Friday, December 25, 2015

My First Christmas in Heaven

In 1998 at the passing of my Grandfather Clarence Hobert Mills, a friend seeking to minister to me during his passing sent me the poem, "My First Christmas in Heaven". I had never read the poem before that day but it has become a part of my life every year since that day. The fact of its impact on my life is as such that this is year 17 for me to share it with you during this Christmas Season. Traditions are a very important. Things we do with others become precious memories once those family members or friends have passed from this earthly life. It is my prayer for each person that has lost a loved one or a friend in 2015 that this poem will bring the comfort I received when I read it for the very first time. I also pray that "My First Christmas in Heaven" will be an encouragement to your spirituality. I pray that by sharing my Christian Faith you will seek Him too and discover the gift of Jesus as the baby born in Bethlehem as God's personal gift to you. Because of my faith the burden of loss is eased through the discovery and experience of His love, mercy and grace. Heaven is a place of many unique characteristics. Streets of Gold, walls of Jasper and gates of Pearl. In Heaven there is no pain or suffering. Here on earth there are many unanswered questions but in Heaven our Christian Faith becomes sight in meeting the creator face to face. The Bible says that in Heaven we will be known as we are known. I can only imagine the reunions that occur when loved ones are reunited because of their faith and the belief of Heaven becomes a reality. Accept this poem this year, as a gift with a Heavenly view. A gift of encouragement for those whose loved ones passed years ago and a gift of encouragement for those who have experienced loss this year. I pray that God's love for you becomes real this Christmas and the gift of His son Jesus who died in our place becomes your hope and that the peace that passes all understanding will rein in your life. Until then My First Christmas in Heaven, I see the countless Christmas Trees Around the world below, with tiny lights, like Heaven's Stars, reflecting on the snow The sight is so spectacular, please wipe away the tear, For I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year. I hear the many Christmas songs that people hold so dear, But the sounds of music can't compare with the Christmas choir up here I have no words to tell you, the joy their voices bring. For it is beyond description to hear the angels sing. I know how much you miss me, I see the pain inside your heart, but I am not so far away, we really aren't apart. So be happy for me, dear ones, you know I hold you dear and be glad I'm spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Don't miss Christmas

With this being the season to shop, wrap and give it is easy to get caught up in flashing lights and busy 'stuff' and totally miss Christmas even though you make all the events including the church play. The feeling you get from being around things gives us a false impression that we are involved and participating while the opposite could be just as true. Being around something doesn't make a very good case for understanding or knowing that which we are witnessing or observing. Even participating in activities doesn't truly demonstrate understanding either. If going shopping is a chore that includes the task of wrapping up a present too, I suggest that you forego the event. If you are only giving because it is expected or you feel obligated I think there is no doubt you are missing the point of Christmas. Christmas is about giving with the main gift being the gift of God's only son to us. Christmas is about receiving too and to experience this part of Christmas it involves a relationship. When we know people the impact of their gift to us causes our mind to roll in thoughts about our experiences together. Receiving a gift from someone we don't know can often cause us grief, honestly. Think about it. You get a gift from someone and the very first thing that comes to your mind is the thought that you don't have anything to give to them. The gift of Christmas is about receiving with no strings attached. Jesus Christ didn't come to earth as the baby born in Bethlehem to obligate us to give back. If His gift of love and forgiveness is free, and it is, then free it is indeed. What will confuses some is their thinking that we must give back because of His gift. Our giving is not a must requirement, our giving is because of a love experience not a built in response of obligation or duty. Don't miss Christmas by going and doing. Experience Christmas by loving, after all it is the greatest gift and the one requirement of Christianity. Until then

Friday, December 11, 2015

Holiday Emotional Check-Up

Holiday's serve as a gateway to an array of emotions. With bells ringing, people singing and folks being extra nice an observer might perceive holidays as total bliss and happiness. This perception of bliss and happiness is not without merit but often there can be an unseen underlining unresolved matter that attempts to steal joy from the holiday. These unexpected matters arrive from the simple task of living life. There is no amount of preparation that provides for the elimination of reminders from life that we wish to forget. Marking and highlighting positive milestones from our lives is that which comes naturally. We purposely remember such experiences and moments because they are happy times and we naturally cherish good times and great memories. Life is a teacher and as a student I have witness the work of teachers. There are times that teachers are talking the entire class period, explaining and calling to our attention as students important items, situations or issues. Teachers spend time writing on chalkboards, handing out papers, and silently grading homework and test. Life as a teacher hands-out assignments too. These task of life include tests of character, study moments for making decisions, and unanswered questions that the answer for seems to be lost on a stack of papers sitting on the teachers desk. It is these assignments that attempt to rob from us the gift of joy. A thief is no friend of mine yet I have found myself hanging out in his presence and stayed way to long in his company. The loss of a child, medical conditions, unemployment, a breakup in a relationship, these and other life assignments can be challenging to deal with. These situations can steal-away our peace, happiness, comfort and even our futures. Personally I will never be able to forget some of life's homework I've been handed. Some of these lessons I've not yet completed the homework assignment. Loss is something that you and I may forever deal with. If this is true, then the only workable answer is to trust through faith that God has a plan. During holidays life continues to be a teacher. In school we had a Christmas break but life occurs everyday, without exception. To much of anything can be a problem, keeping our emotions in balance is not just a holiday experience but rather a life assignment. Until then

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Teeter Totter Lesson

Philippians 4:6 was my 2015 verse of focus. "Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known unto God." This past year has been one that I have experienced both challenges and triumphs. My triumphs this year made the radar of close family and friends of which their encouragement has been instrumental in my good spirits. The challenges have been closely guarded as the plan has been to take each day with caution in making announcements of progress with respect to my health. As a child on the playground of the Arjay Elementary School we had a teeter totter. Using your leg strength to push off and your feet to temper the landing on your return was a fun toy indeed. It is amazing thinking back about the hours spent as a child playing on such a simple toy. This past year I have experienced the reminder of the two directions a teeter totter goes repeatedly, just as if I was a child again. Up and down, up and down. Maybe the most dreaded conversation we fear is the question "how are you"? Do we tell the truth and unload, or do we exercise caution and demonstrate reserve and restraint? Questions that only you can answer with respect to talking with your family and friends, but I know ONE that you can unload with no restraints in thoughts. "Be careful for nothing..." is an invitation from Jesus our Lord to use the tool of prayer to talking with Him. This invitation includes for us the opportunity to express our feelings too. My Christian faith is not based on my feelings in any fashion, even though I've felt His presence and intervention many times. My faith is a fact, based upon His word. "Let your request be made known unto God", is His ear bent toward us with an eagerness to hear from us. In 2015 I've used His invitation many times to share and express myself with my personal Lord and experience I heartily recommend. Because of prayer, supplication and thanksgiving my life has a different outlook when challenges rein and the triumphs seem non-existent. We all wish we knew what next year looked like now, but we haven't even the promise of tomorrow or our next breath. Make today count, go to Him careful in nothing. Until then

Friday, November 27, 2015

A living fatith from my Great-Grandfather Nasby Mills & my Grandfather C.H. Mills

Death is the sort of topic that will all due diligence we attempt to avoid discussing. Recently I posted on Twitter (@THMills) that "When you can face death in front of your family it gives ministers a living faith to share when you are gone". This statement I believe to be true because in my personal life I have been able to use the confidence and trust I witnessed family members demonstrate when they faced death. The truth is without them sharing with me their stories of belief and how they decided to follow Jesus Christ I am confident that at their hour of death I wold have been a person most miserable and lost without faith. My great-grandfather Nasby Mills became a Christian sitting in his barn, on a wagon seat, in Stinking Creek at Mills, Ky., in Knox County. This decision for him was one made late in his life but he said, "I knew this was my time and I prayed to God". My grandfather C. Hobart Mills came to my father's home and we talked and he shared that God had been speaking to him all throughout the night and we knelt and prayed in my father's drive-way. Hearing him ask Jesus Christ to come into his heart, in his own words, is a most precious moment I am thankful to God for experiencing with my grandfather. Precious Moments are those in which I find my heart over flowing in "thanks" "giving". The opportunity to witness, observe and share in the life of individuals coming to faith in Jesus Christ is a powerful moment that creates life long memories and eternal forgiveness. Knowing the confidence individuals have placed in the promises of Jesus has been the life chord when life here on earth has ended and our appointed time has arrived. It is in these moments when we have an opportunity to share our faith while living, that in our deaths life can be shared because of our testimony even though we are no longer here. Give your life a living faith today by sharing your "thanks" for the "giving" of God's only son for our sins. Until then

Friday, November 20, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving 2015

The gobble season has finally arrived so it is now time to officially say Happy Thanksgiving! During this holiday many will gather with more people sitting around the tables, standing around the stoves talking and eating than we might be able to count. For those cooking it might have been weeks in the planning and after everyone is gone the cooks will no doubt find a quite place, or any place for that matter, and pass out! Thanksgiving is that time of the year for a grateful people to celebrate the blessings of God. Thanksgiving is a celebration of the gathering of the harvest and a time to look back at progress and see the hand-i-work of God in our lives. Certainly the early explorers and settlers gave thanks to God for His blessings on their endeavors which included not only a harvest and preparation for winter time but a harvest of good for trading and a harvest of new friends too. Giving Christopher Columbus credit for discovering America is in part correct. He at least connected two different worlds with this new land already occupied by the original settlers, indians who called this land home and the Spanish and Europeans who established St. Augustine, Florida in September 8, 1565. The Mayflower Compact which was the first written document establishing a government for America was not signed until November 11, 1620. "Thanks" "Giving" is a unique time as I official acknowledge individuals, moments and organizations that have impacted my life but this season should be unique for each of us along the same line of thought. If we pause from our busy schedules and reflect I am confident that even if the past year has been filled with illness, death, challenges, difficulties and "everything at once", we should still be able to find the silver linings. Looking for good things, positive moments or people might require some digging, but I'm confident that no matter our circumstances we can each find good things from our lives and moments that have made us a better person and people too. "Thanks" is that which results from thinking about our blessings and "Giving" is that which results because we see others in greater need than we do ourselves. If you add both of these together I believe your life will be a positive influence on others and the world will be a better place. Happy Thanksgiving! Until then

