issue and explain the application.
Some folks don’t like to give God a name. They prefer to speak in general terms, so as not to offend anyone with a different point of view. Personally, I respect different points of view and I know many that do not believe that Jesus Christ is the Lord of lords or if it helps, the God of gods. I have friends of other faiths, and I’m not talking about different styles of Christianity, but rather different gods they worship and believe. In a small world view protestant believer like to debate their particulars about styles of worship, clothing, words and actions. In a big world view I think things are very clear and I for one am grateful. The Bible says, “for God so loved the WORLD that He gave His only begotten son”….and according to world records that demonstration of love for each of us can only be found in one man…his name was Jesus.
Until then
Sunday, May 9, 2010
The Word and thought of Mother for discussion
The focus and attention to words creates great conversations. With the celebration of Mother’s Day this past weekend Mother is a great word for discussion. For most of us honoring our Mother’s takes very little thought. Our actions are moved by the care we received and the nurturing we experienced. Loving Mother, especially on her national day of recognition is something we wouldn’t dare miss. I am mindful of the fact that not everyone has enjoyed the relationship of a mother that cares, is sincere and takes her responsibility seriously.
I believe it is very important to acknowledge the loss some reading my column experienced as a child growing up. It is unfortunate for those whose Mother passed prior to their ability to really remember them and it is equally unfortunate for those children whose Mother was absent by choice and who left Motherhood to another for their child. One of the great aspects of focus and attention is that we can learn that while some facts are sad and true, these matters alone are not the ultimate determining factor for happiness and appreciation. The word Mother can be used as a noun, verb or adjective. As an adjective I could say, I love Detroit as my Mother homeland, or I could say my good friend Sarah dreams of being a Mother, using it as a verb. One fact for certain, the verb usages of the word create a special warm feeling in ones heart when we experience the best of Mother. Even with limited experience the opportunity to be cherished, tended to, spoiled, and fussed over is a good feeling that leaves lasting impressions always loved.
April 4, 1977 Southeastern Kentucky experienced a raging flood from Mother Earth and 33 years later, on May 4, 2010, Nashville, Tennessee awakens to flood waters she never dreamed possible either. Imagine the same Cumberland River flowing from Pineville to Nashville jumpers her banks to announce there is no control when Mother Earth decides to unleash her force.
A single event of life or the combination of events often hand to each of us both challenges to accept and obstacles to over come. There are many steps in overcoming these new moments in all our lives. It could be a simple reflection of great memories or moments in which multiple situations require the assistance of others who must step up to answer the call and provide assistance as a good Mother.
The great answer for every conversation that deserves our focus and attention would be the inclusion of Jesus Christ. He was a ever present force in 1977 and He remains the same in 2010. There are many things in life that require adjustments. Changes in jobs, relationships with friends, varying responsibilities or duties with family are just a few that require change. Yet, the every present constant force of peace that fills an inner spirit only comes from a relationship with Jesus Christ. When the waters of life roll out of her streams and the mud of the creek seems to remain we need to be reminded that the forgiveness found in Jesus Christ creates in us a new birth that establishes us as children of God—joint heirs through His love.
Until then
I believe it is very important to acknowledge the loss some reading my column experienced as a child growing up. It is unfortunate for those whose Mother passed prior to their ability to really remember them and it is equally unfortunate for those children whose Mother was absent by choice and who left Motherhood to another for their child. One of the great aspects of focus and attention is that we can learn that while some facts are sad and true, these matters alone are not the ultimate determining factor for happiness and appreciation. The word Mother can be used as a noun, verb or adjective. As an adjective I could say, I love Detroit as my Mother homeland, or I could say my good friend Sarah dreams of being a Mother, using it as a verb. One fact for certain, the verb usages of the word create a special warm feeling in ones heart when we experience the best of Mother. Even with limited experience the opportunity to be cherished, tended to, spoiled, and fussed over is a good feeling that leaves lasting impressions always loved.
April 4, 1977 Southeastern Kentucky experienced a raging flood from Mother Earth and 33 years later, on May 4, 2010, Nashville, Tennessee awakens to flood waters she never dreamed possible either. Imagine the same Cumberland River flowing from Pineville to Nashville jumpers her banks to announce there is no control when Mother Earth decides to unleash her force.
A single event of life or the combination of events often hand to each of us both challenges to accept and obstacles to over come. There are many steps in overcoming these new moments in all our lives. It could be a simple reflection of great memories or moments in which multiple situations require the assistance of others who must step up to answer the call and provide assistance as a good Mother.
The great answer for every conversation that deserves our focus and attention would be the inclusion of Jesus Christ. He was a ever present force in 1977 and He remains the same in 2010. There are many things in life that require adjustments. Changes in jobs, relationships with friends, varying responsibilities or duties with family are just a few that require change. Yet, the every present constant force of peace that fills an inner spirit only comes from a relationship with Jesus Christ. When the waters of life roll out of her streams and the mud of the creek seems to remain we need to be reminded that the forgiveness found in Jesus Christ creates in us a new birth that establishes us as children of God—joint heirs through His love.
