Sunday, May 23, 2010

The real election...time to vote

The primary election has concluded, and the votes have all been counted. For the news outlets and for the reporters who cover political events it appears to be easy to say who has won and who has lost. For the determining factor of such news reporting the individual with the largest number of votes is declared the winner, and with assumption, it will be professed as good news.
Even after the general election votes have been counted in November I believe announcing the winners by total number of votes cast may not provide us with the real answer. Could be we constituents are the loser either way if those elected do not serve the people. In the Bible there was a desire for a great election with the answer coming down to one vote. The mother of James and John ask of Jesus is her sons could sit on His right and left. Now that’s an election of popularity and convenience. Self serving to the highest levels, but rejected and refused by Jesus. His answer was so not politically correct. Today’s politicians would have explained the need for a committee to be appointed and for a vote of approval by the board before confirmation, but that wasn’t the answer Jesus gave. His answer was simple, this is not a decision that is mine to make, but one reserved for the Father in Heaven. No, Jesus didn’t put the blame on someone else, Jesus did not refuse to be involved and Jesus did not act like he did not understand the question with a later rebuttal and press conference to explain what He really intended to say. Rather, He placed the decision where it rested, with the Father. He did give a suggestion later to provide an answer for the Father. He suggested that if you wanted to be first, become the greatest servant of all. Wow, talk about not be politically correct again, that was not the answer folks were expecting to hear.
The Bible speaks plenty about leadership, elected officials and those who hold appointed and elected offices. The key to success is service and the key to making proper decisions is about following Biblical wisdom and Holy Spirit discernment. Helping others is a Biblical principal, just as Jesus came from His Father’s throne to help us. We found ourselves in a mess of sin without direction and hope and He stepped into His to provide the way, truth and life. Today we are in need of leadership that is connected with a resource that provides hope, answers and direction. Our County, State and Nation deserve leadership that is servant orientated. Will you be hurt serving others, yes. Will you experience frustration and disappointment in attempting to give your very best for the benefit of others before yourself, yes, but that does not provide excuses or reasoning that allows us to assume another course of action.
We all become winners when those elected to serve and those being served are appreciative and respectful for the dedication given and the practice demonstrated to the betterment of all. Someone must speak for those who cannot, and someone must help those without sight cross the intersections of life. The best election to participate in is the election of the body of Christ. I choose to follow Him.

Until then

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