Friday, November 13, 2015

"thanks" "giving" my parents

To often in life we allow the "what should be said" to be the "unspoken" in our lives. When I was born medical science had not advanced to the point where the sex of your yet unborn child could be known in advance of their actual birth-day. My parents said on the day I was born the doctor assured my parents that I was not on my way so my father decided to go have a pizza and beer while my mother would remain in the hospital for observation. Little did the doctor know he was wrong as I was on my way and my dad would discover himself to be the father to a boy when he returned. My parents have shared that they didn't care "what I was" as long as I arrived into the world healthy. I can assure you my parents love me, no doubt, but they certainly got more than they were asking for too....just as my parents and siblings. They might say they wouldn't take a millions dollars for me, but I think if someone offered them four or five thousand dollars, in cash, there would be some serious thinking taking place. Parents are those folks that even if you fight, disagree, or never talk, they still love you. I'm sure there are exceptions but parental love is that which is given from the heart and it doesn't really matter if it is a true blood connection or that which just happens to be because of life's situations. I remember waking up one day in the hospital asking my mom what day it was, where I was, and didn't she have to go to work? Her response was "she had been looking forward to retiring and she wasn't going anywhere until I did". My father just as committed to caring for me, and being a helpful aid to whatever fatherly duties required. All I know is that it is difficult to find a better love than this. On this season of my "thanks" "giving" I must salute my parents who have never left my side. Until then

Friday, November 6, 2015

Tim H Mills, my personal "thanks" "giving" year later

Not sure if you have ever stubbed your toe or not, but if you have, you might not be so immediately ready to express "thanks" for the experience. You might be more in the mood of 'bite your tongue' status than "thanks" "giving". Stubbing a toe seems like a silly thing, after all we should all be looking where we walk to prevent such, correct? As for an explanation as to how it happened most of us would rather just move on to the next life experience quickly thinking this too shall pass. Murphy's Law is easily described as "whatever can go wrong, will go wrong" and that is exactly what happened from my experience of simply stubbing a toe. Reflecting back over the past year and one month of my life I am honestly still in a state of confusion, disbelief and shock at times. I'm confused how one Sunday I am preaching in church and by the next Sunday I am in the hospital battling gangrene. I am in disbelief realizing that so quickly a year plus of my life has vanished in a blink of the eye. Four months of my life I find myself in memory loss unable to recall what was happening, who was there or any of the details of the medical situation I was facing. The details seem lost in space and time. As I reflect and look forward I am at times in shock and to be totally honest at times I am in totally shock. Two amputations, medical expenses including one single day billed at $82, 718.32. Monthly prescriptions over $6,000.00 a month with $4,480.00 of that expense being two of the 18 daily medications prescribed. Medical Illness and disabilities can become overwhelming extremely fast and life has a way of closing in while the limitations seem to calculate on an adding machine. Yes, a stubbed toe has a way of complication life and a way of changing your life forever, who would have ever considered?...certainly not me, until now. This same time last year my life turned a flip and now I am left holding the pieces, so it seems until I remind myself that I am not holding anything together, it all Him. Frustration is not fun to deal with at all. I find peace when I reflect that everything has a purpose and there is a time for everything too, including this experience. I also find peace when I am able to say "thanks" to God for the opportunity to share my story with others who are in questioning life's experiences and God's plan. The "giving" of this challenge is mine to use for His glory. I am praying I will not miss a single opportunity. Until then

Friday, October 30, 2015

Shannon Bunch - since he was 5 yrs old

This weeks column in the series "thanks" "Giving" reminds me that I first met this person when he was 5 years old. He was a little boy playing the piano and yes, he feet were not touching the ground, he was helped up onto the piano bench to play. His fingers went to walking over the keyboard creating music and out of his mouth came a voice that you knew immediately was unique and one of a kind. This little boy appeared to be destined to share his musical talents which could only be described for a 5 year old as gifts from God. With hundreds of thousands of miles driving and flying under his belt and with thousands of concerts and venues playing host to his talents, Mark Shannon Bunch has served his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ non-stop playing the piano, singing and even preaching with each mile logged in his journey to be a disciple of Jesus. Friendships are an amazing gift from God, so I believe and I confess that when I first saw him playing and singing as a child never did I imagine the friendship that would have grown from then to now, over the past 30 plus years. Shannon, as he is known to audiences and his friends is gifted in more than just music. My "thanks" this season goes beyond his obvious talent but to the heart of his character and being. "Thanks" Shannon for being a great listener. His gift of listening is not in one year and out the other, but rather an intent listening to hear what you are really saying. This talent is not held by all and for most listening is just an act. Shannon is a "giving" person whose heart is touched by the experiences of others and he puts his thoughts into actions, something also lacking by many who assume the role of bystanders in the crowd instead of becoming a leader from the pack. Each spring I begin to assembly my thoughts of individuals and organizations, young and old that have made an impact. Sometimes there is a carry over from the previous year where I just ran out of weeks in which to acknowledge the difference others have made by sharing their lives with others. Our friendship, the one Shannon and I share has grown with each year and with each new days experience. Geographically from Barbourville, Kentucky to Nashville, Tennessee and now even the State of Texas, our friendship covers some land. Our experiences together include his wife Melissa and their daughter Emme Blu. What laughter we've shared and memories we've all built all because as a 5 year old Shannon was already doing what he loved. In friendship trust comes from trying and confidence comes from confiding. Shannon Bunch has impacted countless lives through his ministry and while I'm saying "thanks" "giving" I know what Shannon is saying..."To God Be The Glory". Until then

Friday, October 23, 2015

Don't miss an opportunity to say "Thanks" for others who are "Giving"

"Thanks", "Giving" is my personal way of sharing the stories of the people who have impact my life. Over the years that I have been publicly expressing my "thanks for the investing, "giving", of others into my life I received many comments. A few of the individuals have been caught totally off guard while others have continue to encourage me but only after providing me with instruction to select others, all the while saying thanks too. I began this personal tradition because after the passing of a friend I had wished I had said more during our lifetime as friends. A lost opportunity because we failed to take the time to say "thanks" because a major moment in our lives when we simply planned on expressing "thanks" for their impact or importance to us and then they are gone and we live with the regret. Death has a cruel way of creeping up on us and stealing from us plans and dreams. Medical issues, sickness and disability have a way of also stealing from us repeat moments of fun, sharing and plans. These heartaches can become a serious problem if we don't correct the behavior of prolonging, putting off, and procrastinating. (Yes, those three "P's" I just used are a preachers prerogative). Often I've had people share with me that they are scared to share their feelings or to express their thoughts. It can be scary. Rejection is the last things we want to experience but it is not our responsibility to make sure that others understand our motives. It is important however for us to express our hearts and gratitude, especially among our friends. Will people think weird of us, possibly? Will our friends think we have a secret motive, possibly? The truth is that the answer to both of these questions could be answer yes because they are true. We are weird. Think about it, most folks don't say thanks anymore. There is an attitude of you owe me going around and yes, we do have a secret motive. We want people to know they matter to us and we have learned from them and we want them to know it. I see no wrong in having the motive for saying "Thanks" and for "Giving" back so others will know their lives matter and you appreciate them. I assume no responsibility for others feeling uncomfortable with receiving praise, honor or thanks. I do assume full responsibility for my words and actions and I want no missed opportunity of following my heart. Until then

Friday, October 16, 2015

Thanks to Scott Bryant for making a difference in me.