Until then
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Legal..what a word for discussion
The great debate is on….”who is legal?” Of all the words we can use there are a handful of words that can create great debates and legal is one of those. Given the current political climate usage of the word today yields to one conversation. It describes those that have entered our country illegally. Not sure what your held political position is regarding this subject matter, but I believe there are very clear Christian positions.
I strongly believe in the melting pot image I was taught regarding America. We are a Country that should have welcoming boarders and under our law we do permit certain percentages and numbers from all across the world to the America through legal request, work permits, visa’s, and yes, even the opportunity to Pledge Allegiance to The United States of America.
Three years ago I met a family that had sought legal entry into America and this past fall became legal citizens of the United States. Their pride in taking the pledge is a badge of honor for them and for their families. El Salvador is a place on the globe ridden with war, strife and civil unrest. To sit and listen to their stories of watching family members being killed through illegal coups and of their dream and journey to America will create a grateful heart for the unique privilege I was born into as a Citizen of the U.S.
In grade school and high school I was taught rules and regulations. I was taught to believe that these were guidelines that kept things on a even opportunity field, yet hard work and commitment would always outshine those that just stood and waited for the “lucky spot” of life. As a Christian I cannot find any where the Bible supports luck, or that attitude that so many seem to believe and hope in today. In life, I have met many people in many different living styles and conditions. Only in America have I really discovered that to have more means you are a better person in comparison to many. Go to Brazil and you will not discover race an issue in that country. Go to Haiti and you will discover happy people even in the midst of their disaster. Visit our own country, go to Louisiana and you will find folks still without a house, yet something keeps them going and smiling through it all.
As a Citizen of the United States I believe in working for a living and I also believe in providing for those that are unable to help themselves. As a Christian I believe the principal of the Bible, no work, no food too. We all know individuals who are milking the welfare system and I have built into my life a certain percentage for that, knowing that sometimes you must give to those that don’t need in order to reach those that do. Does this mean I support wasteful abuse, obviously not, but life is about the gray. From the earliest memories of my life I had chores. Things to do that supported my family. I grow up doing things like going to grocery store for my family, or picking up an item that was needed. It is very common today to hear child who do nothing for their parents when they provide answers like, “I don’t want to, you do it”. As a Christian I was taught to honor my parents and to respect others around me, which included doing what I may not want to do simply because I was asked, or it was the proper thing to do.
My love for America is unwavering. My love for my Savior is stronger then unwavering. It is battle proven and has survived the storms of life.
Until then
I strongly believe in the melting pot image I was taught regarding America. We are a Country that should have welcoming boarders and under our law we do permit certain percentages and numbers from all across the world to the America through legal request, work permits, visa’s, and yes, even the opportunity to Pledge Allegiance to The United States of America.
Three years ago I met a family that had sought legal entry into America and this past fall became legal citizens of the United States. Their pride in taking the pledge is a badge of honor for them and for their families. El Salvador is a place on the globe ridden with war, strife and civil unrest. To sit and listen to their stories of watching family members being killed through illegal coups and of their dream and journey to America will create a grateful heart for the unique privilege I was born into as a Citizen of the U.S.
In grade school and high school I was taught rules and regulations. I was taught to believe that these were guidelines that kept things on a even opportunity field, yet hard work and commitment would always outshine those that just stood and waited for the “lucky spot” of life. As a Christian I cannot find any where the Bible supports luck, or that attitude that so many seem to believe and hope in today. In life, I have met many people in many different living styles and conditions. Only in America have I really discovered that to have more means you are a better person in comparison to many. Go to Brazil and you will not discover race an issue in that country. Go to Haiti and you will discover happy people even in the midst of their disaster. Visit our own country, go to Louisiana and you will find folks still without a house, yet something keeps them going and smiling through it all.
As a Citizen of the United States I believe in working for a living and I also believe in providing for those that are unable to help themselves. As a Christian I believe the principal of the Bible, no work, no food too. We all know individuals who are milking the welfare system and I have built into my life a certain percentage for that, knowing that sometimes you must give to those that don’t need in order to reach those that do. Does this mean I support wasteful abuse, obviously not, but life is about the gray. From the earliest memories of my life I had chores. Things to do that supported my family. I grow up doing things like going to grocery store for my family, or picking up an item that was needed. It is very common today to hear child who do nothing for their parents when they provide answers like, “I don’t want to, you do it”. As a Christian I was taught to honor my parents and to respect others around me, which included doing what I may not want to do simply because I was asked, or it was the proper thing to do.
My love for America is unwavering. My love for my Savior is stronger then unwavering. It is battle proven and has survived the storms of life.
Until then
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