It is my favorite time of the year again. FALL! I love watching the leaves turn their color. I even love watching the leaves from from her branches, the cool breeze, witnessing animals preparing for winter, there is just nothing about this time of the year I don't find great appreciation from. Fall is also a special time of the year for me in writing this newspaper column too. It is my annual 'thanksgiving' time where I publicly reflect on people who have made a difference in my life. People whom I have not forgotten from my past, and even new folks that I've met on my journey through life. Positive minded people who can honestly reflect on life, including difficult moments are the folks I enjoy being around the most. People who from their own experiences share so that others can learn, grow, and become better equipped for the trials ahead while seizing the best possible from life. These are my favorite kind of people! The year was 2008 in the month of March. I was sitting in church, minding my own business, not being very sociable just there to worship God as I was on my own journey seeking God and His will for my life. My personal relationship with Jesus Christ remains one that I know it is our duty as followers to seek Him especially when we are in discovery mode, looking for answers to trying times and difficult situations. My seeking goal was to confirm His will in my life, whatever it ended up being and to accept His plan and move forward. In pursuit of God that is when I heard Scott Bryant share his testimony of God's working in his life. I didn't know him personally, I had seen him around church, he was gifted musically but it was the words he used in his testimony about God loving him, and of how God's was using him that was my encouragement and has served as a continuing guide even to this very column. To know that God loves you and has a plan is the beginning of a relationship with God. To know that His plan continues is a part of discipleship and following His will is the answer for our future as Christians wanting to be used by Him until the end. My first 'thanksgiving' of 2015 is for Scott Bryant and all those who are not ashamed of God's work in their lives. Romans 8:28 simply requires us to seek Him for all our answers. Until then

Friday, October 9, 2015

The 68th Annual Daniel Boone Festival

Heritage to mountain people can easily be defined. It is where we come from, stories about those that came before us and our heritage also directs our future. The Daniel Boone Festival is for the Commonwealth of Kentucky a festival of heritage. This area we call home has a rich history that was forged through determination and dreams. The DBF is the only festival of its kind that honors the pioneering efforts of Daniel Boone in the historic location of the Wilderness Trail. This history is the foundation of our individual communities and without the determination of those early settlers who crossed the Cumberland Gap and "pressed their way forward through the thickets" our history might very well have found us in 2015 still a part of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The Daniel Boone Festival is a real educational opportunity about this region for children and adults. While much of the conversation among friends during the 68th Annual Event will be about which concession food booth of home cooking has the best chicken'n dumplings, the importance of the festival should highlighted each year, passing along this heritage and history. Thinking about our modern times it is easy to become frustrated and overwhelmed with the complexity of life's issues and the fast past at which information flows and things change. History serves as a great teacher about the struggles our pioneers faced and their courage to address the issues they faced. With no cellular phones, walking to where you needed to go and then conversing to share what you had learned or heard was the communication connection in their time. A lesson from history would serve each of us well. The early pioneers had to work together. Early pioneers learned to agree and disagree yet they volunteered to help and to be of aid when their neighbors had a need. Our future can be filled with dreams too, but it will take a re-dedication of our determination to work for the common good. Our heritage came at great expense which included the loss of life for those who traveled cutting, cleared and expanding the Warriors Path. In honor of our those who came before us, let us pause to take time to honor God as they did, for all things. Let us also pause and thank God for the opportunity we have to be pioneers of peace in a world were the experience has been lost along the journey. Until then

Friday, October 2, 2015

What's up with church services?

Have you ever thought about the what and why's as to the order of your church worship services? This topic thinking I expect will cause us to also consider the value if any of some things and rightfully so. The Bible says that everything we do in public worship should be done to glorify God and to build up the body of Christ. A time of testimony where individuals share what God has done in their lives certainly glorifies God and at the same time encourage those attending and witnessing the testimony. A time of reflection with respect to God's blessings in our lives also serves multiple functions too. Singing and responsive readings are a great way to collectively involve a congregation in unity of purpose. Listening to a prayed out and holy spirit directed message is equally important in this cooperative experience we call church worship. The value of a public church worship experience first begins with a call to 'Make Known" the love and plan of God through the gift of His son Jesus Christ. The second value of a church worship encounter is to provide for the opportunity of assembly. There is treasured value in the gathering together the diversified body of Christ. I write diversified because we each come to Christ from our varied roads of travel. Each journey filled with countless individual experiences where you and the creator have been privileged to confront each other on your travel to truth and peace. Truth and Peace are found when confess our sins and failures. This honesty allows us to 'fellowship', shake hands, pass the peace or greet one another. Confession allows for confidence and celebration of forgiveness. Celebration occurs from testimonies, hymns, responsive readings, solo's and from the reading of God's Word, the Bible. Giving back is important. Tithes and offerings are individual expressions of our gratitude for His goodness. Responding to what we have experienced, been exposed to, and have learned from and about God can be both public and private in nature. If God has been so good to you that you must share, by all means share. If the touch of God has changed you then as you go, let your action be a public testimony of change that has happened within. The most important item of worship is that occurs, individually. Until then

Friday, September 25, 2015

Worry - Anxiety; Concern - Excitement;

Recently I wrote about the difference between a reaction and a response. Along that same thought process consider the difference between worry and anxiety and how they are different from concern and excitement. Normally it doesn't take very long when conversing to hear someone express a matter in which creates worry and anxiety. Worry almost seems like the activity of the month that continues to repeat itself. Anxiety is witnessed in our actions and mannerisms. Observing others normally produces an immediate alarm as to an individuals anxiety level. Worry and anxiety we hear in the selection of words used to describe situations and we see the impact of events and their toll on our lives as we approach their arrival. Philippians 4:6 tells us to be anxious in nothing. This particular scripture instructs Christians to approach life with the constant practice of eliminating anxiety through the practice of thanksgiving. Verse 6 also instructs us in handling difficulties and situations as Christians by sharing our burden with God and to do so directly through a conversation. An often witnessed approach to issues that have the potential to max out our stress levels which produce worry and fret is the position that we can fix the situation even when we know to do so is beyond our skill or talent set. This approach also includes the attitude that we are accomplishing our goal by demonstrating worry and anxiety. The practice of such leads to no such successful resolutions, ever! It will lead to wrong decisions as we rush into actions without the consideration of consequences and we react without thoughts of a response. Concern is an attitude that allows for the weighing of options and even when we face difficult moments, conditions or issues we can be excited about outcomes and answers through faith. The invitation of God is for all of us to approach Him with a confidence amidst our concerns. For Christians this should be our first step in all matters and for those who are looking for solutions an option to try in a first step in building a relationship with Jesus Christ. Until then

Friday, September 18, 2015

Family Memories - My most important memory growing is?

Growing up as a little boy I have some great memories. My memory bank includes lots of different moments with a lot of different people. I remember the time my Aunt Jean Mills bought me a big teddy bear and today as an adult she reminds me that for some reason when I was little I always stepped on her toes. My memories include eating green apples from my great-grandmother Ellen Bingham's porch. That memory includes eating too many of them too. It is funny what you can remember and my memories of my great-grandfather's include me making them mad. "Pap", my mother's grandfather, George Martin Carnes, Sr., I would upset when I would let the well bucket drop down into the well or I let it hit the sides causing dirt to fall in the water. My dad's grandfather, Nasby Mills, I would upset anytime I'd let the screen door slam. Watching "Pap" roll his cigarettes from a Prince Albert can I always found amazing for some reason. My grandfather Alonzo's sister, my Aunt Dorothy, provided me with hundreds of memories when I was growing up. Being able to write and I.O.U. (this means: I owe you) and picking out a piece of candy and getting a soda pop on her is not my most precious memory but it was one gesture for sure that meant she loved you. Riding horses and ponies is a childhood memories from both the Carnes and Bingham side of my families. My great-uncle Jeff and aunt Evelyn Warren were in the logging business and owned a saw mill. Besides eating my aunt's cooking, pulling on the airhorn in his log trucks until the air tanks were empty were always fun! I don't believe my cousins enjoyed having to scotch the wheels and build back up the air pressure was any fun for them, but it was a blast for me. I could write a column each week for a year on memories from my childhood and just begin to touch the surface of my memory bank. The memory most cherished for me is remembering when and where it was that I became a Christian. I remember the questions I was asking and I remember the answers I was given. It is amazing how any single moment sticks with you and how important single activities and events really are. Sharing with my family my personal memories is very important to me. The most important historical fact is that I personally know Jesus Christ as my Heavenly Father and in Him I place all my trust and confidence. Until then

Friday, September 4, 2015

Politically Correct - Political Correctness really?

Political correctness has been a long evolving process. The term actually became a regular part of frequent conversation in the 1990's. Sparing usage of the phrase 'politically correct' can be discovered from speeches and some published articles from the 1960's but the meaning has varied with individuals and organizations. For example the term during the 60's referenced a consumer or a lifestyle choice. The White Panther Party used the term to work toward a cultural revolution. They were a counterculture era group that started at the suggestion of Huey P. Newton, co-founder of the Black Panther Party. The White Panther Party was not a white supremacist group. To the contrary their efforts worked with ethnic minority groups. How is that for politically correctness? If you are confused I might suggest you are not alone. Names can be misleading and it is only through conversation about vision, purpose, mission statements that explain direction and learning about goals can one make an informed evaluation of intent regarding the term 'politically correct'. To be a person that is kind or listens to others as they speak some would describe as 'politically correct'. These actions I personally would describe as characteristics of a descent human being. To hear someone make a false statement and to not share correct information is the actions of someone attempting to be 'politically correct'. To agree with someone's opinion or thoughts when you disagree is the work of being 'politically correct'. The ability to agree to disagree is the work of maturity. To hold a different opinion and respect the thoughts of others is a mark of integrity. 'Politically correct' is overrated even though it appears society applauds it's every turn at the moment. Jesus Christ certainly was not 'Politically correct' oriented. He loved sinners, hung out with prostitutes, and Jesus even demonstrated love to a thief that was being put to death at Calvary on a cross for crimes. Jesus was so not 'politically correct' that He even showed love to the Roman Soldiers that nailed Him to His cross on Golgotha's hill. In the political correctness of our current day the accepted practice is to treat everyone equally and to never show a difference in people. The practice being pushed today includes that you and I forget we have an opinion or the ability to think for ourselves, much-less demonstrate the skill to think outside the box. The very fact that Jesus Christ loved us before we loved Him and even if we never love Him, clearly marks Him as a person not in the slightest way 'politically correct'. If you are a Christian then I believe our lives will be marked as followers of Christ as not in the least 'politically correct'. Our lives will demonstrated a fairness as exemplified by the actions of Jesus Christ where He offers a plan that is exceedingly abundantly above and beyond all that we could ever ask or think. Until then

Friday, August 28, 2015

Happy Birthday Thoughts

On everyday of the current calendar year someone, somewhere is celebrating a birthday. For children the importance of the day is marked in the early years by our parents. Remembering our first or second birthday's is best reflected with photos taken and looked at later in our lives. These earlier photo reminders provide us a glimpse back in time. We marvel in laughter at hairdos and clothing realizing that time has a way of changing things ever so uniquely. My siblings and I are each a part of the baby boomers generation. The benefits of this distinction include some historical moments that I believe the younger generation are well served by being reminded of from our personal lives and our time back in the day. I've never been a fan of the television soaps fan of "Another World" or "As the world turns" but it all began in 1964. Think about the salaries of this year, 2015 and look back to the year 1964 when the average yearly income was $5,880.00. I grew up watching a black and white television watching the original Bewitched, Addams Family, Lost in Space, Flipper and yes, Gilligans Island. Reflecting on birthday's can be a lot of fun. I remember the big brown bear my Aunt Imogene Mills bought me when I was three (which I still have) and I remember the train cake my mother made me too. I also remember the words of my grand-father C.H. Mills when we moved from Warren, Michigan to Kentucky. He asked my parents when loading up a U-Haul "..just how many toys do these kids have"? Obviously he thought no matter the answer to the number of toys we had, we had to many toys. To a child the statement might seem mean. How dare someone take toys away, but in proper perspective it was a valid question. Comparing my childhood to my grandfather's and even my parents is a totally different experience than mine. On my grandfather's birthday he was fortunate and felt really blessed to receive candy, nuts or fruits. His parents strived hard to make sure once a year he had new Bib-Overhauls. A growing foot received hand me down shoes before receiving your own pair of boots which were to be used for working. Any toys he received were handmade, so if my grandfather thought I had too man toys he was probably correct. The best gifts are personal. Personal gifts include a phone call, card, and your favorite desert back then. The personal has evolved today into text messages, emails and post of facebook. There is one gift that still requires an old fashion conversation. The best gift anyone can receive is offered by Jesus Christ. The Bible says that "He stands at the door and knocks". To accept His gift on your birthday or any-day will require your acknowledgment. Accepting His forgiveness last for eternity! Until then

Friday, August 7, 2015

A helping hand

Have you ever noticed your personal difficulty in receiving help? It could be that this first sentence has you already saying to yourself "no I haven't noticed". If that's the situation for you then allow me to share my situation which is just the opposite. I want to be someone that says I receive free and unsolicited help very easily but this is just not true about me. I am not sure where the root of this battle begins but I know I've seen the current face of this monster many times. There is something about our fight for personal independence that creates walls that seem to be a hundred feet high and barriers fortified so strongly that penetration is perceived to be impossible. The battle for self begins in our lives without any training or even a suggestive hint. As a baby the skill is natural and shows itself way to often for those shouldering the role of parent. The difficulty in receiving help is more than an extra hand volunteering to assist us on a project or working with a team to accomplish a goal. I am writing about that inner battle that rages inside of even the meekest of individuals when it comes to receiving help. In saying no to help we provide answers like "oh no, I can". We express no in a positive way by saying "thanks" following by our reason why help is not required. By accepting help the initial fear is that we are somehow giving up control or acknowledging our inability to handle a situation or complete a project. These thoughts are the difficulty we struggle with because they are true. We each have issues, situations or moments where help is the only answer. There is no shame in admitting this truth, rather I would suggest there is great character in seeing our need and realizing the solution. One topic that help is a requirement is the matter of sin. The only control over sin that I have is the ability to admit I have sinned and I am a sinner. The only solution for sin is the helping hand of Jesus Christ. It maybe you don't want help, but if you want the solution, He is the only answer. Until then

Friday, July 31, 2015

What no one wants to talk about....

When you have had to deal with a major illness the experience itself has a profound impact on not only the individual who has to personally face the situation, but these types of medical experiences impact the family and care givers too. Major illness covering several months of hospital admissions, surgeries, procedures and treatments is exhausting! The experience of keeping up with dates, medications, and attempting to manage yourself under these conditions is more than one person can handle. When we add others individuals into this type of situation the patient now has additional stresses. Even when it is family members that are attempting to give aid by handling household bills, or helping the patient to keep track of their scheduled appointments or treatments is frustrating. I am smiling as I type this sentence because I'm thinking to myself, this is frustrating to the patient and to the care giver too. Frustration on both ends of the spectrum, now that's a mess! Handing major illness and sickness challenges everything about us. Being sick with the flu, dealing with shingles, having a pain in your knee or experiencing pain in your back are all challenging. Personally having to use a medication dispenser with morning, noon, evening and bedtime labeling is one sign of the medical situation challenges. In a funny way there are many learning opportunities from such experiences. For example, when I came home from the nursing home my mother had purchased a medication dispenser. This tool we used and I am still using, to keep me on schedule with certain medications at specific times. One thing I've learned that is funny to me is the many options available to purchase. That is options on medication dispensers you can buy. I learned about all the options because I had a change in one of the medications I was taking. These new pills are best described as 'horse pills'. Country folks will know what I mean in describing them this way. For the city folks reading my column 'horse pills' is a mountain way of saying the pills are so large they would gag a horse when swallowed. Challenges are those moments or situations in our lives where we must think objectively, weigh out options and consider consequences. Making decisions with respect to our individual health can be a challenging event. While ultimately we are able to make our own decisions the timing for such moments do not always arrive when we are able to take our time and think our situation through with no rush for judgement. Thankfully prior to being ill or emergency issues we have legal options. These options allow us plenty of time for considering our wishes, preferences and health plans. Everyone needs a 'Last Will and Testament'. No one wants to talk about dying or death but this is a true reality that must be talked about and planned with preparations. A health 'Living Will' is most important too, along with a designated 'Health Surrogate'. That person is able to make health decisions for us when we are unable to do so. Granting 'Power of Attorney' so your personal affairs can be attended to in your absence while you are still alive is an absolute must. These subjects are not easy conversations but they are necessary. Every individual 18 years of age should have at least these four documents signed, notarized, and in a place where those trusted have access to these documents. Make your health care decisions while you are able. Discuss your thoughts and actions about eternity too. All of these decisions I have squared away. Knowing I have empowered others to act on my behalf was easy for me. Jesus Christ acted on my behalf on a cross at Calvary. Having personally discovered the satisfaction of knowing Jesus and I have eternal matters settled, making these earthly decisions were important too. Leaving behind answers to questions, directions and personal thoughts I believe is a part of God's Plan and a part of His peace that remains once we are gone. Until then

Friday, July 10, 2015

Believing & Faith

Who likes talking about the weather? The most popular comment often made by folks regarding the weather is that the meteorologist "never get anything right". The weather report calls for sunshine and it rains. The prediction for the weekend is gloomy and the weather is perfect. We have all experienced those types of weather moments. Looking at a 7 or 10 day weather forecast and planning is something we all do but with little stock that it will be correct. There are plenty of professions that have good and bad predictions but I'm pretty confident that the weather report brings out the 'nay-say' in us as far as believability is concerned. Believing can be a real challenge because we are asked to demonstrate our faith about something that has yet to occur. Believing the Bible describes as being able to see that which at the moment, you cannot see physically. One might suggest that if we don't believe, or refuse to give any belief to the weather forecast it might be impossible to believe in a God that is yet unseen by our human eyes. After all, seeing is believing or at least that is the practice of some individuals that I know. As for me personally, I remember the moment that I believed in God and the practice of my then new Christian faith. My first experience with faith came through my relationship with my parents. My parents made promises like many parents do. Do you remember your parents saying "if you do this then they will respond with....". These conversations were my first lessons in faith. My parents did what they said so the foundation was established early in my life about believing and having faith. My faith as a child was a simple. If I would do as I was told rewards would often be handed out by my parents. Childlike faith is more than basic faith. Childlike faith becomes the testing ground for every decision to believe and for ever action that requires faith. As an adult it is this childlike foundation of faith that has grown with my experiments as a teenager and adult. The issue of Christian faith revolves around one question. Will the practice of this faith about Jesus Christ lead to eternal life and a place the Bible calls Heaven? Christian's practice a belief that because of what Jesus did on the cross our sins are forgiven forever. By believing in Him our actions should tell the story of Jesus Christ and His love. Anyone can receive this forgiveness too. It is a free gift to all! John 3:16 says, 'For whosoever" and this includes every person on the earth, red, yellow, black and white. Me and Jesus had a talk that began in 1972 and this conversation has continued to grow throughout the years. My faith began as a child and today it continues as an adult. As for my faith, I believe more in Jesus today than ever before. While I have not yet seen Him personally, face to face yet, I look forward to that day when the realization of my faith will be made whole. Until then

Friday, July 3, 2015

Citizenship in the USA - 4th of July

Happening throughout the world are battles between governments, people groups dedicated to a single cause, waring fractions and splinter organizations committed to their political points of view. Some of these battles are being fought on religious grounds and beliefs. Throughout the history of the world we have seen these types of events and we in the United States of America have our history beginning with such a conflict with a declaration of our independence from Great Britain in 1776. The birth of America was an idea of a free and independent nation that allowed her citizens to live freely, to worship God supremely and to do so without undue restriction and ternary. The freedom that was carved out between our founding father's also included the freedom to no worship God but there was no doubt in the responsibility of citizenship that was to be embraced no matter one's political or religiously held beliefs. On this year's 4th of July Celebration I believe there needs to be a resurgence of Citizenship and a love for the U.S.A. developed among we citizens. Watching the news, listen to the radio commentary one can easily see the belief held by individuals that believe they can do whatever they want, whenever they want with no accountability or responsibility for their actions. America belongs to all of us and when one part of us is being burned there is another part of us that is hurting and weeping. Weeping is the word to use too. I weep when I see citizens disrespecting authorities. I believe that the President of the United States needs to always be addressed as Mr. President. This belief I practice when I agree or disagree with their leadership. As for elected officials, they receive citizenships highest honor when elected to public office. I also believe they are to serve all the people not just 'liked kind'. Citizenship carries with it responsibilities to be engaged and involved. Voting being an example of engaged and involved. America is strongest at her biggest arguments and disagreements but our unity and love for country should easily been seen in our actions and heard in our words of protest and debate. Freedom is a word that creates images of sacrifice, dedication and great cost in my mind. Freedom is the word that defines America and the rights of her citizens too. On this 4th of July while enjoying the fireworks, watermelon, and reunions remember that this date is a historical date that deserves our reflection and a thought of our individual duty as citizens. It is our duty to build positively on the foundation that was laid by those who came this way before us. I pray for America and that our next history will record our unity to Country, Citizenship and Cause that waves proudly the Red, White and Blue. Until then

Friday, June 26, 2015

Spartanburg, S.C. and Ky Missions

Vacation Bible School is that one time of the summer schedule that churches go all out to make learning about Jesus fun and exciting. Vacation Bible School is traditionally speaking the most evangelistic time of a church year too. Children are invited to come, posters and banners are displayed, arts and crafts are organized for each grade level and the most important kool-aid, cookies and snacks for each day are planned and prepared. Across Southeastern Kentucky many churches with large and active memberships have no problem recruiting volunteers from within their membership to carry out the work involved in promoting and organizing a week long Vacation Bible School event. However, for many churches, the resource pool of workers are few and without the help of others the opportunity for a Vacation Bible School would not be possible. Since the year 1969 the First Baptist Church of Spartanburg, South Carolina has been stepping in to assist local churches and filling in where the need exists so that children, teenagers and even adults can participate in a VBS event in their local church. Rev Seth Buckley is the Minister of Students at First Baptist Spartanburg and he has been leading students and adults each year to make the journey through the mountains of North Carolina and over Clinch Mountain to this area to serve others through Christian Love and to make a difference by sharing their talents and energy to make the name of Jesus known to others. The vision of this year endeavor began in the heart of Dr. Alastair Walker, who served as the pastor of the First Baptist Church in Middlesboro prior to being called as pastor of First Baptist in Spartanburg. One will often hear the statement or the question, can one person make a difference and that answer is yes! This year 250 plus students and adults have cleared their summer schedule of sports camps, family vacations, and other events to be in Kentucky to make a difference. The difference these volunteers are making is an eternal difference. The impact of a smile, a handshake and a hug can make all of the difference. Acceptance, opportunity, and experience area a part of this week too. The difference that is being made flows two ways on this weeks journey and the experience for many will be a never forgotten moment of experiencing God's grace, mercy and love at work. It is often difficult to express thanks in a way that we think is appropriate. We want to say thanks in a dramatic way that will get our point across that we are grateful for the difference made. We look for a way to show a big time thanks that will impact those that have given to us. In saying thanks we want to share our hearts expressions of love that we've experienced because you came along side of us and gave of your time to just sit with us and learn about us and who we are, what we believe and what we are dreaming. With 52 weeks in a year it is easy for me to select the most important week. It is the week that we are invaded by white vans, happy people and folks willing to tell the old old story of Jesus Christ and His love. Thank you First Baptist Spartanburg and thank you for Vacation Bible School and for the difference one week out of a year can make. The story of that little boy standing on the side of the road waiting to be picked up is one life that is changed. There will never be enough space to write and say thank you! Until then

Friday, June 19, 2015

Planning & Preparation for Decisions

Planning is a subject that is often perceived to be avoided by many individuals. Not sure why this fact is so but many folks like to live by the 'seat of their pants' so to speak and at all cost avoid due diligence when it comes to planning and preparation. Often the expression has been shared with the non-planning group that "No planning is planning to fail". I personally don't believe that quote helps to motivate the un-planning mindset but nevertheless some think the slogan is a requirement to share when up against that type of attitude. If you were to sit down in a formal counseling session with a Psychiatrist, a Mental Health Professional, Pastoral Counselor or some other source of counseling and information you would no doubt hear that the best planning would be done prior to the immediate hour of decision. Even decisions at the emergency hour are best thought out in-advance. This type of preplanning prepares us in facing challenging situations and preplanning prepares us for not only living life to it's fullest, but it prepares us for facing death and eternity. In writing about planning the need is most urgent for discussion among our family and friends. Decisions that I believe require preplanning to best prepare one for life involve the choice about use of alcohol, tobacco, sexual activities, drugs and even the selection of characteristics we seek in our friendships. Planning for the moment you will face these situations that require a decision will arrive. Delaying the discussion with our children, teenagers and even adult children can be devastating if left unchecked without a discussion of their opinion, thoughts and considerations. The wrong decisions have often been made in a split second choice because of the lack of practice in thinking about making the correct decision. Time hands to each of us a limited opportunity. The Bible shares with us that each of us has but a limited amount of time here on earth. Some might like to live with the attitude that they are 'lucky' and things just always work out for them. This type of thinking is false and while it might appear on the outside that there are merits to such thoughts, the end of life teaches another lesson. Often we are handed little time to correct wrong decisions and in some situations we are handed no time. Planning requires immediate attention, otherwise you and I will run out the gift of time and opportunity. There are many things for us to learn from planning and preparation. We learn from thinking things out what we value. What thoughts and beliefs do we really cherish and what discovery can we make that identifies what is really important. Who in our lives really matters? This question can only be answered by thinking about the people that have impacted our lives and then the answer easily dictates to our living actions kindness, love and caring that is only discovered because we preplanned our lives to this decision. I have predetermined that of all the people I have ever met, including my immediate family the most important person to me is Jesus Christ. That is not a preachy answer even though it sounds that way. That is a personal choice from experience and there is no changing my decision. Until then

Friday, June 12, 2015

The impact of reading

​Reading is a practice that can be difficult to develop. If you were to discuss the subject with reading advocate Debbie Hoskins of the Children's Reading Foundation of Appalachia she would quickly share that the best way to develop this great habit is to read to your children, or any child 20 minutes a day! The foundations mission is an innovative approach to literacy and the practice of reading books is one that can change your life positively. I grew up on the classics of the 1950's and the 1960's children's books. A matter of fact I still have some of those childhood books too. Today if you good looking for children's books there are so many to select from and the stories are never ending to impact a child's life and to teach the value of reading and learning. ​The value of reading to me personally is like a confirmation exercise. Growing-up your first big steps in the process is to begin to question things and ask that one questions many adults grow weary in answering....why? When I read I learn sometimes things I never knew the answer to and I've found myself exposed to many new thoughts, methods and best practices through reading. Because of the books I've read I have also found confirmation of my thoughts and beliefs too. As a Christian I have grown in understanding the ways of God because of the experiences others have put into words for reading from their lives. ​Shirley Hufstedler was one of my high school teachers whose investment into my life as a child and teenager had a powerful impact in my thought processes and decisions. Her continued involvement in my life as an adult recently involved her giving me a couple books for reading. One of the books is titled "The Red Sea Rules" by Robert J Morgan. Her gift was timely and deals with lessons gleamed from the experience of the children of Israel being lead my Moses when they came to the road block of the Red Sea being pursued by Pharaoh and his army. Because of my recent medical issues and challenges the book has spoken volumes into my life. The word 'Rules' might seem like it will be a negative read but rules are a positive practice too. ​The Preface of the book provided me with cause for several highlights. One dealt with the feeling of being all alone and no help in sight. The writer described a situation in which he was flying in an airplane and the seat next to him was vacant. At the moment he was filling a void and something missing. He began to think about his situation and thus ensued ten rules for living life and facing the 'Red Seas' in our individual lives. Isaiah 43:19 reads, "I (The Lord) will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert". Personally I have discovered this truth in my life and because I read the book I've experienced the confirmation that God is my friend and I am never alone! ​Don't miss out on an opportunity to read. You might be surprised at what you still have to learn or confirm. Until then

Friday, June 5, 2015

My Favorite Things

For over 50 years people of all ages have enjoyed the work of Rogers & Hammerstine in their production of The Sound of Music. If you were to ask what song from the musical a favorite, individual answers would vary because the musical connects with people in many ways. "My Favorite Things" is a classic and I am one individual that connects with the thoughts, meaning and attitude of the song. Listing my favorite things is an ever changing collection of moments, things, and people. There are some items that have remained consistent on my list over the years while some other favorites have slipped over the course of time. Over the past 8 months of my life, I have been in a battle for life. Medical conditions change quickly and what is routine can become deadly in an instant of time. In 1984 my body began to experience some aches and pains that at first were dismissed as nothing. The spring of 1985 that all changed when those symptoms introduced me to a medical diagnosed of one of the crippling form of arthritis. At 21 years of age one of the changes in life I was not exactly prepared for was a wheelchair. With aggressive medical treatment and experimental drug trails two years passed and to God be the glory, I walked again. When you find yourself flat on your back and unable to move your list of 'favorite things' has a way of changing. The past 30 years of my life I have attempted to be a smiling, happy person. My faith in Jesus Christ and my relationship has grown each year from 1985 through 2015. I cannot describe in a single newspaper column all I have learned from Him and about Jesus, but I've attempted to share my story each week 'Until then'. Until then is not only the name of this column but it is a part of my Christian practice, belief and faith, that until my life on earth has run its course, I am to keep pressing forward. "My Favorite Things" includes singing a song, drinking an Royal Crown Cola or a Squirt! Bluegrass Music, and a hot pretzel to list some constant items that have remained on my list over the years. A goal in my life that I set back in 1985 in one of my growing moments with Jesus was from an arrangement He and I worked out together. I would accept whatever came my way as long as He helped me with opportunities to use my life experiences to help others. It is an agreement that I am still following through with today. My list of changing favorite things includes moving from a wheelchair to a walker and from a walker to a walking cane. Favorite things include being able to stand and balance myself. It may seem strange but I'm thankful for having conversations and being able to remember that we've talked! Of all the favorite things in life I am most thankful for God's plan, even when I don't know what the plan is, and I'm most thankful for blessings. In my relationship with Jesus He owes me nothing, I actually owe Him. A part of my favorite blessings in life are my parents who have been by my side for the past 8 months non-stop. My siblings, Jim, Jr., Bridget & Alicia Bernadine. Extended family and friends who have touched my life by their actions and who continue to be of service and encouragement. My favorite things include my progress and the improvements I've experienced. Being able to write this column each week is a favorite thing. My most favorite thing is knowing that Jesus Christ loves me and that He knows me by name, personally. His love gave me peace when facing death. His love gave me encouragement when I dreamed and His love gives me purpose as I look to the future whatever it presents along my journey here on earth. I have shared with you my personal thoughts and If reflecting on "My Favorite Things" does for you what it does for me, you will be glad you took the time to write them down. Until then

Friday, May 29, 2015

Fighting the battle of being Anxious

Philippians 4:6 in the New International Version of the Bible reads: Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. In today’s society there is a massive emphasis placed upon the pursuit of the perfect being. If you visit a book store you will easily discover shelves of self-help books which highlight the stories of individuals who consider themselves to have mastered the skill of helping one’s self be the best at who they are and with suggestions and illustrations these self-help books demonstrate tools and decisions that will help you master the task too (or so the thought is promoted). One of my personal continuous topics of self-discussion has long been this thought of being the best, leading the way, standing out in the crowd, being a person who not only asks questions but also provides answers. If you know me, have heard me speak, we have an association together where we know each other more than just acquaintance identification, I believe you have your own self-established descriptive of my personality and who I am. I am someone who strives to be the best I can be. I am someone that is not afraid to step up and out of a crowd to lead the way. My self-description would include that I too am someone that likes to help people and providing answers to questions is a part of my characteristics that is noted by others who have and are observing me. With this being true in my personal evaluation of me something you might have missed is my battle that rages with respect to “not be anxious.” Philippians 4:6 is my focus verse of scripture for this year and this issue of self-control and not wanting to make somethings happen is a real challenge for me. My life has always been active or at least I would describe my life as such. I would suggest evidence of this statement could be supported by the many multi-tasked events, programs and associations I’ve maintained at once as proof. As an active person experiencing set-backs that literally halt not only our progress but our movement are difficult for me to deal with. Not being anxious is first taught to us when as children we are instructed to “hold on, wait a minute,” or the expressions “we will but not today” and “that sounds fun but let’s think about this.” These expressions are not the words welcomed by those who are go-getters. Standing still is not always easy to practice. The Bible suggest to Christians in practicing their faith to “be still and know God.” I’ll confess again in this article, my inner being in the practice of self-control and not being anxious is a challenge that is best stated as a battle. Set-backs are not welcome in my world but I’ve had plenty of practice in my attempt to be perfect and not anxious. While I am in the pattern of confession I should go ahead and write that with all the practice I’ve had I am still experiencing failure and I have not mastered the skill of not being anxious. Some experiences could be our hope for a cough to cease or for a running nose to dry-up. A headache or the more serious, a migraine to go away can create plenty of anxious battles. The battle in fighting cancer, heart disease or diabetes hands out lots of anxious situations. A personal desire to hear a good medical report or to experience improvements like being able to get out of bed, bend a knee, for pain to subside or to get up and out of wheelchair and walk again hands out like a flood plenty of anxious issues that individuals face. I might give myself credit for success in some matters but in others, I’ve got a long way to go. Keeping the attitude of anxious in her proper place and in check is a challenge. My scripture for the year has the answer along with the instructions in Philippians 4:6. Developing the correct attitude in dealing with the spirit of anxiousness must first be battled with the attitude of thanks. The proper vehicle for the attitude of thanks to travel is the highway of prayer. I am praying now that I will not be anxious following the road signs and instructions from Him as I continue my journey. I will be praying the same thing for you too. Follow Tim Mills on Twitter @THMills.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Welcome to History - Pineville/Bell County Kentucky; Kentucky Mountain Laurel Festival

Welcome to Bell County and to the Gem City, Pineville, Kentucky! This weekend the City of Pineville is filled with first time visitors, family members and friends that have returned to celebrate the 85th Annual Kentucky Mountain Laurel Festival. This years theme is: "Elegant Traditions" There is no other festival in Kentucky like the Kentucky Mountain Laurel Festival. No other city is filled with princess and queen candidates that are escorted everywhere they go for this one of a kind unique event. It is easy to spot a queen this weekend. If you see a beautiful lady arrayed in the colors of springs with a gentlemen escort that is a queen more than likely. If she is wearing a big beautiful hat and if she performs a curtsy then without a doubt, she is a Queen! The Queen Candidates were selected by their college or university selection committees and are here representing their alma maters hoping to be crowned the 2015 Queen at the Coronation Ceremony held at the Laurel Cove Amphitheater. The Laurel Cove itself is a historical spot of beauty nestled in the heart of the mountains at Kentucky's First State Park, Pine Mountain State Park. The beauty of the Kentucky Mountain Laurel Festival is not reserved only for Queens but the KMLF is also filled with the beauty of Princess Candidates who represent the areas high schools. One of the Princess Candidates will be selected from among them and will be crowned Princess of the 2015 Kentucky Mountain Laurel Festival. Our new Princess will be riding in a specifically designed and decorated float in honor of her and the event. Her float will be covered in the colors of the festival, pink, green and white on Saturday's parade event. Our visitors should know that we residents take a great deal of personal pride in this historical event. Our Gem City is decorated and spruced up. Our homes lawns have been manicured and without a doubt you are seeing pink and green nearly everywhere you look, and that is just the way we like it. Each of the local business owners also take pride in the event you are experiencing this weekend. When you are the second oldest festival in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, second only to the Kentucky Derby, and the Governor is always here, then that is something you can be thankful and proud to host. Welcome to Bell County, home of the Cumberland Gap National Historical Park and the gateway to the West. With all the events of the festival, the parade, downtown concessions, tea's, receptions, carnival rides, concerts, dinners, cook-outs, family reunions and awards that will be given out to candidates, businesses, participants and home owners, there is much to do and experience in one weekend. Allow me to be the first to invite you to come back and visit our area again. On that trip plan to go to Martin's Station just over the Cumberland Gap and begin your journey of seeing the 'Warriors Path'. Cross the Gap, visiting the sights, hiking the trails and seeing what is only in Bell County, Kentucky. Our sister the City of Middlesboro was formed from a meteor and sits in a crater. Bell County is home of Clear Creek Baptist Bible College which holds a unique history in Bell County and its servant students are serving the world over in ministries, churches and missions. Pineville is home to the 'Narrows' and the 'Chained Rock'. If those names alone don't cause you to want to visit then you need to just trust me. The journey of your next visit continues all the way to Barbourville, Ky., and to the Dr. Thomas Walker State Park. By the time you get there you will understand his journey and just how historically special this place we call home is to us and the value she holds in the development of this state and nation. There is much to see and experience! Welcome to the Gem City of the Cumberlands, Pineville, Kentucky. Until then

Friday, May 15, 2015

Emotional Breakdown

Emotion, with respect to the subject, I have been quoted as saying "it is the topic we don't mind to talk about as long as we can avoid it at all cost." At the very mention of the word 'emotion', depending upon your experiences in life there is no doubt an array of possible thoughts. For me, thinking about emotion can be happy or sad and to be honest emotion can be both happy and sad within seconds of each other too. Growing up as a child I am sure I expressed unspoken emotion that caused my parents to stop what they were doing and re-directed their attention to see what I was doing. Children cry for a reason and sometimes that reason can simple be our expression of stating we want what we want and no is not the word we wanted to hear. That type of emotion we often describe as selfish and our recommendation is to simply pay no attention, just let this moment run it's course. As an adult, looking back at our individuals lives most of us would admit that our emotions have grown-up over the years. That which we might find disturbing as a child, as an adult we see the way we expressed our emotions back then as childish now. I remember the first time I came into a recognizable moment that my emotions were growing-up. If this is the first time you have ever read my newspaper column then allow me to share that family is extremely important. When I think about individuals who love their family the first person I think of is my father's mother, my grandmother Stella Mills. My grandmother loved 'her people' and to her, there were no others to love totally on the face of the earth. Because of her love for 'her people' I too developed this sense of emotion about family connections. Ethel Hale was one of my grandmother's sister. Growing-up I was blessed to know my great-aunts and uncles and my love for them was real and as I discovered, emotional too. When my Great-Aunt Ethel passed into eternal life I was asked to sing the song, "When I've gone the last mile of the way". I loved my Aunt Ethel and my Uncle Bert, her husband. Singing at her memorial service the words took a hold of my life in reflecting on her's and walking that last mile. Emotion, we would rather talk about it than experience it, but experiences help mold us into the person we are or are becoming. Crying is an emotion that creates a different response from different individuals. Some folks will respond with "it's ok", others might not say anything but they will squeeze you hand to communicate they love you and are with you. Dealing with emotion can be scary. Fears could be that we will be perceived as weak by others or the extreme, we are going to have an emotional breakdown. Personally, I don't have a definition for an emotional breakdown, but if you need to have one, have one. Use that emotion to move your life forward is my only advice. Avoiding emotion seems like a good goal but if you eliminate it from your life you will miss out on several important elements that help to define us, inspire us, and encourage us to press on toward the prize which is the calling of God on our individual lives. Until then

Friday, May 8, 2015

Death & Dying; The Future & Opportunity;

With some extra time on my hands I began thinking about the future and I began to focus on future opportunities especially. Thinking about the future can give us great hope and future thoughts can provide us with heart and soul encouragement that we can use for personal motivation. Thinking about the future is very exciting because our mind and thought processes can 'go wild'. We can let our mind roam the thought field of what if's, possibilities and dreams. Looking toward the future is a good thing yet I found myself being cautious and this sense of cautiousness I began to explore, not wanting to leave any stone unturned in my search of the future and opportunity. My mind began to focus on what is it about the future that we should be careful in dealing with and approaching. What is the danger in looking to the future? What is the danger about looking for opportunities? Thinking up the questions that I was asking myself I discovered I was almost answering the questions as quickly as I was writing them down, then my mind settled down and I went to the depth of my questions and the area most would like to avoid as a conversation. What is the downfall of looking toward the future and thinking about opportunities? A part of the downfall is that in looking for that moment to seize your opportunity we miss the moment that is standing clearly and directly in front of us. Looking toward the future and planning is smart, but living to make a difference in the future only will allow you to miss making a difference today, now. The area of conversation we all are most likely to enjoy avoiding is the conversation of death, dying, departing this world and entering into eternity. My parents helped me at an early age to address the issue of death. In 1985 I faced a medical condition that without a miracle intervention by the hand of God my organs and internal system appear to be heading toward a shutdown. Not exactly what you are wanting to face when you are still just a teenager and young adult. In January and February of this year I faced that future ending and future opportunity ending hour again. One thought I can pass on is the conversation of death, dying and departing this life for eternal life is no easier when you are middle aged in life than when you are a teenager. I discovered some in my immediate family wanting to avoid the conversation but yet I found the conversation to be releasing and settling that offered a sense of peace and calm in the hour we most want to avoid discussing. What are you thinking about when you think of the future? Personally I am thinking when the opportunity comes to get up and walk again I have several things I want to do immediately. I want to visit with my friends. I want to laugh and smile again. I want to share a story or two and I want to hear from my friends whose lives have been on a continuous go while mine has seems to have been on hold. I want to go out for a great meal but I have no idea what the name of that resturant is or where it is located! I want to go back to church. I want to share with God's people parts of my experience, or all of my experience if that is what God wants? I know the sense of His calling remains in affect on my life and consumes my passions. For those that have heard me share as a motivational speaker at a conference or event you will no doubt remember I am fond of sharing 4 things that will change our lives completely. They are: 1) The PEOPLE we met; 2) The PLACES we go; 3) The BOOKS we read; 4) The EXPERIENCES we have; My recent medical challenges have provided me the opportunity to experience all four of my life changers very close together. The best advice I can share today with anyone would be this thought: "Take full advantage of what you have as it happens. The future future is not an opportunity. This moment is all you have to work with".-THM Until then

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Staying Connected 2015 - 2044

Staying connected electronically can be a real challenge. There are so many different means of communication that the options are truly in plenty for your choosing. I have lived just long enough currently to have personally witnessed some real changes in the way we communicate and stay connected. When I think about the future I wonder what devices we will be using in the year 2044? I wrote "we" because I am planning on being around for the year 2044. After all I will only be 80 years of age that year and I cannot think of a reason why I should plan on departing life prior to that, unless The Lord Jesus just really needs me in Heaven! Growing-up I know what a 'party line' is and there are some of you that do to. However, there is a totally different generation that is no doubt thinking it means something totally different. When you had an emergency often times you would have to say, hey I hate to ask but I've got a phone call or an emergency and everyone would hang up their telephones and allow you to place your call. Ease dropping, sure that happened all the time and you didn't need a court order to listen in either. Just pick up your phone in your house and listen at your neighbors conversations all you wanted too. Of course the most common expression would be to say, "hey, I don't know whose listening but this is a private conversation, hang up the phone". I guess those days were really the good ole days and we just didn't know it. If you want to have a conversation about communication just as your grandchildren or nephews and nieces if they know what a pay phone is? Facebook, Instagram, Snap, and a hundred different applications help people stay connected. I remember when e-mail was introduced to the world and today only the real dinosaurs of human existence have remained disconnected from the possibilities. There was a time when every student who enrolled in college would register for a college mail box to receive mail and packages from home, but not today. A fun survey might be to ask college students how much does it cost to mail a letter, their answers might surprise us. With options to receive bills electronically, and with options that allow you to pay your bills with electronic drafts the way we stay connected is ever changing. With all the choices we have to stay connected electronically I am not sure what the future holds for us to select from but I'm sure there will be several different styles to select from whatever the options might be in 2044. One option for effective communication that has not vanished with the modernization of electronics has been old fashion conversation. Just talking to one another is still the most effective means of communication and I am not ready to give up on that option in 2015 or 2044. Let's stay connected and talk. Until then

Friday, April 24, 2015

Scripture Verse for 2015 - Philippians 4:6

A personal practice for many years now has been to select a particular scripture each year and to study that scripture, use it for reflection, motivation and encouragement. Another reason for selection a scripture or passage of scripture is to commit it to memorization each year and learn more about Jesus personally. This practice helps me to know who He is, what He wants to do in my life (our lives) of those who follow Him and to learn more about His way of thinking. I must also add that an additional benefit from this practice is to learn what attitude or actions draws God's responds. Most Christians that I know have a "life verse", that is a verse of scripture that is their go to verse from the Bible for every situation. My life verse is Acts 4:12. "There is no other name given among us whereby we must be saved." This verse sums up my entire theological faith about God and my belief in Jesus Christ as the Savior and Lord of the World. From first hand experience I have seen and witnessed the rejection of this Biblical thought and experienced the hatred others have for Jesus. The truth for me is that Jesus is the sweetest name I know, it is a name I love to sing, the simple mention of His name causes the demons in hell to tremble, and it is the only name in which I pray under and is is the name to whom I pray. While I wish I would have be able to have selected my verse of scripture to focus upon prior to this date in April the truth is that it just wasn't possible until now. There is no scientific method to my selection when choosing my yearly verse. The selection comes from simply reading the Bible, studying scriptures or sometimes I select the verse because it jumps out at me, or its a verse I can't remember seeing before. The verse could be selected because in reading the scripture I realize I don't understand it full or in part. Philippians 4:6 reads, “ Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” This verse of scripture both jumped out at me and because there is part of this scripture passage I have never realized until just now. In reading this verse today I first said to myself I understand this verse completely. It was then that my lack of wisdom and need of knowledge jumped out at me. Learning to pray is the first thing most Christians learn to do. We learn to call upon Him and His name. When I was reading this scripture today at first I interpreted and read the scripture in this context: When you are in need don't be anxious about anything at all. Be calm and pray to God. Bring your concerns to God and He will answer them. I confess I thought that was good theology too. It sounded correct when I read it that way. Looking at the scripture from my point of view it felt good too. I thought how could it be incorrect since the focus was on Him? It was at this moment I realized again my need for His understanding and right before my eyes I could clearly see where I was making a big mistake in the practice of my Christian faith. It was happening to me, I was not fully understanding the intend of God's word and I was making errors in understanding the scripture because I wasn't reading it properly. What I missed was two words that read: "...with thanksgiving...". WOW, my first attitude was simple but wrong. Tell Him our concerns and problems and then don't worry. The correct attitude should include not to be anxious at all. The correct approach to God is to tell him my concerns and problems but to tell him my concerns and problems by coming with my attitude in a proper and healthy mode. Come make my request known to God by including my thanksgiving attitude. Is it possible I have missed God's mark, His calling for me in my life because I missed those two words, "...with thanksgiving..."? God forbid that be the case, but certainly without a check and balance system in place in our Christian lives it is possible to misinterpret what God is really saying if we are not careful in reading His word completely. Until then

Friday, April 17, 2015

"Personal" is the word that makes all the difference

If we were to as a question of a friend, co-worker or even a family member and their answer to our question included "that is a personal matter" normally that line of questioning would cease immediately. Receiving an answer that something is "personal" indicates that the matter is private, that they are not ready to share an answer yet, or the issue could be embarrassing and this type of answer provides a quick avenue to end the conversation. When answering a question that states a subject is personal also indicates that answer is aimed at you individually and it is not a group issue. Understanding the word "personal" and it's intended meaning when discussing Christianity is vital to understanding a relationship with Jesus Christ. Growing up in my teenage years and living life as an adult I have often been asked if I am a Christian or what church do I attend? Often times in conversations or when meeting someone and having an introductory conversation I've been asked if I am a spiritual person? The answer I always give responding to that question is no. I follow-up that answer with an additional statement that I am a Christian and I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord. The answer "no I am not a spiritual person" appears to catch people who know me off guard. I see their facial expressions indicate at least that they think I have given the wrong answer or I didn't understand the question. After I follow-up with I am a Christian then their expressions indicate we are back on the same page of thinking. However, being a spiritual person and being a Christian are two different positions. Being spiritual indicates that our actions give off the appearance that we are a person of faith and belief. Faith and belief are two words often used in a conversation or discussion about Christianity but you can have faith and belief in anything, these two words are not exclusive to Christianity. The Bible for example tells us that the demons in hell believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God but that belief doesn't change their eternal destiny. Words again are important and the key word in this column and in this discussion is the word "personal". In my answer regarding my faith and belief my answer is that this subject is always personal. Understanding that a relationship with Jesus is personal and not a group policy. Forgiveness of my sins is personal and not something I've received by association but rather I received forgiveness because I personally asked Jesus Christ to forgive me and I accepted His personal love and His personal plan for me. Sometimes issues, things and answers are "personal". Being a Christian is totally personal. I am excited to share that Jesus is my "personal" Savior and He is my "personal Lord". Jesus wants to be your "personal" answer too. Discovering the truth that the love and plan Jesus Christ has for each of us is aimed solely at us individually. His love...for God so loved ALL of us. His an abundant life filled with faith placed in Him and belief that He does all things well in His time. The sooner it is discovered that a relationship with Jesus is totally "personal" will be the sooner you discover your answer is a "personal" matter you will be happy to share so others will know what you discovered and found in Jesus. Until then

Friday, April 10, 2015

One word, two words, three words fours. Words are important!

Words are used with such power and force today. Single words can be used in such a way as to define some individuals. Other words describe thoughts, programs, events and even organizations. I use words everyday and I use words with a specific meaning or intention too. I think I understand their positive impact and potential in an array of ways. Using words to present things or people in a negative view or to write despairingly about others is not a practice that I want to happen un-expectantly much less planned in any form or fashion. To destroy someone's self-confidence, respect or opinion can happen with very little effort if you choose your words wisely. The power held in words used by others and what they say about us should not have an impact upon us. The reason this statement position is true and should have no impact upon us is because we have no control about what others say about us. Yet the truth is we as individuals have a difficult time keeping the words of others from impacting us. We struggle to separate the frustration of a lie spoken from the truth, even when we know what is the truth. With such an influence by words guarding our tongue and protecting our mind from the negative expressions or experiences of life can be a challenge. One tool at our disposal would be the repeating of that which is positive. I am not opposed at all of reminding myself of good things, positive moments, even events which encouraged my inner spirit. I believe in self motivation when no one is around and you know you need to move and get going. I also believe in the motivation we can receive from others too. The role of a cheerleader is important. Hearing applause or hearing an expression of encouragement being yelled from the sidelines can help us push ourselves when we are struggling with our journey along life's highway. Depending upon your station in the journey of life you might find yourself in a variety of positions. You could be a cheerleader for others or find yourself in need of the encouragement of others. The words we use can be spring broad or a stumbling board on the ground. "Think before you speak" is not an expression I just came up with. It is nevertheless a perfect expression to remind ourselves that our words can build others up or tear-down self-esteem, self-confidence and even self-worth. I know my self-value can be shaken when I question myself and my core values. We are all entitled to change our opinions, thoughts and positions. However, our core values are that which we build our life upon. These are truths within us that give us the ability to stand firmly even though things are moving around us. The words we use about ourselves and the words we use to describe others can be the difference between victory and defeat. I personally would rather say "I believe", "then I doubt that". Until then

Friday, April 3, 2015

Easter 2015 - The answer is LOVE

Growing up as a child I am totally sure I did not understand the meaning of Easter but I am totally sure I knew when Easter had arrived. I am sure there were sales that promoted the season and the event but nothing like what is experienced today in the retail industry. How I knew it was Easter was that my brother and I would be dressed exactly alike in clothing and if my sister wasn't careful she would have some of the colors we were wearing in her clothes. This type of preparation and clothing was necessary because if you intended on going to church on Easter Sunday you better be looking good, your clothing should not be wrinkled and if like me when I was a child, I had a haircut from your mother. Looking back at the old photos from childhood at Easter brings back a flood of memories from a day an time that has long past. I am thinking about heading up a national campaign to get parents to return to the dress code of the 1950, 60, and 70's. I think kids dressed alike with all the bright colors of springs will be a perfect tradition to pass on to the next generation. Of course getting dressed up for Easter has nothing to do with the real meaning of Easter just as eating a peanut butter chocolate eggs has no relationship either. A bunny hopping through the woods, hunting for eggs, looking to win a prize are all traditions that some hold as the meaning of Easter. The real meaning of Easter is about the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the Savior of the World. For an Easter experience in 2015 there are no special clothing requirements or traditions from the decades past that must be followed or even remembered for that fact. Jesus Christ is the only son of the creator of the world...God. The Bible says that God so loved each of us that He gave as a sacrifice Jesus. In today's society there is one thing the world needs and it is love. Hate is a horrible word that is often seen verbally in the actions of people. In small towns and large cities the problem of selfishness, greed and envy surround us. In our families and within our circle of friends and co-workers we know personally individuals who are struggling with many issues, some issues, maybe many or all of their decisions have been wrought on by poor their decisions and choices. The worst of decisions and choices is the one involving rejecting the love that is offered freely by Jesus Christ. Maybe some would want to write or suggest that becoming addicted to drugs, filing for a divorce, losing employment due to lack of performance is horrible and the worse experience possibly. Others might suggest that someone whose personal actions cost the life of another human being is an example of the worse of personal decisions that impact others and is horrible. These experiences are all based around selfishness, greed and envy. I do not know a single person that want to grow up addicted to drugs. Couples do not come together to unite in marriage planning on filing for a divorce. Individuals should follow their passions for employment and career decisions but even in job settings things can go array because we lose focus by the distractions of life. Among all of this in life I stand firmly convinced what the world needs is love! The evidence of love that is desperately needed is best demonstrated by the action of forgiveness. The most difficult person you will ever forgive will not be your neighbor but it I suggest it will be you. Forgiving ourselves for failures and shortfalls is the most difficult task we will ever embark upon. Jesus Christ died on the cross to dress us up for not only Easter but for everyday. Now do go imagining matching suits for you and Jesus because when Jesus died on the cross by the shedding of His blood He clothed us in a new wardrobe. Our new outwear is called 'righteousness'. Righteousness is the action of going from wrong to right. If it pleases you from bad to good, although those words in Christian conversation can easily lead to misunderstandings. Easter 2015 is the perfect time for you to receive your Until then

Friday, March 27, 2015

My preparation and planning for life and death - Thanks to my parents

When it comes to planning for an appointment, dinner, event, or a situation I am a mixture of activities. One part of me begins immediately to organize things in my head from what is necessary to make this happen to what would be really neat to make a part of this 'planning' that isn't a requirement. The other mixture of my activities is a do nothing attitude. Just sit back and relax, things will take care of themselves, there is no need to plan or make any arrangements. Depending upon which of these two attitudes we choose to embrace we have no doubt had enough experience with both to know they have a different impact totally. Charles R. Swindoll said that "Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% of how you react". This statement represents a decision that I am suggesting is made long before we find ourselves at the hour of decision. If you and I live our lives without any fore thought about possibilities, opportunities, choices, solutions or answers, then our odds of displaying the appropriate attitude for the situation we face is greatly diminished. Planning is an important part of life and more especially it is our preparation for planning. Preparation is that which we do before hand. Preparation considers options and impacts in addition to outcomes and follow-ups. Preparation is the key to all our future decisions and only once time has passed are we able to evaluation, look back and reflect upon the manner and way we lived. Life I am suggesting is about planning and planned reactions help us to remain stable when all the planning around us seems to have disappeared. In November of 2014 I faced a decision about preparation and planning. In life I have never planned or prepared for a stubbed toe. Honestly I cannot even remember the last person I spoke with about a stubbed toe situation. Seems like I can remember my parents yelling at when I was a growing up as a child, running through the house, or on the porch to be careful or I might stub my toe. Reflecting back on that childhood memory I cannot remember my parents having a follow-up conversation about this either. Maybe I missed that because I continued to run and play? It's possible this happened. No matter what the facts are regarding my memory or the possibilities of that moment back then, planning for a stubbed toe never made it to my personal radar of a danger zone. Planning for all the possible individual dangers one might face in life would be an exhausting work that I doubt could ever be completed because the list would be ever growing. My parents were successful in teaching me in a broadway about preparation for planning and the merits of the practice of planning. Principles my parents taught included personal responsibility, ideas of fate, destiny, leadership, faith and the difference between quantity and quality of life. These lessons learned over the years became in time my foundation. What was my parents planning and preparation became my tools for reaction to life experiences, which includes even a stubbed toe. Events, situations, moments and even things in life can quickly get out of hand and leave us spinning around seemingly out of control. My preparation and planning for life includes the fact that I am not in control. Life is a vapor of time that quickly passes. Our best planning is to be prepared for immediate changes that I see as opportunities to demonstrate faith not hopelessness. Despair is no road I travel because the Bible says "there is a time and purpose for everything," which includes sickness and no answers. The Bible also says that "He does all things well in His time" and that is His planning not mine. If living life is 10% of what happens to me then I personally can live with that percentage. Agreeing that 90% of life is how I react to it means that I cannot afford to get this part of my life wrong. I believe the words found in the Book of Romans 8:28. My preparation and planning includes the fact that where He, Jesus is concerned, I don't have to worry or fret because I choose His plan over mine every time. Until then